Re: About standardized variants of characters in Dingbat block

From: Markus Scherer <>
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2016 11:29:25 -0800

On Sun, Dec 25, 2016 at 8:33 AM, Yifán Wáng <> wrote:

> I'm curious about the reason why U+270C VICTORY HAND ✌ has
> standardized text and emoji styles defined but not with U+270A RAISED
> FIST ✊ and U+270B RAISED HAND ✋.
> I personally can't think of their usage disparity, so what is the
> rationale behind it?

As far as I remember, the victory hand is an original Dingbat symbol and
got also unified with an emoji from the Japanese carrier sets. The
variation selectors let you pick Dingbat style vs. emoji style.

The other two were not Dingbats but only came from the Japanese carrier
sets, for playing rock-paper-scissors.

Received on Sun Dec 25 2016 - 13:29:44 CST

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