Accumulated Feedback on PRI #283

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Tue Sep 23 20:28:58 CDT 2014
Name: Laurentiu Iancu
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: Feedback on PRI #283

In Draft 1 of the Proposed Update UAX #14 (, 
the pair table (Table 2) was not updated to account for the prohibited line break corresponding 
to the newly introduced rule LB21b.  If the intention is to still provide a pair table in 
Section 7.3, then both the cell text in the SY row and HL column and the cell tooltip should 
be updated to the effect of the new rule.

Feedback above this line was reviewed at the November 2014 UTC meeting.

Date/Time: Wed Feb 25 23:16:37 CST 2015
Name: Roozbeh Pournader
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Line breaks in currencies such as "CA$" or "R$" should be forbidden

My reading of UAX #14 and some testing with ICU indicates that there is a line
break opportunity between letters and dollar signs. For example, the symbol
for Brazilian real, "R$", can break to two different lines. This doesn't make

Currently, the pattern is used in a lot of places in CLDR, for currencies of
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chine (CN¥), Hong Kong, Japan (JP¥), Mexico, New
Zealand, Taiwan, United States, etc.

I think the quick fix is that breaks immediately before PR should be
forbidden, unless there is a space or a hard line break.

Apart from currency signs, a few other characters are in the PR class:
002B;PR           # Sm         PLUS SIGN
005C;PR           # Po         REVERSE SOLIDUS
00B1;PR           # Sm         PLUS-MINUS SIGN
2116;PR           # So         NUMERO SIGN
2212..2213;PR     # Sm     [2] MINUS SIGN..MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN

A break before neither of these make sense to me. In sequences such as "x+y"
or "456-123", you may want to break the line after the sign, but definitely
not before them.

I think it's safe to forbid any break before PR. In case that's too
destabilizing, we should definitely forbid breaks between AL and PR. So I
suggest we add one of these rules to UAX #14:

× PR