Accumulated Feedback on PRI #365

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Sun Oct 8 17:51:22 CDT 2017
Name: Eduardo Marín Silva
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: n4904 feedback: RAISED MR SIGN note

Once again, an informative note informing about the existence of the circled
glyph for this character is lacking, wich once again opens the door to
confusion about its usage. It is not to much to ask in my opinion.

Date/Time: Mon Oct 23 22:20:28 CDT 2017
Name: Eduardo Marín Silva
Report Type: Feedback on an Encoding Proposal
Opt Subject: Names of two astrological symbols

The name PROSERPINA could be confused to mean the comet called that way,
even though the proposal says they are not related. A better name may be
ASTROLOGICAL PROSPERPINA. Or at the very least an annotation indicating its
true nature.

There has never been a need to encode any other astronomical symbol with the
"FIRST FORM" prefix.I suggest just calling 2BF0 ERIS, that makes it obvious
that that symbol takes precedence over the second one, and they are not both
intechangable (in the proposal they weren't, hence the need of separate

Date/Time: Tue Nov 28 22:09:12 CST 2017
Name: Eduardo Marín Silva
Report Type: Feedback on an Encoding Proposal
Opt Subject: Heading of chess symbols

In the code-chart of N4923 the symbols in 2BFA, 2BFB, 2BFC and 2BFD, appear
to be used exclusively for chess notation, but the whole reason for keeping
the less specific names was because they are also used in genealogy. To make
this clear the heading should be changed to: "Symbols used in chess notation
and genealogy".

Date/Time: Sat Dec 9 22:55:51 CST 2017
Name: Eduardo Marín Silva
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: General feedback on Amendment 2.2

The Georgian letters: he, hie, we, har, hoe and fi have their own heading in
the regular chart indicating that they are archaic, but the same heading is
missing in the Mtavruli counterparts.

NEPTUNE FORM TWO is missing a refernce to 2646 NEPTUNE.

The DOUBLE OBLIQUE HYPHEN WITH FALLING DOTS needs a note to mention that it
is used in Cornish texts.

The heading above AB66 is redundant. Two alternatives are "Letters for Sino-
Tibetanist phonetic transcription" or "Letters for Sinological and
Tibetanist phonetic transcription".

The comitee should seriously consider introducing a variation sequence to
VIETNAMESE ALTERNATE READING MARK CA to distinguish the two primary glyphs,
because the Han script is known to rely on them heavily, and it is not out
of the question that distinguishing them within the same font becomes

The RAISED MR SIGN is STILL missing the informative note indicating that the
circled glyph exists, in that case a possible introduction of the CIRCLED MR
as a separate character should be considered.

Date/Time: Mon Dec 11 17:54:54 CST 2017
Name: David Corbett
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI #365: Capitalization of “Sinological”

The notes for U+AB66 and U+AB67 say “sinological” but their header says 
“Sinological”. The capitalization should match the header.

Date/Time: Mon Dec 11 18:11:27 CST 2017
Name: David Corbett
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI #365: Typos

The header for U+1F97B TROLL is “Fantaisy being”. It should be “Fantasy being”.

The note for U+1F9E7 RED GIFT ENVELOPE is “contains a monetary gif in East and 
Southeast Asia”. “gif” should be “gift”.

Date/Time: Mon Dec 11 22:39:14 CST 2017
Name: Wang Yifan
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI 365 CJK Extension G Errata

Two errors in the current CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G chart are 
reported by community:
U+30BB7 - the index should be 26.5 instead of 130.3 (insert after U+30189)
U+30C4F - the index should be 130.8 instead of 139.8 (insert after U+30BE7)
They are already wrong in IRG WS 2015 v5.0 (IRGN2269) while correctly recorded 
in the IRG#49 discussion record (IRGN2263).

Date/Time: Wed Dec 27 12:14:20 CST 2017
Name: Charlotte Buff
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI #365: Typo in Draft Character Name

The name of U+1F9B9 is missing a letter. It should be ‘SUPERVILLAIN’ rather than ‘SUPERVILAIN’.

Date/Time: Wed Jan 17 04:45:02 CST 2018
Name: Henry Chan
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: Feedback on draft additional repertoire for Amendment 2.2 (PDAM) to ISO/IEC 10646:2017 (5th edition)

The radical stroke of U+9FEB should be 84.13, not 84.12, as it should be 
counted according to 奧 (RS = 13) instead of 奥 (RS = 12) according to 
IRG Stroke Counting Conventions.