Re: Mende Kikakui Number 10

From: Andrew Cunningham <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 17:00:30 +1000

Hi Phillipe,

ONE+TEENS (1E8C7,1E8D0) is definitely the number 11

On 10 Jun 2016 4:53 pm, "Philippe Verdy" <> wrote:

> Given that there's no digit for zero, you need to append combining
> characters to digits 1-9 in order to multiply them by a base
> 10/100/1,000/10,000/100,000/1,000,000. The system is then additive. I don't
> know how zero is represented. Note that for base 10, when the first digit
> is 1 (i.e. for numbers 11-19), the combining character is not 1E8D1 (TENS)
> but 1E8D0 (TEENS), i.e. the slash-like glyph. But the description says that
> TEENS is only for numbers 11-19, not for number 10.
> But I agree that there should be a reference in
>, to the description in
> (section 19.8,
> pages 722-723) that would explain how to render 10 (add some rows in table
> 19-6 for the numbers 10/100/.../1,000,000).
> This leaves a hole in the description. I'm not sure that the glyph for PU
> is exactly the glyph for 10. Or what is the appropriate sequence:
> ONE+TENS (1E8C7,1E8D1) or ONE+TEENS (1E8C7,1E8D0) ? The description is
> ambiguous, and probably both sequences should produce the equivalent glyph.
> However the letter PU (when meaning number 10) looks more like the glyph
> produced by ONE+TEN (1E8C7,1E8D1).
> Then how to represent zero ? Probably by a syllable or word meaning "none"
> (don't know which it is), or by using European or Arabic digits (as
> indicated in Chapter 19).
> 2016-06-10 8:15 GMT+02:00 Andrew Cunningham <>:
>> Ok looking at issue again I guess the other alternative is to have a
>> discontiguous set of numbers. Represent 10 as U+1E8C7 U+1E8D1 and map it
>> within the font to the PU glyph.
>> And hope that font developers don't create a glyph based on shape of
>> U+1E8C7 and U+1E8D1, but PU instead.
>> Andrew
>> On Friday, 10 June 2016, Andrew Cunningham <>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > Currently I am doing some work on the Mende Kikakui script, and I was
>> wondering what the best way was to represent the number 10.
>> > In the early proposals for the script there was a glyph and codepoint
>> specifically for the number 10. When the model for Mende Kikakui numbers
>> was changed before the finalising of the code block, the number ten was
>> removed. But using existing digits and numbers we can produce 1-9 and 11 ->
>> but we can not produce the number 10 from digits and numbers.
>> > The number ten uses the same glyph as syllable PU U+1E88E.
>> > Should I use U+1E88E to represent both the number 10 and the syllable
>> PU?
>> > Andrew
>> >
>> > --
>> > Andrew Cunningham
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Andrew Cunningham
Received on Fri Jun 10 2016 - 02:00:49 CDT

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