Pagus symbol

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2017 18:24:19 +0100

See Sample [1]

The symbol that is shown near some villages (Cuce, Cice, Bruts) on this old
map is for "pagus" (plural "pagi") and is an old territorial unit grouping
several villages, and would more or or less map to today's cantons in
France (or "pays" in today's rural speech), or counties in England (however
smaller than counties). [2]

It looks like an ideogram in used in Roman or medieval periods (in the
example above it appears later on a map of the 17th century). I've seen it
several times (not just on maps) with minor variations. It looks like two
symbolized bell towers with a top platform holding a christian cross, both
surrounding the circle (locating the village). It gives higher importnace
to these places than other surrounding villages that are administered from
the pagus.

Are there other examples of symbols used on maps or old judiciary acts that
could be encoded?

Received on Sat Jan 28 2017 - 11:25:18 CST

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