Re: Upcoming proposal for Bitcoin sign

From: Mark Davis ☕️ <>
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2015 16:14:31 +0200

At one point, the proposal states:

Another alternative is ฿ THAI CURRENCY SYMBOL BAHT. This has the advantage
of already being in Unicode and somewhat resembling the Bitcoin sign. A
major disadvantage is this symbol is already in use as a currency symbol
for a different currency, so using it to represent Bitcoin will lead to
confusion.The Baht and the Bitcoin sign are two different symbols for two
different currencies.

Currency symbols are quite often used for very different currencies, with
very different values. The $, for example, is used for currencies all over
the world, including many not called 'dollar'. I'd suggest that you amend
your proposal to address why the case of Bitcoin and Baht are different
than the case of Dollar and Peso (and other currencies using $).

Mark <>

*— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —*

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Ken Shirriff <> wrote:

> I'm putting together a proposal for the Bitcoin sign to be added to
> Unicode, so I wanted to check here if people have any
> comments/concerns/objections.
> I'm aware of the previous rejected proposal L2/11-130
> <> and I address the
> issues from its rejection
> <>. In particular, my
> proposal includes many examples of the symbol in running text. I also
> checked with that they have no trademark on the logo.
> Please let me know of any other potential issues.
> Ken
Received on Sat Sep 05 2015 - 09:16:20 CDT

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