This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.
Date/Time: Wed Feb 24 15:21:38 CST 2016
Name: Roozbeh Pournader
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: General category of U+11C38..11C3B is wrong
The general category of four Bhaiksuki vowels signs, E, AI, O, and AU, seems wrong. It should be changed from Mc to Mn. From the examples on pp. 11-16 of, it's clear to me that these are just potentially wide top-side vowels, and not left-and-top, right- and-top, or left-right-and-top ones.
Date/Time: Wed Feb 24 15:32:27 CST 2016
Name: Roozbeh Pournader
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: U+11CA9 MARCHEN SUBJOINED LETTER YA should have general category Mc
U+11CA9 MARCHEN SUBJOINED LETTER YA is a right-side mark, and should have a general category of Mc. This is according to the proposal at (see page 11 for the glyph and page 13 for the explanation).
Date/Time: Tue Mar 15 05:11:23 CDT 2016
Name: Åke Persson
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI #323
The kHanyuPinyin mappings,release date: 2015-04-30 and related kMandarin corrections have not been applied to "Unihan_Readings.txt".
Date/Time: Sun Mar 20 22:07:17 CDT 2016
Name: Eiso Chan
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: The Radical Of U+2C080
U+2C080 (𬂀) is the simplified form of U+81B6 (膶), but the radical of U+81B6 (膶) is #130 (肉) and the radical of U+2C080 (𬂀) is #74 (月). Unicode uses the Kangxi Radicals, so the radical of U+2C080 (𬂀) should be #130 (肉). It will become easy to search when the radical of U+2C080 (𬂀) has been added on #130 (肉). Thx.
Date/Time: Sat Apr 2 18:25:42 CDT 2016
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: 21 missing kIRG_GSource entries
I discovered that the kIRG_GSource source is missing the following 21 entries, all of which correspond to GB 16500-95 (aka GBK) and should thus use the "GE" source prefix: CJK Compatibility Ideographs: 9 U+F92C kIRG_GSource GE-FD9C U+F979 kIRG_GSource GE-FD9D U+F995 kIRG_GSource GE-FD9E U+F9E7 kIRG_GSource GE-FD9F U+F9F1 kIRG_GSource GE-FDA0 U+FA0C kIRG_GSource GE-FE40 U+FA0D kIRG_GSource GE-FE41 U+FA18 kIRG_GSource GE-FE47 U+FA20 kIRG_GSource GE-FE49 CJK Unified Ideographs: 12 U+FA0E kIRG_GSource GE-FE42 U+FA0F kIRG_GSource GE-FE43 U+FA11 kIRG_GSource GE-FE44 U+FA13 kIRG_GSource GE-FE45 U+FA14 kIRG_GSource GE-FE46 U+FA1F kIRG_GSource GE-FE48 U+FA21 kIRG_GSource GE-FE4A U+FA23 kIRG_GSource GE-FE4B U+FA24 kIRG_GSource GE-FE4C U+FA27 kIRG_GSource GE-FE4D U+FA28 kIRG_GSource GE-FE4E U+FA29 kIRG_GSource GE-FE4F The same characters are in GB 18030 (kIRG_GSource source prefix "G9"), but because GBK predates GB 18030 by five years, the "GE" source prefix seems more appropriate. This means a few additional things: 1) The code chart for the CJK Compatibility Ideographs block should reflect both the 21 new kIRG_GSource source references, along with representative glyphs that China should supply (a GB 18030 font could also be used). 2) China should consider a horizontal extension, which is the more formal way of addressing #1 above. 3) Nine of these characters are CJK Compatibility Ideographs for which Standardized Variants exist, and China's forthcoming revision of GB 18030 should reflect these as alternate representations (Hong Kong SAR's forthcoming revision of Hong Kong SCS does this for the 14 such characters within its scope): 5140 FE00; CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA0C; 51C9 FE00; CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F979; 55C0 FE00; CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA0D; 793C FE00; CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA18; 79CA FE00; CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F995; 8612 FE00; CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA20; 88CF FE00; CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E7; 90CE FE00; CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F92C; 96A3 FE00; CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F1; I can take the action item to relay items #2 and #3 above to China.
(Note: The following two reports on Unihan have already been forwarded to the maintainers of the data.)
Date/Time: Mon Apr 4 07:03:39 CDT 2016
Name: zrh
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: 拼音声调错误(×)1号
拼音声调错误(×)1号 # # Unihan_Readings.txt # Date: 2016-02-26 19:01:28 GMT [JHJ] # Unicode version: 9.0.0 # ------------------------------- Unihan-9.0.0d1\Unihan_Readings.txt ------------------------------- U+69CC kVietnamese dùi(×)----->duì(√) U+8968 kMandarin dùi(×)----->duì(√) U+8B75 kMandarin dùi(×)----->duì(√) U+9310 kVietnamese dùi(×)----->duì(√) U+237E9 kVietnamese dùi(×)----->duì(√) U+28B09 kVietnamese dùi(×)----->duì(√) U+28BF8 kVietnamese dùi(×)----->duì(√)
Date/Time: Mon Apr 4 07:04:29 CDT 2016
Name: zrh
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: 拼音声调错误(×)2号
拼音声调错误(×)2号 ---------------------------------------- oū(×)----->ōu(√) oú(×)----->óu(√) oǔ(×)----->ǒu(√) où(×)----->òu(√) nǵ(×)----->ńg(√) nǧ(×)----->ňg(√) ng̀(×)----->ǹg(√) ---------------------------------------- U+4F18 kHanyuPinlu yoū(287) U+5077 kHanyuPinlu toū(204) U+512A kHanyuPinlu yoū(287) U+515C kHanyuPinlu doū(43) U+5256 kHanyuPinlu poū(24) U+52FE kHanyuPinlu goū(42) U+5468 kHanyuPinlu zhoū(396) U+5DDE kHanyuPinlu zhoū(30) U+5FE7 kHanyuPinlu yoū(23) U+60A0 kHanyuPinlu yoū(14) U+6182 kHanyuPinlu yoū(23) U+62BD kHanyuPinlu choū(244) U+641C kHanyuPinlu soū(61) U+6536 kHanyuPinlu shoū(768) U+6B27 kHanyuPinlu oū(16) U+6B50 kHanyuPinlu oū(16) U+6C9F kHanyuPinlu goū(136) U+6D32 kHanyuPinlu zhoū(203) U+6E9D kHanyuPinlu goū(136) U+7CA5 kHanyuPinlu zhoū(48) U+821F kHanyuPinlu zhoū(13) U+8258 kHanyuPinlu soū(30) U+90FD kHanyuPinlu doū(5680) dū(93) U+9264 kHanyuPinlu goū(42) U+94A9 kHanyuPinlu goū(42) U+9DD7 kHanyuPinlu oū(13) U+9E25 kHanyuPinlu oū(13) U+4EC7 kHanyuPinlu choú(71) U+5589 kHanyuPinlu hoú(51) U+5934 kHanyuPinlu toú(3058) tou(715) U+5C24 kHanyuPinlu yoú(110) U+6101 kHanyuPinlu choú(48) U+6295 kHanyuPinlu toú(264) U+63C9 kHanyuPinlu roú(44) U+67D4 kHanyuPinlu roú(56) U+697C kHanyuPinlu loú(179) U+6A13 kHanyuPinlu loú(179) U+6CB9 kHanyuPinlu yoú(822) U+6E38 kHanyuPinlu yoú(364) U+72B9 kHanyuPinlu yoú(57) U+7334 kHanyuPinlu hoú(86) U+7336 kHanyuPinlu yoú(57) U+7531 kHanyuPinlu yoú(1623) U+7A20 kHanyuPinlu choú(8) U+7DA2 kHanyuPinlu choú(24) U+7EF8 kHanyuPinlu choú(24) U+8B00 kHanyuPinlu moú(98) mou(24) U+8C0B kHanyuPinlu moú(98) mou(24) U+8E0C kHanyuPinlu choú(24) U+8E8A kHanyuPinlu choú(24) U+8EF8 kHanyuPinlu zhoú(39) U+8F74 kHanyuPinlu zhoú(39) U+90AE kHanyuPinlu yoú(32) U+90F5 kHanyuPinlu yoú(32) U+923E kHanyuPinlu yoú(15) U+94C0 kHanyuPinlu yoú(15) U+982D kHanyuPinlu toú(3058) tou(715) U+4E11 kHanyuPinlu choǔ(31) U+4E45 kTang *gioǔ gioǔ U+4E46 kTang gioǔ U+4E5D kTang *gioǔ gioǔ U+5076 kHanyuPinlu oǔ(64) U+53CB kHanyuPinlu you(437) yoǔ(275) U+53E3 kHanyuPinlu koǔ(1647) kou(74) U+5426 kHanyuPinlu foǔ(230) U+543C kHanyuPinlu hoǔ(63) U+5B88 kHanyuPinlu shoǔ(218) U+624B kHanyuPinlu shoǔ(2615) shou(12) U+6296 kHanyuPinlu doǔ(118) U+6402 kHanyuPinlu loǔ(25) U+645F kHanyuPinlu loǔ(25) U+6709 kHanyuPinlu yoǔ(17798) U+67D0 kHanyuPinlu moǔ(294) U+72D7 kHanyuPinlu goǔ(216) U+7785 kHanyuPinlu choǔ(34) U+86AA kHanyuPinlu doǔ(10) U+8D70 kHanyuPinlu zoǔ(3176) U+9661 kHanyuPinlu doǔ(31) U+9996 kHanyuPinlu shoǔ(492) U+4F51 kHanyuPinlu yoù(11) U+5019 kHanyuPinlu hou(2060) hoù(300) U+517D kHanyuPinlu shoù(40) U+51D1 kHanyuPinlu coù(69) U+539A kHanyuPinlu hoù(202) U+53C8 kHanyuPinlu yoù(4892) U+53D7 kHanyuPinlu shoù(1082) U+53F3 kHanyuPinlu yoù(490) U+540E kHanyuPinlu hoù(4342) U+5492 kHanyuPinlu zhoù(11) U+552E kHanyuPinlu shoù(78) U+58FD kHanyuPinlu shoù(20) U+591F kHanyuPinlu goù(991) U+5920 kHanyuPinlu goù(991) U+594F kHanyuPinlu zoù(26) U+5B99 kHanyuPinlu zhoù(130) U+5BC7 kHanyuPinlu koù(19) U+5BFF kHanyuPinlu shoù(20) U+5E7C kHanyuPinlu yoù(66) U+6263 kHanyuPinlu koù(62) U+6388 kHanyuPinlu shoù(122) U+63CD kHanyuPinlu zoù(25) U+6597 kHanyuPinlu doù(1360) U+663C kHanyuPinlu zhoù(29) U+665D kHanyuPinlu zhoù(29) U+6784 kHanyuPinlu goù(317) U+69CB kHanyuPinlu goù(317) U+6E4A kHanyuPinlu coù(69) U+6F0F kHanyuPinlu loù(68) U+7378 kHanyuPinlu shoù(40) U+7626 kHanyuPinlu shoù(82) U+76B1 kHanyuPinlu zhoù(115) U+76BA kHanyuPinlu zhoù(115) U+8089 kHanyuPinlu roù(278) U+81ED kHanyuPinlu choù(72) U+8A98 kHanyuPinlu yoù(12) U+8BF1 kHanyuPinlu yoù(12) U+8C46 kHanyuPinlu doù(127) U+8CFC kHanyuPinlu goù(41) U+8D2D kHanyuPinlu goù(41) U+900F kHanyuPinlu toù(316) U+9017 kHanyuPinlu doù(77) U+964B kHanyuPinlu loù(9) U+9A5F kHanyuPinlu zhoù(20) U+9AA4 kHanyuPinlu zhoù(20) U+55EF kHanyuPinlu ń(48) ň(48) ǹ(48) nǵ(48) nǧ(48) ng̀(48) U+55EF kHanyuPinlu ń(48) ň(48) ǹ(48) nǵ(48) nǧ(48) ng̀(48) U+55EF kHanyuPinlu ń(48) ň(48) ǹ(48) nǵ(48) nǧ(48) ng̀(48)
Date/Time: Mon May 2 07:36:19 CDT 2016
Name: Charlotte Buff
Report Type: Feedback on an Encoding Proposal
Opt Subject: Invalid variation sequence in Unicode 9.0 repertoire
The upcoming Unicode 9.0 update defines a standardized variation sequence for U+1031 MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN E using VS1, as was proposed in document L2/15-257 ( However, U+1031 is a combining character (general category Mc) and section 23.4 clearly states that "the base character in a variation sequence is never a combining character or a canonical decomposable character". Therefore this proposed variation sequence is invalid and shall not be added to the Unicode standard.
Date/Time: Sat May 7 07:53:40 CDT 2016
Name: Andrew West
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: XML UCD 9.0 Data for Tag Characters
I'm trying to validate the XML UCD data for Unicode 9.0 beta (XML data dated 14-Apr-2016), and I'm having problems with the Tag characters. According to TR44: Grapheme_Extend = Me + Mn + Other_Grapheme_Extend **Note: The set of characters for which Grapheme_Extend=Yes is equivalent to the set of characters for which Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Extend.** However, Tag characters E0020..E007F are Cf and not Other_Grapheme_Extend; but they are Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Extend; so they should also be Grapheme_Extend. The XML UCD data is inconsistent: <char cp="E0020" ... Gr_Ext="N" OGr_Ext="N" ... GCB="EX" WB="Extend" SB="FO" ... /> I think that OGr_Ext="N", GCB="EX", and WB="Extend" are correct, but Gr_Ext="N" should be Gr_Ext="Y", and SB="FO" should be SB="EX". If this is so, the definition of Format in Table 4 of the proposed TR29 update needs correcting. If XML UCD data is correct and I have misunderstood something in the data or TR29 and TR44 please let me know where I have gone wrong. Thanks, Andrew
Date/Time: Thu May 12 13:52:44 CDT 2016
Name: Roozbeh Pournader
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Indic Syllabic Category of Khamti logograms U+AA74..U+AA76
Based on comments I received from Martin Hosken through Behdad Esfahbod (see, the three Khamti logograms take tone marks, so they should have an Indic Syllabic Category. Here is the information from the original proposal, at "Three logogram characters are also used which can take tone and whose meaning is according to the tone they take. They are used when transcribing speech rather than in formal writing. For example, ˀn takes three tones and means: ꩵႈ negative, ꩵႉ giving and ꩵး yes. hm also takes three different tones and means: ꩶႚ part of no (prefixed by hm negative), ꩶႊ question response marker, ꩶး there. Oay takes two tones and is used when addressing a loved one ꩴႊ or someone far away ꩴး." Based on the information, I believe we need to give the character an Indic Syllabic Category of either Consonant or Consonant_Placeholder. It appears to me that Consonant_Placeholder may be a better class, similar to U+104E MYANMAR SYMBOL AFOREMENTIONED.