The NEW Keyboard Layout—IEAOU

From: Robert Wheelock <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 16:54:44 -0500


I came up with a BRAND-NEW keyboard layout designed to make typing
easier——named the IEAOU (ee-eh-ah-oh-oo) System—based on letter frequencies.

The letters in the new IEAOU layout are arranged as follows:

(TOP): Digits / Punctuation / Accents
(MEDIAL): Q Y <:|;> W <"|'> L N D T S H <+|=> <\|!>
(HOME): X K G F <´|`> P I E A O U
(BOTTOM): C J Z V B M R <<|,> <>|.> <?|/>

Please respond to air what you’d think of it. Thank You!

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