205 | Proposed addition of AL MARK and LEVEL DIRECTION MARK | 2011.10.31 |
Status: | Closed | |
Originator: | UTC | |
Informal Discussion: |
Formal Feedback: | Moderated | |
Resolution: | UTC will not be encoding a level
direction mark at this time, but will continue to investigate
solutions to these issues. |
Description of Issue:
The UTC is considering proposals for two characters to help address various difficult issues in bidirectional text layout. These two characters are similar to the already-encoded LRM and RLM.
Please see the background document for details, including alternative implementation options.
This is a moderated Public Review Issue. Discussion takes
place on
Forum 205. The
moderator on this forum is responsible for summarizing discussion and providing
formal feedback to the Unicode Technical Committee. The moderator will make
summarized feedback available here by one week prior to the next UTC meeting. At that
time this PRI will be opened for additional formal feedback via the
reporting form.