[Unicode]   Technical Notes

Unicode Technical Note #15

Text conversion From
TSCII 1.7 to Unicode

Version 1.0
Authors Muthu Nedumaran
Date 1 May 2004
This Version http://www.unicode.org/notes/tn15/tn15-1.html
Previous Version none
Latest Version http://www.unicode.org/notes/tn15/


This document is written to assist with the conversion of TSCII encoded Tamil text to Unicode.

TSCII is an 8-bit glyph encoding scheme used to exchange and store electronic text in the Tamil language prior to the emergence of Unicode enabled platforms that support Tamil Unicode.


This document is a Unicode Technical Note. It is supplied purely for informational purposes and publication does not imply any endorsement by the Unicode Consortium. For general information on Unicode Technical Notes, see http://www.unicode.org/notes/.


The body of this note is contained in the file "Tscii2Unicode.pdf".