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256 Feedback on repertoire for ISO/IEC 10646:2014 (4th Edition) 2013.10.28
Status: Closed
Originator: UTC
Informal Discussion: Unicode Mail List (Join)
Formal Feedback: Contact Form
Resolution: UTC has reviewed the feedback.

Description of Issue:

ISO/IEC 10646:2014 (4th Edition) is currently in its DIS ballot stage. A document showing the Draft Additional Repertoire for ISO/IEC 10646:2014 (4th Edition) is posted in the UTC Document Register, for reference and feedback.

This is the final opportunity for the general public to review and comment on the major repertoire additions for the 4th Edition, before the ISO balloting has been completed — at which point no further changes or corrections will be possible. (See http://www.unicode.org/faq/sdos.html for additional information on the stages in ISO standards development.)

The UTC is soliciting feedback on the draft additional repertoire, to help discover any errors in character names, incorrect glyphs, or other problems in the repertoire under ballot. Such feedback will help inform the UTC discussions about its own contribution to the ISO balloting process.

Please note that the time available for this review is rather short, because of the necessary setbacks involved in ballot deadlines and meeting schedules. So if you have feedback, please make sure to submit it by the PRI closing date.

For information about how to discuss this issue and how to supply formal feedback, please see the feedback and discussion instructions. The accumulated feedback received so far on this issue is shown below, or you can look at a full page view.


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