Proposed Update
Unicode Technical Report #36
Unicode Security Considerations
Because Unicode contains such a large number of characters and incorporates the
varied writing systems of the world, incorrect usage can expose programs or systems to possible
security attacks. This is especially important as more and more products are
internationalized. This document describes some of the security considerations that programmers,
system analysts, standards developers, and users should take into account, and provides
specific recommendations to reduce the risk of problems.
This is a draft document which may be updated, replaced, or
superseded by other documents at any time. Publication does not imply endorsement by the Unicode
Consortium. This is not a stable document; it is inappropriate to cite this document as other
than a work in progress.
A Unicode Technical Report (UTR) contains informative material. Conformance to
the Unicode Standard does not imply conformance to any UTR. Other specifications, however, are
free to make normative references to a UTR.
Please submit corrigenda and other comments with the online reporting form [Feedback].
Related information that is useful in understanding this document is found in
References. For the latest version of the Unicode Standard see [Unicode].
For a list of current Unicode Technical Reports see [Reports]. For more
information about versions of the Unicode Standard, see [Versions].
To allow access to the most recent work of the Unicode security subcommittee on this
document, the "Latest Working Draft" link in the header points to the latest
working-draft document under development.
1. Introduction
The Unicode Standard represents a very significant advance over all previous methods of
encoding characters. For the first time, all of the world's characters can be represented in a
uniform manner, making it feasible for the vast majority of programs to be globalized:
built to handle any language in the world.
In many ways, the use of Unicode makes programs much more robust and secure. When systems
used a hodge-podge of different charsets for representing characters, there were security and
corruption problems that resulted from differences between those charsets, or from the way in
which programs converted to and from them.
But because Unicode contains such a large number of characters, and because it incorporates
the varied writing systems of the world, incorrect usage can expose programs or systems to
possible security attacks. This document describes some of the security considerations that
programmers, system analysts, standards developers, and users should take into account.
For example, consider visual spoofing, where a similarity in visual appearance fools a user
and causes him or her to take unsafe actions.
Suppose that the user gets an email notification about an apparent problem in their
citibank account. Security-savvy users realize that it might be a spoof; the HTML email might
be presenting the URL visually, but might be hiding the real
URL. They realize that even what shows up in the status bar might be a lie, since clever
Javascript or ActiveX can work around that. (And users may have these turned on unless they
know to turn them off.) They click on the link, and carefully examine the browser's address
box to make sure that it is actually going to They see that it
is, and use their password. But what they saw was wrong —
it is actually going to a spoof site with a fake "", using the Cyrillic letter
that looks precisely like a 'c'. They use the site without suspecting, and the password ends
up compromised.
This problem is not new to Unicode: it was possible to spoof even with ASCII characters
alone. For example, "" uses a capital I instead of an L.
The infamous example here involves "":
... Not only was "" very convincing, but the scam artist even
goes one step further. He or she is apparently emailing PayPal customers, saying they have a
large payment waiting for them in their account.
The message then offers up a link, urging the recipient to claim the
funds. But the URL that is displayed for the unwitting victim uses a capital "i" (I), which
looks just like a lowercase "L" (l), in many computer fonts. ...[Paypal].
While some browsers prevent this spoof by lowercasing domain names, others do not.
Thus to a certain extent, the new forms of visual spoofing available with Unicode are a
matter of degree and not kind. However, because of the very large number of Unicode characters
(over 96,000 in the current version), the number of opportunities for visual spoofing is
significantly larger than with a restricted character set such as ASCII.
The security situation changes as the result of continual innovation.
Thus this document should grow over time, adding additional sections as needed. Initially, it is
organized into two sections: visual security issues and non-visual security issues. For more
information, see also the Unicode FAQ on Security Issues [FAQSec].
Each section presents background information on the kinds of problems that can occur,
then lists specific recommendations for reducing the risk of such problems.
Note: Some of the examples below use Unicode characters which some browsers will not
show, or may not show in a way that illustrates the problem. For more information about
improving the display in your browser, see [Display].
For examples and background information, see the References,
including the Related Material. For information on possible
future topics, see Appendix E. Future Topics.
2. Visual Security Issues
Visual spoofs depend on the use of visually confusable strings: two different
strings of Unicode characters whose appearance in common fonts in small sizes at
typical screen resolutions is sufficiently close that people
easily mistake one for the other.
There are no hard-and-fast rules for visual confusability: many characters look like
others when used with sufficiently small sizes. "Small-sizes at screen resolutions", means fonts
whose ascent + descent is from 9 to 12 pixels for most scripts, somewhat larger for scripts,
such as Japanese, where the users typically select larger sizes. Confusability also depends on
the style of the font: with a traditional Hebrew style, many characters are only distinguishable
by fine differences which may be lost at small sizes. In some cases sequences of characters can
be used to spoof: for example, "rn" ("r" followed by "n") is visually confusable with "m" in
many sans-serif fonts.
Where two different strings can always be represented by the same sequence of glyphs,
those strings are called homographs. For example, "AB" in Latin and "AB" in Greek are
homographs. Spoofing is not dependent on just homographs; if the visual appearance is close
enough at small sizes or in the most common fonts, that can be sufficient to cause problems.
Note that some people use the term homograph broadly, encompassing all visually
confusable strings.
Two characters with similar or identical glyph shapes are not visually confusable if
the positioning of the respective shapes is sufficiently different. For example, foo·com
(using the hyphenation point instead of the period) should be distinguishable from by
the positioning of the dot (except in faulty fonts).
It is important to be aware that identifiers are special-purpose strings used for
identification, strings that are deliberately limited to particular repertoires for that
purpose. Exclusion of characters from identifiers does not at all affect the general use of
those characters, such as within documents.
The remainder of this section is concerned with identifiers that can be confused by ordinary
users at typical sizes and screen resolutions. For examples of visually confusable characters,
see Section 4. Confusable Detection [UTS39].
2.1 Internationalized Domain Names
Visual spoofing is an especially important subject given the recent introduction of
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN). There is a natural desire for people to see domain names
in their own languages and writing systems; English speakers can understand this if they
consider what it would be like if they always had to type web addresses with Japanese
characters. So IDN represents a very significant advance for most people in the world. However,
the larger repertoire of characters results in more opportunities for spoofing. Proper
implementation in browsers and other programs is required to minimize security risks while
still allowing for effective use of non-ASCII characters.
Internationalized Domain Names are, of course, not the only cases where visual spoofing can
occur. For example, a message offering to install software from "IBM", authenticated with a
certificate in which the "М" character
happens to be the Russian (Cyrillic) character that looks precisely like the English "M".
Any place where strings are used as identifiers is subject to this kind of spoofing.
IDN provides a good starting point for a discussion of visual spoofing, and will be used as
the focus for the remaining part of this section. However, the concepts and recommendations
discussed here can be generalized to the use of other types of identifiers. For background
information on identifiers, see UAX #31: Identifier and Pattern Syntax [UAX31].
Certain parts of domain names are still required to be in ASCII, and thus not subject
to the visual spoofing issues discussed here. For example, the top-level domain names (.com, .ru,
etc.) are currently always ASCII (this may change in the future, however).
Fortunately the design of IDN prevents a huge number of spoofing attacks. All conformant
users of IDN are required to process domain names to convert what are called
characters into a unique form using a process called compatibility normalization (NFKC) —
for more information on this, see [UAX15]. This processing
eliminates most of the possibilities for visual spoofing by mapping away a large number of
visually confusable characters and sequences. For example, characters like the half-width
Japanese katakana character カ
are converted to the regular character カ, and single ligature characters like
"fi" to the sequence of regular characters "fi".
Unicode contains the "ä"
(a-umlaut) character, but also contains a free-standing umlaut ("
̈") which can be used in combination with any character, including an "a". But the
compatibility normalization will convert any sequence of "a" plus "
̈" into the regular "ä".
Thus you can not spoof an a-umlaut with a + umlaut; it simply results in the
same domain name. See the example Safe Domain Names below. The String column shows the
actual characters; the UTF-16 shows the underlying encoding, while the ACE ("ASCII
Compatible Encoding") column shows the internal format of the domain name. This is the result of
applying the ToASCII() operation [RFC3490] to the original IDN, which is
the way this IDN is stored and queried in the DNS (Domain Name System).
Safe Domain Names
String |
UTF-16 |
Comments |
1a |
ä |
0061 0308 0074 002E 0063
006F 006D | |
Uses the decomposed form, a + umlaut |
1b |
ä |
00E4 0074 002E 0063 006F
006D | |
But it ends up being identical to the composed form, in IDNA |
Note: The ICU demo at [IDN-Demo] can be used to
demonstrate the results of processing different domain names. That demo was also used to get
the ACE values shown here.
Similarly, for most scripts, two accents that do
not interact typographically are put into a determinate order when the text is normalized.
Thus the sequence <x, dot_above, dot_below> is reordered as <x, dot_below, dot_above>. This
ensures that the two sequences that look identical (ẋ̣ and ẋ̣̇) have the same
The IDN processing also removes case distinctions by performing a case folding
to reduce characters to a lowercase form. This is also useful for avoiding spoofing
problems, since characters are generally more distinctive in their lowercase forms. That means
that people can focus on just the lowercase characters.
This focus on lowercase letters only really helps for Internationalized Domain
Names, because of two factors: First, the IDNA operation ToASCII() will map to lowercase if
and only if the label contains some non-ASCII character. Thus ToASCII("") (where the
'I' is a capital 'i') produces no change.
Secondly, domain names are case-insensitive, but [RFC1034] and
[RFC1035], as clarified by [DNS-Case],
introduce the concept of case preservation. Thus if someone queries the DNS for "",
and the DNS contains information for "", that information is delivered, but the
answer from the DNS will be the original "".
For a list of allowable characters in IDN, see [idnhtml]. There
are many misperceptions about which characters are allowed in IDN, so referencing this explicit
list should help dispel some of them.
Note: Users expect diacritical marks to distinguish domain names. For example,
the domain names "" and "résumé.com" are (and should be) distinguished. In languages
where the spelling may allow certain words with and without diacritics, registrants
would have to register two or more domain names so as to cover user expectations (just
as one may register both "" and "" to cover variant spellings).
Although normalization and case-folding prevent many possible spoofing attacks,
visual spoofing can still occur with many Internationalized Domain Names. This poses the
question of which parts of the infrastructure using and supporting domain names are best suited
to minimize possible spoofing attacks.
Some of the problems of visual spoofing can be best handled on the registry side, while
others can be best handled on the user agent side (browsers, emailers, and other programs
that display and process URLs). The registry has the most data available about alternative
registered names, and can process that information the most efficiently at the time of
registration, using policies to reduce visual spoofing. For example, given the method described
in Section 4. Confusable Detection [UTS39], the registry can
easily determine if a proposed registration could be visually confused with an existing one;
that determination is much more difficult for user agents because of the sheer number of
combinations that they would have to check.
However, there are certain issues much more easily addressed by the user agent:
- the user agent has more control over the display of characters, which is crucial to
- there are legitimate cases of visually confusable characters that one may want to
allow after alerting the user, such as single-script confusables discussed below.
- one cannot depend on all registries being equally responsive to security issues
- due to the decentralized nature of DNS, registries do not control subdomains being
established beyond the domain name registered
Thus the problem of visual spoofing is most effectively addressed by a combination of
strategies involving user-agents and registries.
Visually confusable characters are not usually unified across scripts. Thus a Greek
omicron is encoded as a different character from the Latin "o", even though it is usually
identical or nearly identical in appearance. There are good reasons for this:
often the characters were separate in legacy encodings, and preservation of those distinctions
was necessary for existing data to be mapped to Unicode without loss. Moreover, the characters
generally have very different behavior: two visually confusable characters may be different in
casing behavior, in category (letter versus number), or in numeric value. After all, ASCII does
not unify lowercase letter l and digit 1, even though those are visually confusable. (Many
fonts always distinguish them, but many do not.) Encoding the Cyrillic character б
(corresponding to the letter "b") by using the numeral 6, would clearly have been a mistake,
even though they are visually confusable.
However, the existence of visually confusable characters across scripts
leads to a significant number of spoofing possibilities using characters from different
scripts. For example, a domain name can be spoofed by using a Greek omicron instead of an 'o',
as in example 1a in the following table.
Mixed-Script Spoofing
String |
UTF-16 |
Comments |
1a |
tο |
0074 03BF 0070
002E 0063 006F 006D | |
Uses a Greek omicron in place of the o |
1b |
tο |
0074 006F 0070
002E 0063 006F 006D | |
There are many legitimate uses of mixed scripts. For example, it is quite common
to mix English words (with Latin characters) in other languages, including languages using
non-Latin scripts. For example, one could have XML-документы.com (which would be a site
for "XML documents" in Russian). Even in English, legitimate product or organization names may
contain non-Latin characters, such as Ωmega, Teχ, Toys-Я-Us, or HλLF-LIFE. The lack of IDNs in
the past has also led to the usage in some registries (such as the .ru top-level domain) where
Latin characters have been used to create pseudo-Cyrillic names in the .ru (Russian) top-level
domain. For example, see (сахар means sugar in Russian).
For information on detecting mixed scripts, see Appendix D.
Mixed Script Detection.
Cyrillic, Latin, and Greek represent special challenges, since the number of common
glyphs shared between them is so high, as can be seen from Section 4. Confusable Detection
[UTS39]. It may be possible to
compose an entire domain name (except the top-level domain) in Cyrillic using letters that will
be essentially always identical in form to Latin letters, such as "": with "scope" in
Cyrillic looking just like "scope" in Latin. Such spoofs are called whole-script spoofs,
and the strings that cause the problem are correspondingly called whole-script
Spoofing with characters entirely within one script, or using characters that are common
across scripts (such as numbers), is called single-script spoofing, and the strings that
cause it are correspondingly called single-script confusables. While compatibility
normalization and mixed-script detection can handle the majority of cases, they do not handle
single-script confusables. Especially at the smaller font sizes in the context of an address
bar, any visual confusables within a single script can be used in spoofing. Importantly, these
problems can be illustrated with common, widely available fonts on widely available operating
systems — the problems are not specific to any single vendor.
Consider the following examples, all in the same script. In each numbered case, the strings
will look identical or close to identical in most browsers
Single-Script Spoofing
String |
UTF-16 |
Comments |
1a |
a‐ |
0061 2010 0062
002E 0063 006F 006D | |
Uses a real hyphen, instead of the ASCII hyphen-minus |
1b | |
0061 002D 0062
002E 0063 006F 006D | |
2a |
so̷ |
0073 006F 0337
0073 002E 0063 006F 006D | |
Uses o + combining slash |
2b |
sø |
0073 00F8 0073
002E 0063 006F 006D | |
3a |
z̵ |
007A 0335 006F 002E 0063 006F 006D | |
Uses z + combining bar |
3b |
ƶ |
01B6 006F 002E 0063 006F 006D | |
4a |
an͂ |
0061 006E 0342
006F 002E 0063 006F 006D | |
Uses n + greek perispomeni |
4b |
añ |
0061 00F1 006F
002E 0063 006F 006D | |
5a |
ʣ |
02A3 0065 002E 006F 0072 0067 | |
Uses d-z digraph |
5b | |
0064 007A 0065 002E 006F 0072 0067 | |
Examples exist in various scripts. For instance, 'rn' was already mentioned above, and the
sequence अ +
ा typically looks identical to
As mentioned above, in most cases two sequences of accents that have the same
visual appearance are put into a canonical order. This does not happen, however, for certain
scripts used in Southeast Asia, so reordering characters may be used for spoofs in those cases.
Combining Mark Order Spoofing
String |
UTF-16 |
Comments |
1a |
လို.com |
101C 102D 102F | |
Reorders two combining marks |
1b |
လုိ.com |
101C 102F 102D | |
An additional problem arises when a font or rendering engine has inadequate support for
certain sequences of characters. These are characters or sequences of characters that should be
visually distinguishable, but do not appear that way. Examples 1a and 1b show the cases of
lowercase L and digit one, mentioned above. While this depends on the font, on the computer used
to write this document, in roughly 30% of the fonts the glyphs are essentially identical. In
example 2a, the a-umlaut is followed by another umlaut. The Unicode Standard
guidelines indicate that the second umlaut should be 'stacked' above the first, producing
a distinct visual difference. But as this example shows, common fonts will simply superimpose
the second umlaut; and if the positioning is close enough, the user will not see a
difference between 2a and 2b.
Inadequate Rendering Support
String |
UTF-16 |
Comments |
1a | |
0061 006C 002E
0063 006F 006D | |
1 and l may appear alike, depending on font. |
1b | |
0061 0031 002E
0063 006F 006D | |
2a |
ä̈ |
00E4 0308 0074 002E 0063 006F 006D | |
a-umlaut + umlaut |
2b |
ä |
00E4 0074 002E 0063 006F 006D | |
3a |
eḷ.com |
0065 006C
0323 002E 0063 006F 006D | |
Has a dot under the l; may appear under the e |
3b |
ẹ |
0065 0323 006C 002E 0063 006F 006D | |
3c |
ẹ |
1EB9 006C 002E 0063 006F 006D | |
Examples 3 a, b, and c show an even worse case. The underdot character in 3a should
appear under the 'l', but as rendered with many fonts, it appears under the 'e'. It is thus
visually confusable with 3b (where the underdot is under the e) or the equivalent
normalized form 3c.
There are a number of characters in Unicode that are invisible, although they may affect the
rendering of the characters around them. An example is the Joiner character, used to request a
cursive connection such as in Arabic. Such characters may often be in positions where they have
no visual distinction, and are thus discouraged for use in identifiers. A sequence of
ideographic description characters may be displayed as if it were a CJK character; thus they are
also discouraged.
Font technologies such as TrueType/OpenType are extremely
powerful. A glyph in such a font actually may use a small programs to deform the shape radically
according to resolution, platform, or language. This is used to chose an optimal shape for the
character under different conditions. However, it can also be used in a security attack, since
it is powerful enough to change the appearance of, say "$100.00" on the screen to "$200.00"
when printed.
addition CSS (style sheets) can change to a different font for printing
versus screen display, which can open up the use of more confusable fonts.
As with
many other cases, this is not specific to Unicode. To reduce the risk of
this kind of exploit, programmers and users should only allow trusted fonts
in such circumstances.
Some characters, such as those used in the Arabic and Hebrew script, have an inherent
right-to-left writing direction. When these characters are mixed with characters of other
scripts or symbol sets which are displayed left-to-right, the resulting text is called
bidirectional (or bidi in short). The relationship between the memory representation of the text
(logical order) and the display appearance (visual order) of bidi text is governed by the
Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm [UAX9].
Because some characters have weak or neutral directionalities, as opposed to strong
left-to-right or right-to-left, the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm uses a precise set of rules
to determine the final visual rendering. However, presented with arbitrary sequences of text,
this may lead to text sequences which may be impossible to read intelligibly, or which may be
visually confusable. To mitigate these issues, both the IDN and IRI specifications require that:
- each label of a host name must not use both right-to-left and left-to-right characters,
- a label using right-to-left character must start and end with right-to-left characters.
In addition, the IRI specification extends those requirements to other components of an IRI,
not just the host name labels. Not respecting them would result in insurmountable visual
confusion. A large part of the confusability in reading an IRI containing bidi characters is
created by the weak or neutral directionality property of many IRI/URI delimiters such as '/',
'.', '?' which makes them change directionality depending on their surrounding characters. For
example, in example #1 in the table below, the dots following each label are colored the same as
that label. Notice that the placement of that following punctuation may vary.
Bidi Examples
Samples |
1 |
2 |
http://سلام.a.دائم.com |
Adding the left-to-right label "a" between the two
Arabic labels splits them up and reverses their display order, as seen in example #2. The IRI
specification [RFC3987] provides more examples of valid and invalid IRIs
using various mixes of bidi text.
To minimize the opportunities for confusion, it is imperative that the IDN and IRI
requirements concerning bidi processing be fully implemented in the processing of host names
containing bidi characters. Nevertheless, even when these requirements are met, reading IRIs
correctly is not trivial. Because of this, mixing right-to-left and left-to-right characters
should be done with great care when creating bidi IRIs.
- As much as possible, avoid mixing right-to-left and left-to-right characters in a single
host name
- When right-to-left characters are used, limit the usage of left-to-right characters to
well-known cases such as TLD names and URI/IRI scheme names (such as http, ftp, mailto,
- Minimize the use of digits in host names and other components of IRIs containing
right-to-left characters.
- Keep IRIs containing bidi content simple to read.
- Reverse-bidi (visual order -> storage order) can be used
to detect bidi spoofs. That is, one can apply bidi, then reverse bidi: if the result does not
match the original storage order, then the visual reading is ambiguous and the string can be
rejected. This is, however, subject to false positives, so this should
probably be presented to users for confirmation.
In complex scripts such as Arabic and South Asian scripts,
characters may change shape according to the surrounding characters:
1. |
Glyphs may change shape depending on their
surroundings: |
ﮦ |
ﮦ |
ﮦ |
→ |
ههه |
2. |
Multiple characters may produce a
single glyph: |
f |
i |
→ |
fi |
ل |
١ |
→ |
لا |
→ |
3. |
A single character may produce multiple
glyphs: |
க |
ொ |
→ |
ெ |
க |
ா |
In such cases, two characters may be visually distinct in a
stand-alone form, but might not be distinct in a particular context.
Spoofing syntax characters can be even worse than regular characters. For example,
U+2044 ( ⁄ ) FRACTION
SLASH can look like a regular ASCII '/' in many fonts
— ideally the spacing and angle are sufficiently
different to distinguish these characters. However, this is not always the case. When this
character is allowed, the URL in line 1 of the following table may appear to be in the domain, but is actually in a particular subzone of the domain
Syntax Spoofing
Subzone |
Domain |
1 | | | |
2 | | | |
3 | | | |
4 | | | |
Other syntax characters, if there are visual confusables, can be similarly spoofed, as in
lines 2 through 4. Many
— but not all
— of these cases, such as U+2024 (·)
ONE DOT LEADER are disallowed by Nameprep [RFC3491].
Of course, a spoof fooling the user into thinking that the domain name is the first
part of the URL does not require internationalized domain names. For example, in the following
the real domain name,, is also obscured for the casual user, who may not realize that --
does not terminate the domain name.
In retrospect, it would have been much better if domain names were customarily written
with "most significant part first". The following hypothetical display would be harder to spoof:
the fact that it is "com.bad" is not as easily lost.
But that would be an impossible change at this point: it is long past the time
when such a radical change could have been made. However, a possible solution is to always
visually distinguish the domain, for example:
Such visual distinction could be in different ways, such as
highlighting in an address box as above, or extracting and displaying the domain name in a
noticeable place.
User Agents already have to deal with syntax issues. For example, Firefox
gives something like the following alert when given the URL
Such a mechanism can be used to alert the user to cases of syntax spoofing, as described
It is very important not to show a missing glyph or character with a simple "?", since
that makes every such character be visually confusable with a real question mark. Instead,
follow the Unicode guidelines for displaying missing glyphs using a rounded-rectangle, as
described in Section 5.3 Unknown and Missing Characters of [Unicode]
and listed in Appendix C. Script Icons.
Private use characters must be avoided in identifiers, except
in closed environments. There is no predicting what either the visual display or the
programmatic interpretation will be on any given machine, so this can obviously lead to security
problems. This is not a problem for IDN, because private use characters are excluded by NamePrep.
What is true for
private use characters is doubly true of
unassigned code points. Secure systems will not use them: any future Unicode Standard could
assign those codepoints to any new character. This is especially important
in the case of certification.
Turning away from the focus on domain names for a moment, there is another area where
visual spoofs can be used. Many scripts have sets of decimal digits that are different in shape
from the typical European digits {0}. For example, Bengali has
{০ ১
৪ ৫
৭ ৮
৯}, while Oriya has {୦
୧ ୨
୩ ୪
୫ ୬
୭ ୮
୯}. While the sets taken as a whole are different
in shape, individual digits may have the same shapes as digits from other scripts, even digits
of different values. For example, the string
is visually confusable with 89 (at small sizes), but actually has the numeric value 42.
Where software interprets the numeric value of a string of digits without detecting that the
digits are from different scripts, it is possible to generate such spoofs.
This section lists techniques that can be used in reducing the risks of visual spoofing.
These techniques are referenced by Section 2.10
Many opportunities for spoofing can be removed by using a case-folded format.
This format, defined by the Unicode Standard, produces a string that only contains lowercase
characters where possible.
However, there is one particular situation where the pure case-folded format of a
string as defined by the standard is not desired. The character U+03A3 "Σ" capital sigma
lowercases to U+03C3 "σ" small sigma if it is followed by another letter, but lowercases
to U+03C2 "ς" small final sigma if it is not. Because both σ and ς have a
case-insensitive match to Σ, and the case folding algorithm needs to map both of them together
(so that transitivity is maintained), only one of them appears in the case-folded form.
When the case-folded format of a Greek string is to be displayed to the user, it should
be processed so as to choose the proper form for the small sigma, depending on the context. The
test for the context is provided in Table 3-13 of [Unicode]. It is the
test for Final_Sigma, where C represents the character σ. Basically, when σ comes after a cased
letter, and not before a cased letter (where certain ignorable characters can come in between),
it should be transformed into ς.
Final Sigma Handling (from Table 3-13)
Context |
Description |
Regular Expressions |
Final_Sigma |
C is preceded by a sequence consisting of a
cased letter and a case-ignorable sequence, and C is not followed by a sequence consisting
of a case ignorable sequence and then a cased letter. |
Before C: |
\p{cased} (\p{case-ignorable})* |
After C: |
! ( (\p{case-ignorable})* \p{cased} ) |
For more information on case mapping and folding, see the following: Section
3.13 Default Case
Operations, Section
4.2 Case Normative,
and Section 5.18 Case
Mappings of [Unicode].
There are two techniques to reduce the risk of spoofing that can usefully be applied to
identifiers: mapping and prohibition. IDNA uses both of these. A number of characters are
included in Unicode for compatibility. What is called Compatibility Normalization (NFKC)
can be used to map these characters to the regular variants (this is what is done in IDNA). For
example, a half-width Japanese katakana character
is mapped to the regular character カ. Additional mappings can be added beyond compatibility
mappings, for example, IDNA adds the following:
maps to nothing (that is, is removed)
0041; 0061;
Case maps 'A' to 'a'
20A8; 0072 0073;
Additional folding, mapping ₨
to "rs"
In addition, characters may be prohibited. For example, IDNA prohibits
space and no-break space
(U+00A0). Instead, for example, of removing a ZERO WIDTH JOINER, or mapping
₨ to "rs", one could prohibit these characters. There are
pluses and minuses to both approaches. If compatibility characters are widely used in practice,
in entering text, then it is much more user-friendly to remap them. This also extends to
deletion; for example, the ZERO WIDTH JOINER is commonly used to affect the presentation of
characters in languages such as Hindi or Arabic. In this case, text copied into the address box
may often contain the character.
Where this is not the case, however, it may be advisable to simply prohibit the
character. It is unlikely, for example, that
㋕ would be
typed by a Japanese user, nor that it would need to work in copied text.
Where both mapping and prohibition are used, the mapping should be done before the
prohibition, to ensure that characters do not "sneak past". For example, the Greek character
TONOS (΄) ends up being prohibited, because it normalizes to
space + acute, and space itself is prohibited.
The Restriction Levels 1-5 are defined below for use in implementations. These
place restrictions on the use of identifiers according to the appropriate Identifier
Profile as specified in Section 3. Identifier Characters [UTS39], and the
determination of script as specified in Section 4.
Confusable Detection [UTS39].
For IDNA, the particular Identifier Profile will be one of the two specified in
Section 3.1. General Security Profile for Identifiers
- ASCII-Only
- All characters in each identifier must be ASCII
- Highly Restrictive
- All characters in each identifier must be from a single script, or from the
ASCII + Han + Hiragana + Katakana;
ASCII + Han + Bopomofo; or
ASCII + Han + Hangul
- No characters in the identifier can be outside of the Identifier Profile
- Note that this level will satisfy the vast majority of Latin-script users.
- Moderately Restrictive
- Allow Latin with other scripts except Cyrillic, Greek,
- Otherwise, the same as Highly Restrictive
- Minimally Restrictive
- Allow arbitrary mixtures of scripts, e.g. Ωmega, Teχ, HλLF-LIFE, Toys-Я-Us.
- Otherwise, the same as Moderately Restrictive
- Unrestricted
- Any valid identifiers, including characters outside of the Identifier Profile,
e.g. I♥
An appropriate alert should be generated if an identifier
fails to satisfy the Restriction Level chosen by the user. Depending on the circumstances
and the level difference, the form of such alerts could be minimal, such as special
coloring or icons (perhaps with a tool-tip for more information); or more obvious, such as an
alert dialog describing the issue and requiring user confirmation before continuing; or
even more stringent, such as disallowing the use of the identifier. Where icons are used
to indicate the presence of characters from scripts, the glyphs in Appendix C.
Script Icons can be used.
The UI for giving users choice among restriction levels may vary
considerably. In the case of domain names, only the middle three levels are interesting. Level 1
turns IDNs completely off, while level 5 is not recommended for IDNs.
Note that the examples in level 4 are chosen for their familiarity
to English speakers. For most (but not all) languages that customarily use the Latin script,
there is probably little need to mix in other scripts. That is not necessary the case for other
languages. Because of the widespread commercial use of English and other Latin-based languages
(such as "خدمة
RSS"), it is quite common to have instances of Latin (especially
ASCII) in text that principally consists of other scripts.
Section 3. Identifier Characters [UTS39] provides for
two profiles of identifiers that could be used in Restriction Levels 1 through 4. The strict
profile is the recommended one. If the lenient one is also allowed, the user should have a
choice in preferences, so that there is some way to limit the levels to using the strict input
At all restriction levels, an appropriate alert should be generated if the domain name
contains a syntax character that might be used in a spoof, as described in Section 2.6
Syntax Spoofing. For example:
This does not need to be presented in a dialog window; there are a
variety of ways to alert users, such as in an information bars.
User-agents should remember when the user has accepted an alert, for say
Ω, and permit future access without bothering the user again. This essentially
builds up a whitelist of allowed values. This whitelist should contain the "nameprepped" form of
each string. When used for visually confusable detection, each element in the whitelist should
also have an associated transformed string as described in Section 4. Confusable Detection
[UTS39]. If a system allows upper
and lowercase forms, then both transforms should be available. The program should allow access
to editing this whitelist directly, in case the user wants to correct the values. The whitelist
may also include items know to the user agent to be 'safe'.
The set of characters in the identifier profile and the results of the confusable mappings
may be refined over time, so implementations should recognize and allow for that. Characters are
continually being added to the Unicode Standard that may be valid for identifiers. The
confusable information may add more characters as visually confusable over time.
There may also be cases where characters are no longer recommended for inclusion in
identifiers, and more information becomes available about them. Thus the identifier profile may
become more restrictive in a future version, for some characters. Of course, once identifiers
are registered they cannot be withdrawn, but new proposed identifiers that contain such
characters can be denied. A user-agent should give users a preference setting that essentially
uses the union of the old and new identifier profiles in determining the Restriction Levels.
The Unicode Consortium recommends a somewhat conservative approach at this point, because is
always easier to widen restrictions than narrow them. The Consortium is gathering data that
would allow for a finer-grained approach, and expects to refine these recommendations in the
Some have proposed restricting domain names according to language, to prevent spoofing.
In practice, that is very problematic: it is very difficult to determine the intended language
of many terms, especially product or company names, which are often constructed to be neutral
regarding language. Moreover, languages tend to be quite fluid; foreign words are continually
being adopted. Except for registries with very special policies (such as the blocking used by
some East Asian registries as described in [RFC3743]), the language
association does not make too much sense. For more information, see
Appendix G.
Language-Based Security.
Instead, the recommendations call for combination of string preprocessing to remove
basic equivalences, promoting adequate rendering support, and putting restrictions in place
according to script and restricting by confusable characters. While the ICANN guidelines say
"top-level domain registries will [...] associate each registered internationalized domain name
with one language or set of languages" [ICANN], that guidance is better
interpreted as limiting to script rather than language.
Also see the security discussions in IRI [RFC3987], URI [RFC3986],
and Nameprep [RFC3491].
- Use browsers, mail clients and software in general that have put user-agent
guidelines into place to detect spoofing.
- If registering domain names, verify that the registry follows appropriate guidelines
for preventing spoofing. For more information, see Appendix F.
Country-Specific IDN Restrictions.
- If the desired domain name can have any whole-script or single-script
confusables (such as "scope" in Latin and Cyrillic), register those as well, if not
automatically provided by the registry. For how to detect confusables, see
Section 4. Confusable Detection [UTS39].
- Where there are alternative domain names, choose those that are less spoofable.
- When using bidi IRIs, follow the recommendations in Section 2.5
Bidirectional Text Spoofing.
- Be aware that fonts can be used in spoofing, as discussed in
Section 2.4.1 Malicious Rendering. If you are using
documents with embedded fonts (aka web fonts), be aware that the content on printed form (the one, for
example, that you may sign) can be different than what you see on the screen.
- When parsing numbers: detect digits of mixed (or whole but unexpected) scripts and
alert the user.
- When defining identifiers in programming languages, protocols, and other
- Use the general security profile for identifiers from
Section 3. Identifier Characters [UTS39].
- For equivalence of identifiers, preprocess both strings by applying NFKC and case
folding. Display all such identifiers to users in their processed form. (There may be two
displays: one in the original and one in the processed form.) An example of this methodology
is Nameprep [RFC3491]. Although Nameprep itself is currently limited
to Unicode 3.2, the same methodology can be applied by implementations that need to support
more up-to-date versions of Unicode.
- In choosing or deploying fonts:
- If there is no available glyph for a character, never show a simple "?" or
omit the character.
- Use distinctive fonts, where possible.
- Use a size that makes it easier to see the differences in characters. Disallow the
use of font sizes that are so small as to cause even more characters to be visually
confusable. Use larger sizes for East/South/South East Asian scripts, such as for
Japanese and Thai.
- Watch for clipping, vertically and horizontally. That is, make sure that the visible
area extends outside of the text width and height, to the character
bounding box:
the maximum extent of the shape of the glyph.
- Assess the font support of the OS/platform according to recommendations D1-D3
below (see also the W3C [CharMod]). If it is inadequate, work with
the OS/platform vendor to address those problems, or implement your own handling of
problematic cases.
- In developing rendering systems or fonts:
- Verify that accents do not appear to apply to the wrong characters.
- Follow UTN #2: Rendering Combining
Marks in providing layout of nonspacing marks that would otherwise collide. If this
is not done, follow the "Show Hidden" option of Section
5.13 Rendering Nonspacing
Marks of [Unicode] for the display of nonspacing marks.
- Follow the Unicode guidelines for displaying missing glyphs using a
rounded-rectangle, as described in Section 5.3 Unknown and Missing Characters of [Unicode].
The recommended glyphs according to scripts are shown in Appendix C.
Script Icons.
The following recommendations are for user agents in handling domain names. The
term 'user agent' is interpreted broadly to mean any program that displays Internationalized
Domain Names to a user, including browsers and emailers.
For information on the confusable tests mentioned below, see Section 4. Confusable Detection
[UTS39]. If the user can see the
case-folded form, use the lowercase-only confusable mappings; otherwise use the broader
- Follow Section
2.10.2 General Programmer Recommendations.
- Display
- Either always show the domain name in nameprepped form [RFC3491],
or make it very easy for the user to see it (see Section 2.8.1
Case-Folded Format). For example, this could be
a tooltip interface, or a separate box.
- Always display the domain name with a visually
highlighted domain name,
to prevent syntax spoofs (see Section 2.6 Syntax Spoofing).
- Always display IRIs with bidi content according to the IRI specification [RFC3987].
- Preferences
- In preferences, allow the user to select the desired
Restriction Level to apply to domain names. Set the default to Restriction Level 2.
- In preferences, allow the user to select among additional scripts that can be used without
alerting. The default can be based on the user's locale.
- In preferences, allow the user to choose a backwards compatibility setting; see
Section 2.9.1 Backwards Compatibility.
- Alerts
- If the user agent maintains a domain whitelist for the user, and the domain name is in
the whitelist, allow it and skip the remaining items in this section. (The domain whitelist can take into account the documented
policies of the registry as per Section 2.10.4
Registry Recommendations.)
- If the visual appearance of a link (if it looks like a URL) does not match the end
location, alert the user.
- If the domain name does not satisfy the requirements of the user preferences (such
as the Restriction Level), alert the user.
- If the domain name contains any letters confusable with syntax characters, alert
the user.
- If there is a whitelist, and the domain name is visually confusable with a whitelist
domain name, but not identical to it (after nameprep), alert the user.
- If any label in the domain name is a whole-script or a mixed-script confusable,
alert the user.
The following recommendations are for registries in dealing with identifiers such as
domain names. The term "Registry" is to be interpreted broadly, as any agency that
sets the policy for which identifiers are accepted.
Thus he .com operator can impose restrictions on the 2nd level domain label, but if
someone registers, then it is up to them to decide what will be allowed at the
3rd level (for example, So for that purpose, the owner of is
treated as the "Registry" for the 3rd level (the bar).
Similarly, the owner of a domain name is acting as an
internal Registry in terms of the policies for the non-domain name portions of a URL, such as
banking in Thus the following
recommendations still hold. (In particular, StringPrep and the IDN Security Profiles should be
For information on the confusable tests mentioned below, see Section 4.
Confusable Detection in [UTS39].
- Publicly document the
Restriction Level being enforced. For IDN, the restriction level is not to be higher than
Level 4: that is, no characters can be
outside of the IDN Security Profiles for Identifiers in [UTS39].
- Publicly document the enforcement policy on confusables: whether
two domain names are allowed to be single-script or mixed script confusables.
- If there are any pre-existing exceptions to A or B, then
document them also.
- Define an IDN registration in terms of both its Nameprep-Normalized
Unicode representation (the output format) and its ACE representation.
The following recommendations are for registrars in dealing with domain names. The
term "Registrar" is to be interpreted broadly, as any agency that presents a UI for registering
domain names, and allows users to see whether a name is registered. The same entity may be both
a Registrar and Registry.
- When a user's name is (or would be) rejected by the registry for security reasons, show
the user why the name was rejected (such as the existence of an
already-registered confusable).
3. Non-Visual Security Issues
A common practice is to have a 'gatekeeper' for a system. That gatekeeper checks incoming
data to ensure that it is safe, and passes only safe data through. Once in the system, the other
components assume that the data is safe. A problem arises when a component treats two pieces of
text as identical — typically by canonicalizing them to the same form — while the gatekeeper
only detected that one of them was unsafe.
There are three equivalent encoding forms for Unicode: UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. UTF-8 is
commonly used in XML and HTML; UTF-16 is the most common in program APIs; and UTF-32 is the best
for representing single characters. While these forms are all equivalent in terms of the ability
to express Unicode, the original usage of UTF-8 was open to a canonicalization exploit.
Up to The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0
the generation of "non-shortest form" UTF-8 was forbidden, as was the interpretation
of illegal sequences, but not the interpretation of what was called the "non-shortest form".
Where software does interpret the non-shortest forms, security issues can arise. For example:
- Process A performs security checks, but does not check for non-shortest forms.
- Process B accepts the byte sequence from process A, and transforms it into
UTF-16 while interpreting non-shortest forms.
- The UTF-16 text may then contain characters that should have been filtered out by process
For example, the backslash character "\" can often be a dangerous character to let through a
gatekeeper, since it can be used to access different directories. Thus a gatekeeper might
specifically prevent it from getting through. The backslash is represented in UTF-8 as the byte
sequence <5C>. However, as a non-shortest form, backslash could also be represented as the byte
sequence<C1 9C>. When a gatekeeper does not check for non-shortest form, this situation can lead
to a severe security breach. For more information, see [Related
To address this issue, the Unicode Technical Committee modified the definition of UTF-8 in
Unicode 3.1 to forbid conformant
implementations from interpreting non-shortest forms for
BMP characters, and clarified some
of the conformance clauses.
3.2 Text Comparison
(Sorting, Searching, Matching)
The UTF-8 Exploit is a special case of a general problem.
Security problems may arise where a user and a system (or two systems) compare text differently.
For example, where text does not compare as users expect, this can cause security problems. See
the discussions in UTS#10: Unicode Collation Algorithm [UTS10], especially
Sections 1 1.5.
A system is particularly vulnerable when two different
implementations of the same protocol use different mechanisms for text comparison, such as the
comparison as to whether two identifiers are equivalent or not.
Assume a system consists of two modules - a user registry
and the access control. Suppose that the user registry does not use NamePrep, while the access
control module does. Two situations can arise:
The user with valid access rights to a certain resource
actually cannot access it, because the binary representation of user ID used for the user
registry is different from the one specified in the access control list. This situation is
actually not too bad from a security standpoint - because the person in this situation cannot
access the protected resource.
In the opposite case, it's a security hole: a new user
whose ID is NamePrep-equivalent to another user's in the directory system can get the access
right to a protected resource.
For example, a fundamental standard, LDAP, is subject to
this problem; thus steps are being taken to remedy this [ldapbis]. In the
meantime, since you cannot rely on the implementation of any particular LDAP server, so you
should wrap the user registration module so as to StringPrep the user IDs for registration, and
then use exactly the same normalization logic to maintain the access control list.
There are some other areas to watch for. Where these are
overlooked, it may leave a system open to the text comparison security problems.
Normalization is context dependent; don't assume NFC(x
+ y) = NFC(x) + NFC(y).
- There are two binary Unicode orders: code
point/UTF-8/UTF-32 and UTF16 order. In the latter, U+10000 < U+E000 (since U+10000 =
D800 DC00).
- Avoid using non-Unicode charsets where possible. IANA / MIME
charset names are ill-defined: vendors often convert the same charset different ways. For
example, in Shift-JIS the value 0x5C converts to either U+005C or
U+00A5 depending on the vendor, resulting in different, unrelated characters with unrelated
- When converting charsets, never simply omit characters
that cannot be converted; at least substitute U+FFFD (when converting to Unicode) or 0x1A
(when converting to bytes) to reduce security problems. See also [UTS22].
- Regular expression engines use character properties in matching.
They may vary in how they match, depending on the interpretation of those properties. Where
regex matching is important to security, ensure that the regular expression engine you are
using conforms to the requirements of [UTS18], and uses an up-to-date
version of the Unicode Standard for its properties.
Some programmers may rely on limitations that are true of
ASCII or Latin-1, but fail with general Unicode text. These can cause failures such as buffer
overruns if the length of text grows. In particular:
- Strings may expand
in casing: Fluß → FLUSS
→ fluss. The expansion factor may change depending on the
UTF as well. Table 3.3 contains the current maximum expansion factors for each casing
operations, for each UTF.
- People assume that
NFC always composes, and thus is the same or shorter length than the original source. However,
some characters decompose in NFC. The expansion factor may change depending on the UTF
as well. Table 3.3 Maximum Expansion Factors in Unicode 5.0 contains the maximal expansion factors for each normalization form
in each UTF. These are calculated for Unicode 5.0; this may change in the
- The very large factors in the case of NFKC/D are due to some
extremely rare characters. Thus algorithms can use much smaller expansion factors for the
typical cases as long as they have a fallback process that accounts for the
possibility of these characters in data.
- In Unicode 5.0, a new Stream-Safe Text
Format is has been added to UAX#15: Unicode Normalization Forms [UAX15].
This format allows protocols to limit the number of characters that they
need to buffer in handling normalization.
- When doing character conversion, text may grow or shrink,
sometimes substantially. Always account for that possibility in processing.
Table 3.3
Maximum Expansion Factors
in Unicode 5.0
Operation |
Factor |
Sample |
Lower |
8 |
1.5X |
Ⱥ |
U+023A |
16, 32 |
1X |
A |
U+0041 |
Upper/Title/Fold |
8, 16,
32 |
3X |
ΐ |
U+0390 |
Operation |
Factor |
Sample |
8 |
3X |
𝅘𝅥𝅮 |
U+1D160 |
16, 32 |
3X |
שּׁ |
U+FB2C |
8 |
3X |
ΐ |
U+0390 |
16, 32 |
4X |
ᾂ |
U+1F82 |
8 |
11X |
ﷺ |
16, 32 |
18X |
- Ensure that all implementations of UTF-8 used in a system are conformant to the latest
version of Unicode. In particular,
- Always use the so-called "shortest form" of UTF-8
- Never go outside of 0..10FFFF16
- Never use 5 or 6 byte UTF-8.
- Those designing a protocol should ensure that the text
comparison operation is precisely defined, including the Unicode casing folding operation,
and the normalization (NFKC) operation. Identifiers should be limited to those specified in
Section 3.1. General Security Profile for Identifiers
- If a registration system does not precisely specify the
comparison operation, a work-around is to wrap the user registration module so as to
NamePrep the user IDs for registration, and then use exactly the same normalization logic to
maintain the access control list.
- Be aware of the possible pitfalls with text comparison and
buffer overflows; follow the recommendations in Sections 3.3 and 3.4.
The mechanisms described in
this section have been moved to [UTS39], Section 3.
The mechanisms described in
this section have been moved to [UTS39], Section 4.
The following are icons that can be used to indicate scripts, and
also to indicate missing glyphs (for characters in those scripts).
Arabic |
Armenian |
Bengali |
Bopomofo |
Braille |
Buginese |
Buhid |
Canadian Aboriginal |
Cherokee |
Coptic |
Cypriot |
Cyrillic |
Deseret |
Devanagari |
Ethiopic |
Georgian |
Glagolitic |
Gothic |
Greek |
Gujarati |
Gurmukhi |
Hangul |
Han |
Hanunoo |
Hebrew |
Hiragana |
Latin |
Lao |
Limbu |
Linear B |
Kannada |
Katakana |
Kharoshthi |
Khmer |
Mongolian |
Myanmar |
Malayalam |
Ogham |
Old Italic |
Old Persian |
Oriya |
Osmanya |
New Tai Lue |
Runic |
Shavian |
Sinhala |
Syloti Nagri |
Syriac |
Tagalog |
Tagbanwa |
Tai Le |
Tamil |
Telugu |
Thaana |
Thai |
Tibetan |
Tifinagh |
Ugaritic |
Yi |
Special cases |
Common |
Inherited |
The mechanisms described in
this section have been moved to [UTS39], Section 5.
The former contents have been incorporated into the document
proper, or moved elsewhere.
ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers), among other tasks, is
responsible for coordinating the management of the technical elements of the DNS to ensure
universal resolvability. As such, after the IDNA RFCs were published in March 2003, ICANN and a
cross-section of IDN-implementing registries published in June 2003 the first version of the
"Guidelines for the Implementation of Internationalized Domain Names" [ICANN].
These guidelines include the following items:
- strict compliance with the IDN RFCs
- inclusion-based approach (characters not explicitly allowed are prohibited)
- based on the need of a language or a group of languages
- symbol characters, icons, dingbats, punctuations should not be included
- consistent approach for language-specific registration policies
- each domain label should be restricted to a single language or appropriate
group of languages
These guidelines have been endorsed by the .cn, .info, .jp, .org, and .tw registries.
Furthermore, IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), following the ICANN guidelines about
IDN, has created a registry for IDN Language Tables [IDNReg] which
contains entries for:
- .biz (German)
- .info (German)
- .jp (Japanese)
- .kr (Korean)
- .museum (Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, for more see [Museum])
- .pl (Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Polish)
- .th (Thai)
Other registries have published their own IDN recommendations using various formats, such as
the following:
Note: When documents are published in their native language, the IDN additions to
the basic ASCII DNS repertoire have been mentioned in parenthesis.
Note: Some of the country-based registries do not strictly follow the language-based
approach recommended by ICANN because they cover a group of languages, such as in Switzerland
or in Germany. Furthermore, two countries using the same language may differ in their list of
additional characters (for example, Brazil and Portugal).
There are probably more country-specific IDN recommendations, so this enumeration is by no
mean exhaustive. As of now, the output list from Section 3.
Identifier Characters
[UTS39] is a strict superset of all
country-specific restricted IDN lists itemized above.
It is very hard to determine exactly which
characters are used by a language. For example, English is commonly thought of as having letters
A-Z, but in customary practice many other letters appear as well. For examples, consider proper
names such as "Zoë", words from the Oxford English Dictionary such as "coöperate", and many
foreign words, proper or not, that are in common use: "René", ‘naïve’, ‘déjà vu’, ‘résumé’, etc…
Thus the problem with restricting identifiers by language is the difficulty in defining exactly
what that implies. The problem with using language identifier in a security approach derives
from the complexity to define what a language is. See the following definitions:
Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice
sounds, gestures, or written symbols. Such a system including its rules for combining its
components, such as words. Such a system as used by a nation, people, or other distinct
community; often contrasted with dialect.
American Heritage, Web search)
The systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs, or written symbols in a human society for
communication and self-expression. Within this broad definition, it is possible to distinguish
several uses, operating at different levels of abstraction. In particular, linguists
distinguish between language viewed as an act of speaking, writing, or signing, in a given
situation […], the linguistic system underlying an individual’s use of speech, writing, or
sign […], and the abstract system underlying the spoken, written, or signed behaviour of a
whole community.
Crystal, An Encyclopedia of Language and Languages)
is a finite system of arbitrary symbols combined according to rules of grammar for the purpose
of communication. Individual languages use sounds, gestures, and other symbols to represent
objects, concepts, emotions, ideas, and thoughts.
Making a
principled distinction between one language and another is usually impossible. For example,
the boundaries between named language groups are in effect arbitrary due to blending between
populations (the dialect continuum). For instance, there are dialects of German very similar
to Dutch which are not mutually intelligible with other dialects of (what Germans call)
Some like to
make parallels with biology, where it is not always possible to make a well-defined
distinction between one species and the next. In either case, the ultimate difficulty may stem
from the interactions between languages and populations., September 2005
For example, the Unicode Common Locale
Data Repository (CLDR) supplies a set of exemplar characters per language, the characters used
to write that language. Originally, there was a single set per language. However, it became
clear that a single set per language was far too restrictive, and the structure was revised to
provide auxiliary characters, other characters that are in more or less common use in
newspapers, product and company names, etc. For example, auxiliary set provided for English is:
[áà éè íì óò úù âêîôû æœ äëïöüÿ āēīōū ăĕĭŏŭ åø çñß]. As this set makes clear, (a) the frequency
of occurrence of a given character may depend greatly on the domain of discourse, and (b) it is
difficult to draw a precise line; instead there is a trailing off of frequency of occurrence.
In contrast, the definitions of writing systems
and scripts are much simpler:
system: A determined collection of characters or signs together with an associated
conventional spelling of texts, and the principle therefore.
(extrapolated from Daniels/Bright: The World's Writing Systems)
A collection of symbols used to represent textual information in one or more writing systems
4.1.0 UAX #24)
The simplification originates from the fact that
writing systems and scripts only relate to the written form of the language and do not require
judgment calls concerning language boundaries. Therefore security considerations that relate to
written form of languages are much better served by using the concept of writing system and/or
Note: A writing system
uses one or more scripts, plus additional symbols such as punctuation. For example, the Japanese
writing system uses the scripts Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji (Han ideographs), and sometimes Latin.
language identifiers are extremely useful in other contexts. They allow cultural tailoring for
all sorts of processing such as sorting, line breaking, and text formatting.
Note: As mentioned
below, language identifiers (called language tags), may contain information
about the writing system and can help to determine an appropriate
As explained in the section 6.1 Writing Systems
of the Unicode Standard 4.0, scripts can be classified in various groups: Alphabets, Abjads,
Abugidas, Logosyllabaries, Simple or Featural Syllabaries. That classification, in addition to
historic evidence, makes it reasonably easy to arrange encoded characters into script classes.
The set of characters sharing the same script
value determines a script set. The script value can be easily determined by using the
information available in the Unicode Standard Annex UAX#24 (Script Names). No such concept
exists for languages. It is generally not possible to attach a single language property value to
a given character. Similarly, it is not possible to determine the exact repertoire of characters
used for the written expression of most common languages. Languages tend to be fluid; words are
added or disappear, foreign words using new characters from the original script may be borrowed.
Note: A well known
example is English itself which is commonly considered to only use the Latin letters A to Z,
while in fact the large borrowing from the French language has introduced words or expressions
such as ‘naïve’, ‘déjà vu’, ‘résumé’, etc.
Note: There are
a few
cases where script and languages are tightly connected, like Armenian, Lao, etc…However, using
scripts in these cases preserves the general model.
Creating ‘safe
character sets’ is an important goal in a security context. The benefit is to create a
collection of characters that are deemed familiar for a given cultural environment.
Incorporating all characters necessary to express the written language associated with the
culture is the obvious choice. However, because of the indeterminate set of characters used for
a language, it is much more effective to move to the higher level, the script, which can be
determinately specified and tested.
Customarily, languages are written in a small
number of scripts. This is reflected in the structure of language tags, as defined by RFC 3066
"Tags for the Identification of Languages", which are the industry standard for the
identification of languages. Languages that require more than one script are given separate
language tags. Examples can be found in
The proposed successor to RFC3066, which was approved
by the IETF in November of 2005 (but has not yet been published), makes this relationship with scripts more explicit, and provides
information as to which scripts are implicit for which languages. CLDR also provides a mapping
from languages to scripts which is being extended over time to more languages. The following
table below provides examples of the association between language tags and scripts.
Language tag |
Script(s) |
Comment |
en |
Latin |
Content in ‘en’ is presumed to be in Latin
script, unless where explicitly marked |
az- Cyrl-AZ |
Cyrillic |
Azeri in Cyrillic script used in Azerbaijan |
az-Latn-AZ |
Latin |
Azeri in Latin script used in Azerbaijan |
az |
Latin, Cyrillic |
Azeri as used generically, can be Latin or
Cyrillic |
ja or ja-JP |
Han, Hiragana, Katakana |
Japanese as used in Japan or elsewhere |
The strategy of using scripts works extremely
well for most of the encoded scripts because users are either familiar with the entirety of the
script content, or the outlying characters are not very confusable. There are however
a few important exceptions, such as the Latin and Han scripts. In those
cases, it is recommended to exclude certain technical and historic
characters except where there is a clear requirement for them in a language.
Lastly, text confusability is an inherent
attribute of many writing systems. However, if the character collection is restricted to the set
familiar to a culture, it is expected by the user, and he or she can therefore weight the
accuracy of the written or displayed text. The key is to (normally) restrict identifiers to a
single script, thus vastly reducing the problems with confusability.
Example: In
Devanagari, the letter aa: आ can be confused with the sequence
consisting of the letter a अ followed by the vowel sign aa ा. But this
is a confusability a Hindi speaking user may be familiar as it relates
to the structure of the Devanagari script.
In contrast, text confusability that crosses
script boundary is completely unexpected by users within a culture, and unless some mitigation
is in place, it will create significant security risk.
Example: The Cyrillic
small letter п ("pe") is undistinguishable from the Greek letter π (at
least with some fonts), and the confusion is likely to be unknown to
users in cultural context using either script. Restricting the set to
either Greek or Cyrillic will eliminate this issue.
Although a language identifier can uniquely
determine a safe set of characters in some rare cases, it is preferable to use the script
property as predicate on a given culture to determine the safe character set.
Steven Loomis and other people on the ICU team were very helpful in developing the original
proposal for this technical report. Thanks also to the following people for their feedback or
contributions to this document or earlier versions of it: Douglas Davidson, Martin
Dürst, Asmus Freytag, Deborah Goldsmith, Paul Hoffman, Peter Karlsson,
Gervase Markham, Eric Muller, Erik van der Poel, Michael van Riper, Marcos Sanz,
Alexander Savenkov, Dominikus Scherkl, Kenneth Whistler, and Yoshito
Warning: all internet-drafts and news links have unstable links; you may have
to adjust the URL to get to the latest document.
[CharMod] |
Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0:
Fundamentals |
[Charts] |
Unicode Charts (with Last Resort Glyphs)
See also: |
[DCore] |
Derived Core Properties |
[Display] |
Display Problems? |
[DNS-Case] |
Donald E. Eastlake 3rd. "Domain Name System (DNS)
Case Insensitivity Clarification". Internet Draft, January 2005 |
[FAQSec] |
Unicode FAQ on Security Issues
Guidelines for the Implementation of
Internationalized Domain Names
(These are in development, and undergoing changes) |
[ICU] |
International Components for Unicode |
[idnhtml] |
IDN Characters, categorized into different sets.
idn-chars.html |
[IDNReg] |
Registry for IDN Language Tables
Tables are found at: |
[IDN-Demo] |
ICU (International Components for Unicode) IDN
Demo |
[Feedback] |
Reporting Errors and Requesting Information Online
Type of Message: Technical Report... |
[ldapbis] |
LDAP: Internationalized String Preparation |
[Museum] |
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) in .museum -
Supported Languages
[Paypal] |
Beware the 'PaypaI'
[Reports] |
Unicode Technical Reports
For information on the status and development process for technical reports, and for
a list of technical reports. |
[RFC1034] |
FACILITIES", RFC 1034, November 1987. |
[RFC1035] |
SPECIFICATION", RFC 1034, November 1987. |
[RFC1535] |
E. Gavron. "A Security Problem and Proposed
Correction With Widely Deployed DNS Software", RFC 1535, October 1993 |
[RFC3454] |
P. Hoffman, M. Blanchet. "Preparation of
Internationalized Strings ("stringprep")", RFC 3454, December 2002. |
[RFC3490] |
Faltstrom, P., Hoffman, P. and A. Costello,
"Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)", RFC 3490, March 2003. |
[RFC3491] |
Hoffman, P. and M. Blanchet, "Nameprep: A Stringprep
Profile for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)", RFC 3491, March 2003. |
[RFC3492] |
Costello, A., "Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of
Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)", RFC 3492, March 2003. |
[RFC3743] |
Konishi, K., Huang, K., Qian, H. and Y. Ko, "Joint
Engineering Team (JET) Guidelines for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) Registration and
Administration for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean", RFC 3743, April 2004. |
[RFC3986] |
T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter. "Uniform
Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC 3986, January 2005. |
[RFC3987] |
M. Duerst, M. Suignard. "Internationalized Resource
Identifiers (IRIs)", RFC 3987, January 2005. |
[UCD] |
Unicode Character Database.
For an overview of the Unicode Character Database and a list of its associated files. |
[UCDFormat] |
UCD File Format |
[UAX9] |
UAX #9: The Bidirectional Algorithm |
[UAX15] |
UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms |
[UAX24] |
UAX #24: Script Names |
[UAX31] |
UAX #31, Identifier and Pattern Syntax |
[UTS10] |
UTS #10: Unicode Collation
[UTS18] |
UTS #18: Unicode Regular Expressions |
[UTS22] |
UTS #22: Character Mapping
Markup Language (CharMapML)
[UTS39] |
UTS #39: Unicode Security
[Unicode] |
The Unicode Standard, Version 4.1.0 |
[Versions] |
Versions of the Unicode Standard
For information on version numbering, and citing and referencing the Unicode Standard,
the Unicode Character Database, and Unicode Technical Reports. |
The following points to background information that may be useful. |
Canonical Representation
Visual Spoofing
The following summarizes modifications from the previous revision of this document.
Revision 4:
Revision 3:
- Cleaned up references
- Added Related Material section
- Add section on Case-Folded Format
- Refined recommendations on single-script confusables
- Reorganized introduction, and reversed the order of the main sections.
- Retitled the main sections
- Restructured the recommendations for Visual Security
- Added more examples
- Incorporated changes for user feedback
- Major restructuring, especially appendices. Moved data files and other references
into the references, added section on confusables, scripts, future topics, revised the
identifiers section to point at the newer data file.
- Incorporated changes for all the editorial notes: shifted some sections.
- Added sections on BIDI, appendix F
- Revised data files
Revision 2:
- Moved recommendations to separate section
- Added new descriptions, recommendations
- Pointed to draft data files.
Revision 1:
- Initial version, following proposal to UTC
- Incorporated comments, restructured, added To Do items
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Consortium makes no expressed or implied warranty of any kind, and assumes no liability for
errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental and consequential damages in
connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained or
accompanying this technical report. The Unicode
Terms of Use apply.
Unicode and the Unicode logo are trademarks of Unicode, Inc., and are
registered in some jurisdictions.