Re: Tag characters and in-line graphics (from Tag characters)

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 11:40:18 +0200

Once again no ! Unicode is a standard for encoding characters, not for
encoding some syntaxic element of a glyph definition !

Your project is out of scope. You still want to reinvent the wheel.

For creating syntax, define it within a language (which does not need new
characters (you're not creating an APL grammar using specific symbols for
some operators more or less based on Greek letters and geometric shapes:
they are just like mathematic symbols). Programming languages and data
languages (Javascript, XML, JOSN, HTML...) and their syntax are encoded
themselves in plain text documents using standard characters) and don't
need new characters, APL being an exception only because computers or
keyboards were produced to facilitate the input (those that don't have such
keyboards used specific editors or the APL runtime envitonment that offer
an input method for entering programs in this APL input mode).

Anf again you want the chicken before the egg: have you only ever read the
encoding policy ? The UCS will not encode characters without a demonstrated
usage. Nothing in what you propose is really used except being proposed
only by you, and used only by you for your private use (or with a few of
your unknown friends, but this is invisible and unverifiable). Nothing has
been published.

Even for currency symbols (which are an exception to the demonstrated use,
only because once they are created they are extremely rapidly needed by lot
of people, in fact most people of a region as large as a country, and many
other countries that will reference or use it it). But even in this case,
what is encoded is the character itself, not the glyph or new characters
used to defined the glyph !

Can you stop proposing out of topic subjects like this on this list ? You
are not speaking about Unicode or characters. Another list will be more
appropriate. You help no one here because all you want is to change
radically the goals of TUS.

2015-06-02 11:01 GMT+02:00 William_J_G Overington <

> Perhaps the solution to at least some of the various issues that have been
> discussed in this thread is to define a tag letter z as a code within the
> local glyph memory requests, as follows.
Received on Tue Jun 02 2015 - 04:41:50 CDT

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