Draft Unicode Emoji Enhancements

From: <announcements_at_unicode.org>
Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 16:13:08 -0800

[female runner image]Unicode emoji characters are specified by /UTR #51,
Unicode Emoji/ and its related data files. Now available for public
review and comment are a proposed update of /UTR #51/, plus a draft of a
related new document, /UTS #52, Unicode Emoji Mechanisms/.

/UTS #52, Unicode Emoji Mechanisms
<http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr52/tr52-1.html>/ provides a new way of
representing customizations of Unicode emoji characters. The first
specified customizations provide for flags for subdivisions of countries
(such as Scotland or California), gender variants (such as female
runners or males raising a hand), hair color variants (a red-haired
dancer), and directional variants (pointing a hand or bicyclist to the
right). Currently this is only a draft, but feedback is being solicited
on a number of topics. From users of emoji, feedback would be useful on
which variants are the highest priority, and whether any characters
should be added or removed to the lists of characters that qualify for
each variant. From implementers, feedback is needed on whether there are
any technical problems in the customization mechanism itself, and
whether that mechanism is sufficiently extensible for future types of

The proposed update /UTR #51, Unicode Emoji/
<http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/tr51-6.html>describes two new
mechanisms for controlling whether emoji characters appear as text
(black and white) or with a colorful rendition, and clarifies some of
the previous text. There is also a proposed narrowing of the definition
of the sequences used for family groupings.

Feedback must be submitted through the associated Public Review Issues
<http://www.unicode.org/review/#aboutPRI> by May 1 for consideration at
the 2016Q2 Unicode Technical Committee meeting.

PRI #319: UTR #51, Unicode Emoji <http://www.unicode.org/review/pri319/>
PRI #321: UTS #52, Unicode Emoji Mechanisms


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Received on Mon Feb 29 2016 - 18:19:45 CST

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