Technical Reports |
Version | 7.0.0 (draft) or 1.0 (draft) |
Editors | Editor Name ( |
Date | 2014-06-24 |
This Version | |
Previous Version | n/a |
Latest Version | |
Latest Proposed Update | |
Revision | 1 |
This report shows the correct way of formatting a UTR/UAX/UTS. Before you author a publication in this format, please familiarize yourself with the UTR editing instructions.
See the UTR editing instructions if you need other header information, for example, if you are making a TR that requires referring to a DTD, needs an ISBN, etc. In the Status section below, the "draft" paragraph will eventually be replaced by a final paragraph.
This is a draft document which may be updated, replaced, or superseded by other documents at any time. Publication does not imply endorsement by the Unicode Consortium. This is not a stable document; it is inappropriate to cite this document as other than a work in progress.
Choose only one of the following three block-quoted paragraphs, depending on what type of publication this is. After that, keep only one of the paragraphs referring to corrigenda, again depending on which type of publication this is. Remove this blue text paragraph.
A Unicode Standard Annex (UAX) forms an integral part of the Unicode Standard, but is published online as a separate document. The Unicode Standard may require conformance to normative content in a Unicode Standard Annex, if so specified in the Conformance chapter of that version of the Unicode Standard. The version number of a UAX document corresponds to the version of the Unicode Standard of which it forms a part.
A Unicode Technical Standard (UTS) is an independent specification. Conformance to the Unicode Standard does not imply conformance to any UTS.
A Unicode Technical Report (UTR) contains informative material. Conformance to the Unicode Standard does not imply conformance to any UTR. Other specifications, however, are free to make normative references to a UTR.
For UAXes, add the following paragraph, and remove this blue text paragraph:
Please submit corrigenda and other comments with the online reporting form [Feedback]. Related information that is useful in understanding this annex is found in Unicode Standard Annex #41, “Common References for Unicode Standard Annexes.” For the latest version of the Unicode Standard, see [Unicode]. For a list of current Unicode Technical Reports, see [Reports]. For more information about versions of the Unicode Standard, see [Versions]. For any errata which may apply to this annex, see [Errata].
For UTRs and UTSes, add the following paragraph, which contains the minimal required references that must be present in the References section of the TR. Then, remove this blue text paragraph:
Please submit corrigenda and other comments with the online reporting form [Feedback]. Related information that is useful in understanding this document is found in the References. For the latest version of the Unicode Standard see [Unicode]. For a list of current Unicode Technical Reports see [Reports]. For more information about versions of the Unicode Standard, see [Versions].
When producing a FINAL UTR or UTS that will be assigned an ISBN number, the ISBN line must be added to the end of the header. See the UTR editing instructions for details. The ISBN number is not filled in until the document is prepared for FINAL release. Draft documents do not have ISBN numbers. Remove this blue text paragraph.
This technical report starts with a discussion of how to do sections. Note below that a section such as an H2 or H3 has a name anchor with an href that points to the anchor itself. This is new process for UAXes as of Unicode 7.0, so that named sections and rules have anchors with names that can be clicked-on to go to the section and put the section URL into the address bar of browsers.
This is a sample for a subsection, and exists primarily so that the table of contents can link to here. Here is a sample reference to a subsection: See Section 1.1, A Sample Subsection. Some reports use the convention: See Section 1.1, A Sample Subsection, but this should be phased out. The former is easier to cut&paste from the table of contents and works more easily with moving text between UTRs and UAXs or the book.
This section is empty.
This is a sample appendix.
NOTE: the References section below contains the four required entries for every UTR or UTS. UAXes should use the UAX reference style, which is discussed in the UTR editing instructions.
[Feedback] | Reporting Errors and Requesting
Information Online |
[Reports] | Unicode Technical Reports For information on the status and development process for technical reports, and for a list of technical reports. |
[Unicode] | The Unicode Standard For the latest version, see: For the 6.0.0 version, see: |
[Versions] | Versions of the Unicode Standard For information on version numbering, and citing and referencing the Unicode Standard, the Unicode Character Database, and Unicode Technical Reports. |
The following summarizes modifications from the previous revision of this document.
Revision 1:
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