Polyglot keyboards (was: Non-standard 8-bit fonts still in use)

From: Doug Ewell <doug_at_ewellic.org>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 07:55:42 -0700

Otto Stolz wrote:

> Yes, there is somebody going there. E. g., the German standard
> DIN 2137:2012-06 defines a β€œT2” layout which is meant
> for all official, Latin-based orthographies worldwide, and
> additionally for the Latin-based minority languages of Germany
> and Austria. The layout is based on the traditional QWERTZU layout
> for German and Austrian keyboards (which is now dubbed β€œT1”).
> Cf. <https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/T2_(Tastaturbelegung)>.

Yes, but there's the rub. QWERTY users are about as willing to switch to
QWERTZ in the name of global standardization as Germans would be to
switch to QWERTY.

Doug Ewell | http://ewellic.org | Thornton, CO πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Received on Tue May 10 2016 - 09:56:13 CDT

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