On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:15 AM, Kent Karlsson <kent.karlsson14_at_telia.com>
> Den 2017-04-12 05:14, skrev "Garth Wallace" <gwalla_at_gmail.com>:
> One salient feature the Block Elements have that the Box Drawing
> characters do not: distinct LEFT and RIGHT verticals, and LOWER and UPPER
> horizontals. The double frame typically consists of a thin line and a
> thicker line, with one on the inside and one on the outside, so left and
> right verticals are not interchangeable. Even when a single frame is used,
> it is important for spacing, since the frame should be flush against the
> board.
> Note that I used TWO DIFFERENT variation selectors for the horizontal and
> vertical box drawing characters in my suggestion (marked in bold here):
> *2500 FE00; Chessboard box drawing (top); # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL
> (U+2500) 2500 FE01; Chessboard box drawing (bottom); # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT
> HORIZONTAL (U+2500) 2502 FE00; Chessboard box drawing (left); # BOX
> DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL (U+2502) 2502 FE01; Chessboard box drawing (right);
> # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL (U+2502) *250C FE00; Chessboard box
> 2510 FE00; Chessboard box drawing; # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT
> (U+2510)
> 2514 FE00; Chessboard box drawing; # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT
> (U+2514)
> 2518 FE00; Chessboard box drawing; # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT
> (U+2518)
> *2550 FE00; Chessboard box drawing (top); # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL
> (U+2550) 2550 FE01; Chessboard box drawing (bottom); # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE
> HORIZONTAL (U+2550) 2551 FE00; Chessboard box drawing (left); # BOX
> DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL (U+2551) 2551 FE01; Chessboard box drawing
> (right); # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL (U+2551) *2554 FE00; Chessboard
> box drawing; # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT (U+2554)
> 2557 FE00; Chessboard box drawing; # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND LEFT
> (U+2557)
> 255A FE00; Chessboard box drawing; # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT
> (U+255A)
> 255D FE00; Chessboard box drawing; # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND LEFT
> (U+255D)
> /Kent K
Ah, I missed that in the earlier message, sorry.
Received on Wed Apr 12 2017 - 20:56:44 CDT
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