On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 5:00 PM, Marcel Schneider <charupdate_at_orange.fr>
> On Fri, 12 Aug 2016 17:44:10 +1000, zelpa wrote:
> > Some of the ZWJ sequences in the latest revision seem sort of arbitrary,
> why is
> > male health worker Man + Staff of Asclepius instead of introducing a
> Doctor emoji
> > and simply using the female of male modifiers? The current proposition
> also
> > doesn't seem to allow for a gender-neutral doctor(?)
> As far as I know, the category “health worker” is more general than
> “doctor”,
> as it includes many professionals who are not physicians.
> Not surprisingly, the Consortiumʼs choice of encoding the MALE HEALTH
> WORKER emoji
> as a MAN associated with a STAFF OF AESCULAPIUS seems to me plain accurate.
> Marcel
MALE HEALTH WORKER was just an example, any of the ZWJ sequences that
follow the PROFESSION ZWJ GENDER can be left gender neutral simply by
leaving out the gender(At least in theory, god knows what vendors would
actually choose to show) the sequences that follow the pattern PERSON ZWJ
OBJECT can only be male or female in the current proposition. Of course
health worker is more general than doctor, shouldn't have used that word.
My point was it's currently not possible to show a gender-neutral health
worker, student, farmer, teacher, judge, cook, mechanic, factory worker,
office worker, scientist, etc. using the current proposition. Kind of seems
backwards to force people to either pick female or male when using these
Received on Sat Aug 13 2016 - 02:37:25 CDT
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