Sample Transcriptions and Translations of "Unicode"
This page provides sample transcriptions or translations of
the word "Unicode" using a variety of scripts. These transcriptions
or translations are provided for information only, and have no
normative or prescriptive status. They are not specified or maintained
by the Unicode Technical Committee. See the notes below the tables
for information about interpretation of the entries.
Both the text in Unicode and a GIF image of the intended display are
supplied in the tables. If you cannot read the text columns in your browser, see
Display Problems.
There are different ways to transcribe the word “Unicode”, depending on the
language and script. In some cases there is only one language that customarily
uses a given script; in others there are many languages. If the typical
transcription is the same for multiple languages in a script, then a single
representative language is shown.
Most languages using the Latin script follow the spelling of "Unicode",
but may change the pronunciation from that generally used in English. A typical
English pronunciation is shown in the IPA entry in
the transcription table. Variations occur, depending on local
usage and accents, and the IPA transcription may vary, depending on how
broadly or narrowly it is used—for example: [ˈʲunəˌkʰoʷd].
Typical local language adaptations of the English pronunciation may include
dropping the initial [j] glide, changing to pure vowels instead of diphthongs,
modifications of the stress pattern, changes to voicing or aspiration of
the consonants, or adding a final vowel. Adaptations based on pronunciations more like
[ˈunikod] or [ˈunikodo] are quite common. Occasionally, the spelling of "Unicode" may also be changed
in the Latin script, to reflect local usage of letters and/or pronunciation
of the word.
For non-Latin scripts the intent for transcriptions has been to match either
the standard English or local pronunciations of the word "Unicode", rather
than to provide transliterations of the letters of the word.
To suggest additions or make corrections to the samples in these tables
please use the contact form.
When making suggestions for additions or corrections, please include both the
suggested spelling (in UTF-8 or as an explicit list of Unicode code points)
and a GIF image of the intended display. The GIF image should be 96 x 24 pixels,
with the text centered, in black on white (plus grays if smoothed).
This page was originally produced by Mark Davis. Other contributors include:
Dixon Au, Joe Becker, Maurice Bauhahn, Abel Cheung, Peter Constable, Richard
Cook, Michael Everson, Christopher John Fynn, John Jenkins, Michael Kaplan, George Kiraz,
Abdul Malik, Siva Nataraja, Roozbeh Pournader, Jonathan Rosenne, and Jungshik
Shin, Siddhant Seema Suresh, and Ken Whistler.