Re: UAX 29 questions

From: Richard Wordingham <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 07:24:08 +0000

On Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:26:09 -0700
Karl Williamson <> wrote:

> But the earlier rule, WB6
> (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter) × (MidLetter | MidNumLet
> | Single_Quote) (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter)
> seems to me to say (among other things) that a Hebrew Letter followed
> by a Single Quote shouldn't break if and only if the latter is also
> followed by either an ALetter or another Hebrew Letter (again modulo
> ignored Format and Extend letters)
> This seems contradictory. One rule says something unconditionally,
> and the other rule adds conditions.

There's no 'only if'. WB6 applies to 6 combinations, one of which is
redundant because of WB7A. Removing the redundant condition would
require an additional rule.


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