Undoubtedly so. That's why U+1F481 INFORMATION DESK PERSON π is listed
with the keyword "sassy" in the Unicode emoji table (besides "tipping
hand"). Which helps a lot, because the keywords are used by input methods
to search characters; if no one bothered to keep track of how people are
using emoji, then people would try looking for the "sassy" gesture and find
nothing, and they'd have to learn that it's called "information desk
person", even though no one uses it with this meaning.
Precisely because language (and symbolic systems like emoji) are in flux,
it's a good idea trying to document how it's used.
2017-01-25 2:35 GMT-02:00 Fritz Gheen <fgheen_at_gmail.com>:
> "There are indeed already many emoji misused here and there..."
> I'd venture to say most emoji are divorced from their original intent.
> Help Desk Lady is one of the most popular emoji...and I can't recall ever
> seeing someone use it for that reason. I personally use Rocket emoji
> mostly to mean, "I'm taking-off from home." And then there's aubergine =)
> I'd like to think no emoji is "misused." People employ emoji outside of
> their original or intended meaning, and that's beautiful: language is
> fluid; it evolves.
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 12:39 AM, Andrea Giammarchi <
> andrea.giammarchi_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>> I wouldn't stereotype "this community" already, as it's a single person
>> request and maybe a single person common use case.
>> However, I have seen mostly on Twitter the usage of :3 to indicate
>> "engagement" in the sense of "interest", or "I'm digging it" but if there's
>> a meaning widely recognised already internationally, I guess there's no
>> point in using the proposed name, yet there's no code point to represent :3
>> isn't it?
>> Whatever it means, do we have a code point for it already?
>> If we do, maybe that'd be already enough.
>> There are indeed already many emoji misused here and there due different
>> visual meaning in different cultures (the triumph face, as example, the one
>> with steam from nose which is used as "furious face" in some culture)
>> If there's no code point, being apparently this popular, should Unicode
>> consider one?
>> Regards
>> On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 5:12 PM, Leonardo Boiko <leoboiko_at_namakajiri.net>
>> wrote:
>>> I find it curious that this community defines the ":3" emoji as "mmmm"
>>> or "om nom nom". In my circles it's quite the frequent emoticon/emoji, but
>>> I've never seen it used this way. Instead, they usually employ it as "cat
>>> mouth" or "cat face", implying the mood of cuteness, perkiness or
>>> mischievousness. (This is distinct from U+1F431 CAT FACE in that it
>>> represents a human making a cat-like mouth, not an actual cat.) Here are a
>>> few images found through a web search for "cat face":
>>> β
>>> β
>>> β
>>> β
>>> Here's the relevant TVTropes article:
>>> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CatSmile
>>> (TVTropes, incidentally, is one of the many web forums which has a :3
>>> textual emoji.)
>>> And the KnowYourMeme page:
>>> http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/3-cat-face
>>> 2017-01-24 14:39 GMT-02:00 Andrea Giammarchi <
>>> andrea.giammarchi_at_gmail.com>:
>>>> I'd like to bring to your attention a request, about a common emoticon,
>>>> that has apparently no equivalent yet in the Emoji standard.
>>>> This was a PR to the Twemoji project:
>>>> https://github.com/twitter/twemoji/issues/199
>>>> The author also created a proper PDF explaining all the reasons:
>>>> Proposal for CURLY LIPS Emoji.pdf
>>>> <https://github.com/twitter/twemoji/files/727077/Proposal.for.CURLY.LIPS.Emoji.pdf>
>>>> I hope this can be considered in the near future as possible extra face.
>>>> Thanks in advance for any sort of outcome.
>>>> Best Regards
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