This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.
Date/Time: Fri Feb 27 17:45:45 CST 2015
Name: Charles Cox
Report Type: Public Review Issue #295
Opt Subject: Repertoire for ISO/IEC 10646:2014 (4th Edition, Amendment 2)
The name proposed for U+1F3D3, TABLE TENNIS PADDLE AND BALL, uses non-standard terminology. The International Table Tennis Federation and the English Table Tennis Association both use the term "racket" (so spelled) to refer to the bat or paddle. Based on this I would suggest the alternative name TABLE TENNIS RACKET AND BALL for this code point. For reference see: and The name proposed for U+1F3F8, BADMINTON RACQUET AND BIRDIE, uses non-standard terminology. The Badminton World Federation and Badminton England both use the terms "racket" (so spelled) to refer to the racquet and "shuttle" to refer to the shuttlecock or birdie. Based on this I would suggest the alternative name BADMINTON RACKET AND SHUTTLE for this code point. For reference see: and§ionTitle=The+Beginner%27s+Guide+to+Badminton
Date/Time: Mon Apr 27 08:30:50 CDT 2015
Name: Suzuki Toshiya
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI#295: Feedback on repertoire for ISO/IEC 10646:2014 (4th Edition, Amendment 2)
Dear Sirs, As I submitted WG2 N4662 (L2/15-104), I express my concern; more careful process is suitable to introduce the religious symbols into Unicode, especially the symbols for Muslims and Buddists (although DHYANI BUDDHA would be removed from Amd.2). The proposal L2/14-235 is unclear for me about the purpose how the proposed symbols would be used. It seems that the submitters proposed them as the gap-fillers of the counter part of U+26EA (church) and U+26E9 (shinto shrine). They were introduced for the compatibility with the symbols in ARIB (an international specification for digital TV, although the biggest market is Japan). They were standardized and implemented before the inclusion of ISO/IEC 10646. However, the proposed symbols for U+1F54B MOSQUE and U+1F54C KAABA are not found in Appendix 2 of L2/14-235 collecting existing map symbols. Thus, I focus these 2 symbols in following discussion. If the background of the proposal is the gap-fillers of map symbols the compatibility with existing map symbols should be respected. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2 has many O-members (so they have not voted to PDAM2) those Muslims are the majority of the population. I check O-members in ISO website and check the religion proportion in Wikipedia, I think; Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Morocco would be the stakeholders (the majorities of Kazakhstan and Cote dIvoire might be also Muslim, however, I could not find any mention about the relationship of their law systems and the religion). I'm afraid the implementation conflicting with the conventions in these regions would not be useful in the industrial scope. Even if Unicode community have to make a deadline, sending the request of the review "these glyph designs are acceptable?" would be polite and expected action to make Unicode useful for these regions.