Accumulated Feedback on PRI #252

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Mon Apr 29 20:01:08 CDT 2013
Name: C. E. Whitehead
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Proposed Update Unicode Technical Standard #18

Probably because I'm not well-versed in the problems in implementing case
folding tailored to a specific locale, I don't understand why this is being

But here are my few comments

1.5 {RL 1.5}  par 2
"In addition, because of the vagaries of natural language, there are
situations where two different Unicode characters have the same uppercase
or lowercase. To meet this requirement, implementations must implement
these in accordance with the Unicode Standard.

{ COMMENT: it would be nice to have a link here to case folding which is in the
references, or to the reference; however having this in the references -- 
the way you have it now -- may be enough }


{ COMMENT: I am sorry to see the discontinuance of folding tailored to a specific locale. }


Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 21:03:01 -0400
From: CE Whitehead <>

 Re: Proposed Update UTS #18, Unicode Regular Expressions

> From: Ilya Zakharevich <>
> Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 14:09:04 -0700

> Sec3.2 says:

>  For example, an implementation could interpret \X{es-u-co-trad} as
>  matching a collation grapheme cluster for a traditional Spanish
>  ordering, or use a switch to change the meaning of \X during some
>  span of the regular expression.

> This usage if \X{something} does not look as being similar to what \X
> was defined to mean earlier in this document (an extended grapheme
> cluster, and having no parameters). My guesses on what this sentence
> was supposed to mean failed completely…

> Hope this helps,
> Ilya

Here is my response:
3.2; 3rd par after rule:

"For example, an implementation could interpret \X{es-u-co-trad} as matching a collation grapheme cluster for a traditional Spanish ordering"

{ COMMENT:  in fact, in my opinion \x{es . . . } has been sufficiently defined, since an example of Spanish ordering has been provided: ch (which, in Spanish, sorts separately from c; thus in the Spanish alphabet you have c, followed by ch*; also, later on in the Spanish alphabet, you have l, followed by ll** ; however for  the ch group  in English (in church, cheese, etc.), c and h an considered separate characters)
In any case, would it be any better to say the following: }
=> ""For example, an implementation could interpret \X{es-u-co-trad} as matching a collation grapheme cluster  ordered according to traditional Spanish ordering."  ?

* (cien or hundred is an example of the Spanish c as is color, which means not surprisingly color;  churro is an example of the Spanish ch; the Spanish ch however is pronounced exactly like the English ch)
** (lindo or beautiful is an example of the Spanish l and llave or key is an example of the Spanish ll; the Spanish ll is pronounced most like the English y)

Date/Time: Mon May 20 10:12:26 CDT 2013
Name: C. E. Whitehead
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: Proposed Update UTS 18

After reviewing the draft as it currently is, I've decided that this is all I have 
to add to my previous comments.  (I do think \X is sufficiently defined here.)

3.2; 3rd Paragraph after the rule

"For example, an implementation could interpret \X{es-u-co-trad} as matching a 
collation grapheme cluster for a traditional Spanish ordering, or use a switch 
to change the meaning of \X during some span of the regular expression."
{ COMMENT: In order to make clearer what an implementation could do, I inserted 
"either" after "could" and "else" after "or;" I hope I guessed the syntax correctly.}

"For example, an implementation could either interpret \X{es-u-co-trad} as 
matching a collation grapheme cluster for a traditional Spanish ordering, or 
else use a switch to change the meaning of \X during some span of the regular 


--C. E. Whitehead

Feedback above this line was considered at the August 2013 UTC meeting.

Date/Time: Sat Sep 14 13:26:04 CDT 2013
Name: Karl Williamson
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: UTS#18

In section 1.2.1 of UTS#18, after the tables, it describes the meaning of "Any", 
including a link to the retracted "Tailored Ranges" section.  Since that has been 
retracted, it is unnecessary and confusing for a link to it to remain.