These squared (or circled) characters however do not have registered variants for digits with descenders (used in traditional typographic fonts for Latin), such as 4, 7 or 9, or variable-width digits (not using the more modern digits with "figure-space" fixed width), but I think the later would not require such variant given that it's more the width of the enclosing square (or circle) which is important, and digits will be adjusted in width and interdigit gaps, as needed to fit.
This ^^ is a bit of a non-sequitur. From an
encoding perspective, we don't care what types of digits a font
uses for these; users will want the total with of the symbols to
be fixed so they work well in numbering lists, etc., but that
doesn't constrain the interior design. I'm not surprised that
there are no registered variants, because some of the number
styles, like descenders, really wouldn't look good.
End of digression.
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