Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 N3929
Title: Snapshot of Pictorial view of Roadmaps to BMP, SMP, SIP, TIP and SSP
Source: Ad hoc group on Roadmaps (Michael Everson, Rick McGowan, and Ken Whistler)
Adapted by: V.S. UMAmaheswaran
Status: For review and adoption by WG 2 at its meeting no. 57
Distribution: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 and Liaison Organizations
Replaces: JTC 1/SC 2/ WG 2/ N3807


This document is the latest snapshot of the roadmap documents that has been presented to and adopted by WG 2 (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG 2). Included in this document are four tables containing the roadmaps to
The Roadmap ad hoc group maintains and updates the roadmaps as a service to the UTC (Unicode Technical Committee) and to WG 2 (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2). The latest working version of the roadmaps can be found at This document is informative. Please send corrigenda and other comments to the authors using the online contact form.

See History of Changes for changes from the previous version of this snapshot.

Presentation conventions

Conventions that are common to all the roadmap tables presented in this document are given below. Any additional conventions specific to a particular table are detailed after the heading for that table.
NOTE: When scripts are actually proposed to UTC or to WG 2, the practice is to "front" them in the zones to which they are tentatively allocated, and to adjust the block size (number of columns) with regard to the allocation proposed.
The size and location of the unallocated script blocks are merely proposals based on the current state of planning. The size and location of a script may change during final allocation of the script.
NOTE: To the extent possible, scripts are allocated so as not to cross 128-code-point (half-row) boundaries (that is, they fit in ranges nn00..nn7F or nn80..nnFF). For supplementary characters, an additional constraint not to cross 1,024-code-point (surrogate-block) boundaries is also applied (that is, scripts fit in ranges nn000..nn3FF, nn400..nn7FF, nn800..nnBFF, or nnC00..nnFFF). The reason for such constraints is to enable better optimizations for tasks such as building tables for access to character properties.

Roadmap to the BMP

The following table comprises a proportional map of Plane 0, the BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane).
The Surrogates Zone (S-Zone of 10646) and the Private Use Area are also shaded grey in this table informatively.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
00 C0 Controls Basic Latin C1 Controls Latin 1 Supplement
01 Latin Extended-A Latin Extended-B
02 Latin Extended-B IPA Extensions Spacing Modifiers
03 Combining Diacritics Greek
04 Cyrillic
05 Cyrillic Sup. Armenian Hebrew
06 Arabic
07 Syriac Arabic Sup. Thaana N'Ko
08 Samaritan (Mandaic) ??? ??? ??? ??? (Arabic Extended-A)
09 Devanagari Bengali
0A Gurmukhi Gujarati
0B Oriya Tamil
0C Telugu Kannada
0D Malayalam Sinhala
0E Thai Lao
0F Tibetan
10 Myanmar Georgian
11 Hangul Jamo
12 Ethiopic
13 Ethiopic Eth. Sup. Cherokee
14 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
15 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
16 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Ogham Runic
17 Tagalog Hanunóo Buhid Tagbanwa Khmer
18 Mongolian Canadian Syllabics Ext.
19 Limbu Tai Le New Tai Lue Khmer
1A Buginese Tai Tham ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
1B Balinese Sundanese (Batak)
1C Lepcha Ol Chiki ??? ??? ??? ??? (Sund) Vedic Extensions
1D Phonetic Extensions Phonetic Ext. Sup. Comb. Diacritics Sup.
1E Latin Extended Additional
1F Greek Extended
20 General Punctuation Subs/Supers Currency Diac. Symbs.
21 Letterlike Symbols Number Forms Arrow
22 Mathematical Symbols
23 Miscellaneous Technical
24 Control Pictures OCR Enclosed Alphanumerics
25 Box Drawing Blocks Geometric Shapes
26 Miscellaneous Symbols
27 Dingbats MiscMathA Arrows
28 Braille Patterns
29 Supplemental Arrows-B Misc. Mathematical Symbols-B
2A Supplemental Mathematical Operators
2B Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
2C Glagolitic Latin Ext-C Coptic
2D Georgian Sup. Tifinagh Ethiopic Extended Cyrl Ext-A
2E Supplemental Punctuation CJK Radicals
2F Kangxi Radicals ??? IDC
30 CJK Symbs. & Punct. Hiragana Katakana
31 Bopomofo Hangul Compatibility Jamo Kbn Bpmf Ext. CJK Strokes Kk.
32 Enclosed CJK Letters & Months
33 CJK Compatibility
34 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
35 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
36 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
37 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
38 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
39 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
3A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
3B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
3C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
3D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
3E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
3F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
40 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
41 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
42 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
43 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
44 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
45 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
46 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
47 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
48 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
49 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
4A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
4B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
4C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
4D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A Yijing Hexagrams
4E CJK Unified Ideographs
4F CJK Unified Ideographs
50 CJK Unified Ideographs
51 CJK Unified Ideographs
52 CJK Unified Ideographs
53 CJK Unified Ideographs
54 CJK Unified Ideographs
55 CJK Unified Ideographs
56 CJK Unified Ideographs
57 CJK Unified Ideographs
58 CJK Unified Ideographs
59 CJK Unified Ideographs
5A CJK Unified Ideographs
5B CJK Unified Ideographs
5C CJK Unified Ideographs
5D CJK Unified Ideographs
5E CJK Unified Ideographs
5F CJK Unified Ideographs
60 CJK Unified Ideographs
61 CJK Unified Ideographs
62 CJK Unified Ideographs
63 CJK Unified Ideographs
64 CJK Unified Ideographs
65 CJK Unified Ideographs
66 CJK Unified Ideographs
67 CJK Unified Ideographs
68 CJK Unified Ideographs
69 CJK Unified Ideographs
6A CJK Unified Ideographs
6B CJK Unified Ideographs
6C CJK Unified Ideographs
6D CJK Unified Ideographs
6E CJK Unified Ideographs
6F CJK Unified Ideographs
70 CJK Unified Ideographs
71 CJK Unified Ideographs
72 CJK Unified Ideographs
73 CJK Unified Ideographs
74 CJK Unified Ideographs
75 CJK Unified Ideographs
76 CJK Unified Ideographs
77 CJK Unified Ideographs
78 CJK Unified Ideographs
79 CJK Unified Ideographs
7A CJK Unified Ideographs
7B CJK Unified Ideographs
7C CJK Unified Ideographs
7D CJK Unified Ideographs
7E CJK Unified Ideographs
7F CJK Unified Ideographs
80 CJK Unified Ideographs
81 CJK Unified Ideographs
82 CJK Unified Ideographs
83 CJK Unified Ideographs
84 CJK Unified Ideographs
85 CJK Unified Ideographs
86 CJK Unified Ideographs
87 CJK Unified Ideographs
88 CJK Unified Ideographs
89 CJK Unified Ideographs
8A CJK Unified Ideographs
8B CJK Unified Ideographs
8C CJK Unified Ideographs
8D CJK Unified Ideographs
8E CJK Unified Ideographs
8F CJK Unified Ideographs
90 CJK Unified Ideographs
91 CJK Unified Ideographs
92 CJK Unified Ideographs
93 CJK Unified Ideographs
94 CJK Unified Ideographs
95 CJK Unified Ideographs
96 CJK Unified Ideographs
97 CJK Unified Ideographs
98 CJK Unified Ideographs
99 CJK Unified Ideographs
9A CJK Unified Ideographs
9B CJK Unified Ideographs
9C CJK Unified Ideographs
9D CJK Unified Ideographs
9E CJK Unified Ideographs
9F CJK Unified Ideographs
A0 Yi
A1 Yi
A2 Yi
A3 Yi
A4 Yi Yi Radicals Lisu
A5 Vai
A6 Vai Cyrillic Extended-B Bamum
A7 Mod. Tone Latin Extended-D
A8 Syloti Nagri Ind№ Phags-pa Saurashtra Deva Ext.
A9 Kayah Li Rejang HangulA Javanese ??? ???
AA Cham Mymr ExtA Tai Viet (Mtei Ext)
AB (Ethiopic Ext-A) (Warang Citi) ??? ??? ¿Beria? Meetei Mayek
AC Hangul Syllables
AD Hangul Syllables
AE Hangul Syllables
AF Hangul Syllables
B0 Hangul Syllables
B1 Hangul Syllables
B2 Hangul Syllables
B3 Hangul Syllables
B4 Hangul Syllables
B5 Hangul Syllables
B6 Hangul Syllables
B7 Hangul Syllables
B8 Hangul Syllables
B9 Hangul Syllables
BA Hangul Syllables
BB Hangul Syllables
BC Hangul Syllables
BD Hangul Syllables
BE Hangul Syllables
BF Hangul Syllables
C0 Hangul Syllables
C1 Hangul Syllables
C2 Hangul Syllables
C3 Hangul Syllables
C4 Hangul Syllables
C5 Hangul Syllables
C6 Hangul Syllables
C7 Hangul Syllables
C8 Hangul Syllables
C9 Hangul Syllables
CA Hangul Syllables
CB Hangul Syllables
CC Hangul Syllables
CD Hangul Syllables
CE Hangul Syllables
CF Hangul Syllables
D0 Hangul Syllables
D1 Hangul Syllables
D2 Hangul Syllables
D3 Hangul Syllables
D4 Hangul Syllables
D5 Hangul Syllables
D6 Hangul Syllables
D7 Hangul Syllables Hangul Jamo Extended-B
D8 High-half zone of UTF-16
D9 High-half zone of UTF-16
DA High-half zone of UTF-16
DB High-half zone of UTF-16
DC Low-half zone of UTF-16
DD Low-half zone of UTF-16
DE Low-half zone of UTF-16
DF Low-half zone of UTF-16
E0 Private Use Zone
E1 Private Use Zone
E2 Private Use Zone
E3 Private Use Zone
E4 Private Use Zone
E5 Private Use Zone
E6 Private Use Zone
E7 Private Use Zone
E8 Private Use Zone
E9 Private Use Zone
EA Private Use Zone
EB Private Use Zone
EC Private Use Zone
ED Private Use Zone
EE Private Use Zone
EF Private Use Zone
F0 Private Use Zone
F1 Private Use Zone
F2 Private Use Zone
F3 Private Use Zone
F4 Private Use Zone
F5 Private Use Zone
F6 Private Use Zone
F7 Private Use Zone
F8 Private Use Zone
F9 CJK Compatibility Ideographs
FA CJK Compatibility Ideographs
FB Alphabetic Pres. Forms Arabic Presentation Forms A
FC Arabic Presentation Forms A
FD Arabic Presentation Forms A Nonchars. APF-A
FE Vars. Vert. Half CJKcomp Small Arabic Presentation Forms B
FF Halfwidth & Fullwidth Forms Spec.

Roadmap to the SMP

The following table comprises a proportional map of Plane 1, the SMP (Supplementary Multilingual Plane).
The SMP is tentatively mapped out to the following zones:
00010000-000100FF Linear B
00010100-000101CF Ancient numeric systems
000101D0-000107FF Alphabetic and syllabic LTR scripts and sets of symbols
00010800-00010FFF Alphabetic and syllabic RTL scripts
00011000-00011D7F Brahmic scripts
00011D80-00012FFF Cuneiform and other ancient scripts
00013000-00015BFF Egyptian and Maya hieroglyphs
00015C00 00015FFF Aztec pictograms
00016000-00016FFF Recently-devised scripts
00017000-0001B3FF Large Asian scripts
0001B400-0001BBFF Proto-Elamite
0001BC00-0001BFFF Shorthands
0001C000-0001CDFF Micmac hieroglyphs
0001CE00-0001CFFF unassigned
0001D000-0001DFFF Notational systems
0001E000-0001E7FF unassigned
0001E800-0001EFFF RTL scripts
0001F000-0001F0FF Game symbols
0001F100-0001F2FF Alphanumeric and ideographic sets
0001F300-0001F7FF Pictographic sets
0001F800-0001FFFD unassigned

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
100 Linear B Syllabary Linear B Ideograms
101 Aegean Numbers Ancient Greek Numbers Ancient Symbols Phaistos Disc
102 ??? Lycian Carian ¿CopticNº?
103 Old Italic Gothic (Old Permic) Ugaritic Old Persian ¿ShavianQS?
104 Deseret Shavian Osmanya ¿Veqilharxhi?
105 (Elbasan) ¿Old Udi? ??? ¿Todhri? ¿Iberian? ??? ???
106 (Linear A)
107 (Linear A) ??? ??? ¿Cypro-Minoan?
108 Cypriot Imp.Aramaic (Palmyrene) ¿Nabataean? ¿Numidian? ¿Hatran? ??? ???
109 Phoenician Lydian ??? ??? ??? ??? (Meroitic H.) (Meroitic Cursive)
10A Kharoshthi O.S.Arabian (O.N.Arabian) (Balti) (Manichaean)
10B Avestan Parthian Insc. Phlv. (Psalt. Phlv.) (Book Pahlavi) ??? ???
10C Old Turkic ¿Yezidi? (Hungarian Runic)
10D ¿Uighur? ??? ??? ??? ¿Byblos?
10E ¿Sogdian? Rumi Symb. ???
10F ??? ¿Elymaic? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
110 Brahmi Kaithi (Sora Sompeng)
111 (Chakma) ??? ??? ??? (Sharada) ??? ???
112 (Khojki) ??? ??? ??? (Soyombo) ¿Ahom?
113 ¿Grantha? ¿Siddham? ??? ???
114 ¿Prachalit Nepali? ??? ??? ¿Maithili? ??? ???
115 ¿Ranjana? ??? ??? ¿Chola? ??? ???
116 ¿Sindhi? ??? ??? (Takri) ??? ???
117 ¿Tulu? ??? ??? ??? ¿Modi? ??? ???
118 ¿Pyu? ¿Pau Cin Hau? ¿Leke? ??? ??? ??? ???
119 ¿Chalukya (Box-Headed)? ??? ??? ¿Turkestani? ??? ???
11A ¿Landa? ??? ??? ??? ¿Satavahana? ??? ???
11B ??? ???
11C ??? ???
11D ??? (Anatolian Hieroglyphs)
11E (Anatolian Hieroglyphs)
11F (Anatolian Hieroglyphs)
120 Cuneiform
121 Cuneiform
122 Cuneiform
123 Cuneiform
124 Cuneiform Numbers ¿Early Dynastic Cuneiform?
125 ¿Early Dynastic Cuneiform?
126 ¿Proto-Cuneiform?
127 ¿Proto-Cuneiform?
128 ¿Proto-Cuneiform?
129 ¿Proto-Cuneiform?
12A ¿Proto-Cuneiform?
12B ¿Proto-Cuneiform?
12C ¿Proto-Cuneiform?
12D ¿Proto-Cuneiform?
12E (Indus)
12F (Indus) ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
130 Egyptian Hieroglyphs
131 Egyptian Hieroglyphs
132 Egyptian Hieroglyphs
133 Egyptian Hieroglyphs
134 Egyptian Hier. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
135 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
136 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
137 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
138 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
139 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
13A (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
13B (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
13C (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
13D (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
13E (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
13F (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
140 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
141 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
142 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
143 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
144 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
145 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
146 (Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended)
147 ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
148 ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
149 ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
14A ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
14B ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
14C ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
14D ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
14E ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
14F ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
150 ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
151 ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
152 ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
153 ¿Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A?
154 ¿Maya Hieroglyphs?
155 ¿Maya Hieroglyphs?
156 ¿Maya Hieroglyphs?
157 ¿Maya Hieroglyphs?
158 ¿Maya Hieroglyphs?
159 ??? ???
15A ??? ???
15B ??? ???
15C ¿Aztec Pictograms?
15D ¿Aztec Pictograms?
15E ¿Aztec Pictograms?
15F ¿Aztec Pictograms?
160 (Cirth) (Tengwar)
161 ??? ???
162 (Blissymbols)
163 (Blissymbols)
164 (Blissymbols)
165 (Blissymbols)
166 ¿Blissymbol Extensions?
167 ??? ???
168 (Bamum Supplement)
169 (Bamum Supplement)
16A (Bamum Suppl.) (Mro) (Bassa Vah)
16B (Pahawh Hmong) ¿Woleai? ???
16C (Kpelle) ???
16D (Loma) ??? ??? ???
16E ??? ???
16F (Miao) ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
170 (Tangut Ideographs)
171 (Tangut Ideographs)
172 (Tangut Ideographs)
173 (Tangut Ideographs)
174 (Tangut Ideographs)
175 (Tangut Ideographs)
176 (Tangut Ideographs)
177 (Tangut Ideographs)
178 (Tangut Ideographs)
179 (Tangut Ideographs)
17A (Tangut Ideographs)
17B (Tangut Ideographs)
17C (Tangut Ideographs)
17D (Tangut Ideographs)
17E (Tangut Ideographs)
17F (Tangut Ideographs)
180 (Tangut Ideographs)
181 (Tangut Ideographs)
182 (Tangut Ideographs)
183 (Tangut Ideographs)
184 (Tangut Ideographs)
185 (Tangut Ideographs)
186 (Tangut Ideographs)
187 (Tangut Ideographs)
188 (Tangut) ??? ??? ??? ???
189 (Tangut Radicals)
18A (Tangut Radicals)
18B (Tangut Radicals)
18C (Tangut Radicals)
18D ???
18E ¿Khitan Small Script?
18F ¿Khitan Small Script? ???
190 (Jurchen)
191 (Jurchen)
192 (Jurchen)
193 (Jurchen)
194 (Jurchen)
195 (Jurchen) (Jurchen Radicals) ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
196 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
197 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
198 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
199 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
19A ¿Khitan Ideographs?
19B ¿Khitan Ideographs?
19C ¿Khitan Ideographs?
19D ¿Khitan Ideographs?
19E ¿Khitan Ideographs?
19F ¿Khitan Ideographs?
1A0 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
1A1 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
1A2 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
1A3 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
1A4 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
1A5 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
1A6 ¿Khitan Ideographs?
1A7 ¿Khitan Ideographs? ???
1A8 ¿Naxi Geba?
1A9 ¿Naxi Geba?
1AA ¿Naxi Geba? ??? (Naxi Tomba)
1AB (Naxi Tomba)
1AC (Naxi Tomba)
1AD (Naxi Tomba)
1AE (Naxi Tomba)
1AF (Naxi Tomba)
1B0 (Kana Supplement)
1B1 (Nüshu)
1B2 (Nüshu) ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
1B3 ??? ???
1B4 ??? ???
1B5 ¿Proto-Elamite?
1B6 ¿Proto-Elamite?
1B7 ¿Proto-Elamite?
1B8 ¿Proto-Elamite?
1B9 ¿Proto-Elamite?
1BA ¿Proto-Elamite?
1BB ¿Proto-Elamite?
1BC (Duployan Shorthand) ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
1BD ¿Shorthands?
1BE ¿Shorthands?
1BF ¿Shorthands?
1C0 ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs?
1C1 ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs?
1C2 ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs?
1C3 ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs?
1C4 ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs?
1C5 ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs?
1C6 ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs?
1C7 ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs?
1C8 ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs?
1C9 ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs?
1CA ¿Micmac Hieroglyphs? ???
1CB ¿Rongorongo?
1CC ¿Rongorongo?
1CD ¿Rongorongo? ??? ??? ???
1CE ??? ???
1CF ??? ???
1D0 Byzantine Musical Symbols
1D1 Musical Symbols
1D2 Anc. Greek Music. Notation ??? ??? ??? ???
1D3 Tai Xuan Jing Symbols Rod Nums ???
1D4 Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
1D5 Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
1D6 Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
1D7 Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
1D8 ¿Sutton SignWriting?
1D9 ¿Sutton SignWriting?
1DA ¿Sutton SignWriting?
1DB ¿Sutton SignWriting?
1DC ??? ???
1DD ??? ???
1DE ??? ???
1DF ??? ???
1E0 ??? ???
1E1 ??? ???
1E2 ??? ???
1E3 ??? ???
1E4 ??? ???
1E5 ??? ???
1E6 ??? ???
1E7 ??? ???
1E8 (Mende)
1E9 (Mende) ??? ???
1EA ??? ???
1EB ??? ???
1EC ??? ???
1ED ??? ¿Persian Siyaq Numerals?
1EE (Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols)
1EF ¿Siyaq Numerals?
1F0 Mahjong Tiles Domino Tiles (Playing Cards)
1F1 Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement
1F2 Enclosed Ideographic Supplement
1F3 (Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs)
1F4 (Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs)
1F5 (Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs)
1F6 (Emoticons) ??? ??? ??? (Transport and Map Symbols)
1F7 (Alchemical Symbols) ???
1F8 ??? ???
1F9 ??? ???
1FA ??? ???
1FB ??? ???
1FC ??? ???
1FD ??? ???
1FE ??? ???
1FF ??? ???

Roadmap to the SIP

The following table comprises a proportional map of Plane 2, the SIP (Supplementary Ideographic Plane). The SIP is intended for encoding of additional repertoire of Unified CJK ideographs or Compatibility CJK ideographs. Other CJK-related characters, including strokes, radicals, and punctuation are encoded on the BMP.
Plane 2 is tentatively mapped out to the following zones:
00020000-0002A6DF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
0002A6E0-0002A6FF unassigned
0002A700-0002B73F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
0002B740-0002B81F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D
0002B820-0002F7FF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
0002F800-0002FA1F CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
0002FB20-0002FFFD unassigned
NOTE: Should Plane 2, the SIP (Supplementary Ideographic Plane) prove insufficient for future Han character encoding, it is anticipated that further allocations may be provided on Plane 3.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
200 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
201 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
202 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
203 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
204 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
205 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
206 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
207 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
208 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
209 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
20A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
20B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
20C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
20D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
20E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
20F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
210 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
211 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
212 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
213 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
214 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
215 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
216 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
217 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
218 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
219 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
21A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
21B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
21C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
21D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
21E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
21F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
220 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
221 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
222 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
223 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
224 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
225 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
226 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
227 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
228 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
229 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
22A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
22B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
22C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
22D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
22E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
22F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
230 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
231 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
232 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
233 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
234 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
235 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
236 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
237 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
238 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
239 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
23A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
23B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
23C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
23D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
23E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
23F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
240 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
241 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
242 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
243 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
244 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
245 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
246 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
247 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
248 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
249 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
24A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
24B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
24C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
24D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
24E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
24F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
250 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
251 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
252 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
253 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
254 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
255 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
256 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
257 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
258 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
259 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
25A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
25B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
25C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
25D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
25E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
25F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
260 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
261 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
262 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
263 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
264 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
265 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
266 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
267 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
268 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
269 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
26A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
26B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
26C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
26D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
26E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
26F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
270 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
271 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
272 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
273 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
274 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
275 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
276 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
277 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
278 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
279 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
27A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
27B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
27C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
27D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
27E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
27F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
280 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
281 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
282 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
283 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
284 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
285 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
286 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
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289 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
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28D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
28E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
28F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
290 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
291 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
292 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
293 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
294 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
295 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
296 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
297 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
298 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
299 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
29A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
29B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
29C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
29D CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
29E CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
29F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
2A0 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
2A1 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
2A2 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
2A3 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
2A4 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
2A5 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
2A6 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B ??? ???
2A7 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2A8 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2A9 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2AA CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2AB CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2AC CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2AD CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2AE CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2AF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2B0 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2B1 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2B2 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2B3 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2B4 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2B5 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2B6 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2B7 CJK Unif. Ids. Ext. C (CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D)
2B8 (CJK UI Ext D) ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2B9 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2BA ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2BB ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2BC ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2BD ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2BE ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2BF ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2C0 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2C1 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2C2 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2C3 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2C4 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2C5 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2C6 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2C7 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2C8 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2C9 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2CA ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2CB ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2CC ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2CD ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2CE ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2CF ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2D0 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2D1 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2D2 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2D3 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2D4 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2D5 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2D6 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2D7 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2D8 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2D9 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2DA ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2DB ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2DC ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2DD ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2DE ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2DF ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2E0 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2E1 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2E2 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2E3 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2E4 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2E5 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2E6 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2E7 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2E8 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2E9 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2EA ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2EB ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2EC ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2ED ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2EE ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2EF ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2F0 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2F1 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2F2 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2F3 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2F4 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2F5 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2F6 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2F7 ¿CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E?
2F8 CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
2F9 CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
2FA C.I.S. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
2FB ??? ???
2FC ??? ???
2FD ??? ???
2FE ??? ???
2FF ??? ???

Roadmap to the TIP

The following table comprises a proportional map of Plane 3, the TIP (Tertiary Ideographic Plane). The TIP is intended for encoding of characters belonging to the Old Hanzi Period, namely those of the Shāng Dynasty, the Western Zhōu Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring Kingdoms, and the Qín Dynasty. The scripts envisaged for encoding are: Other CJK related characters, including strokes, radicals, and punctuation are encoded on the BMP and SIP.

The name "Tertiary Ideographic Plane" has not been formally assigned to this plane.

Plane 3 is tentatively mapped out to the following zones:
00030000-000317FF Oracle Bone Script
00031800-00031FFF unassigned
00032000-00032FFF Bronze Script
00033000-00033FFF unassigned
00034000-000368FF Small Seal Script
00036900-0003FFFD unassigned

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
300 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
301 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
302 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
303 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
304 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
305 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
306 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
307 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
308 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
309 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
30A ¿Oracle Bone Script?
30B ¿Oracle Bone Script?
30C ¿Oracle Bone Script?
30D ¿Oracle Bone Script?
30E ¿Oracle Bone Script?
30F ¿Oracle Bone Script?
310 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
311 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
312 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
313 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
314 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
315 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
316 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
317 ¿Oracle Bone Script?
318 ??? ???
319 ??? ???
31A ??? ???
31B ??? ???
31C ??? ???
31D ??? ???
31E ??? ???
31F ??? ???
320 ¿Bronze Script?
321 ¿Bronze Script?
322 ¿Bronze Script?
323 ¿Bronze Script?
324 ¿Bronze Script?
325 ¿Bronze Script?
326 ¿Bronze Script?
327 ¿Bronze Script?
328 ¿Bronze Script?
329 ¿Bronze Script?
32A ¿Bronze Script?
32B ¿Bronze Script?
32C ¿Bronze Script?
32D ¿Bronze Script?
32E ¿Bronze Script?
32F ¿Bronze Script?
330 ??? ???
331 ??? ???
332 ??? ???
333 ??? ???
334 ??? ???
335 ??? ???
336 ??? ???
337 ??? ???
338 ??? ???
338 ??? ???
339 ??? ???
33A ??? ???
33B ??? ???
33C ??? ???
33D ??? ???
33E ??? ???
33F ??? ???
340 ¿Small Seal Script?
341 ¿Small Seal Script?
342 ¿Small Seal Script?
343 ¿Small Seal Script?
344 ¿Small Seal Script?
345 ¿Small Seal Script?
346 ¿Small Seal Script?
347 ¿Small Seal Script?
348 ¿Small Seal Script?
349 ¿Small Seal Script?
34A ¿Small Seal Script?
34B ¿Small Seal Script?
34C ¿Small Seal Script?
34D ¿Small Seal Script?
34E ¿Small Seal Script?
34F ¿Small Seal Script?
350 ¿Small Seal Script?
351 ¿Small Seal Script?
352 ¿Small Seal Script?
353 ¿Small Seal Script?
354 ¿Small Seal Script?
355 ¿Small Seal Script?
356 ¿Small Seal Script?
357 ¿Small Seal Script?
358 ¿Small Seal Script?
359 ¿Small Seal Script?
35A ¿Small Seal Script?
35B ¿Small Seal Script?
35C ¿Small Seal Script?
35D ¿Small Seal Script?
35E ¿Small Seal Script?
35F ¿Small Seal Script?
360 ¿Small Seal Script?
361 ¿Small Seal Script?
362 ¿Small Seal Script?
363 ¿Small Seal Script?
364 ¿Small Seal Script?
365 ¿Small Seal Script?
366 ¿Small Seal Script?
367 ¿Small Seal Script?
368 ¿Small Seal Script?
369 ??? ???
36A ??? ???
36B ??? ???
36C ??? ???
36D ??? ???
36E ??? ???
36F ??? ???
370 ??? ???
371 ??? ???
372 ??? ???
373 ??? ???
374 ??? ???
375 ??? ???
376 ??? ???
377 ??? ???
378 ??? ???
379 ??? ???
37A ??? ???
37B ??? ???
37C ??? ???
37D ??? ???
37E ??? ???
37F ??? ???
380 ??? ???
381 ??? ???
382 ??? ???
383 ??? ???
384 ??? ???
385 ??? ???
386 ??? ???
387 ??? ???
388 ??? ???
389 ??? ???
38A ??? ???
38B ??? ???
38C ??? ???
38D ??? ???
38E ??? ???
38F ??? ???
390 ??? ???
391 ??? ???
392 ??? ???
393 ??? ???
394 ??? ???
395 ??? ???
396 ??? ???
397 ??? ???
398 ??? ???
399 ??? ???
39A ??? ???
39B ??? ???
39C ??? ???
39D ??? ???
39E ??? ???
39F ??? ???
3A0 ??? ???
3A1 ??? ???
3A2 ??? ???
3A3 ??? ???
3A4 ??? ???
3A5 ??? ???
3A6 ??? ???
3A7 ??? ???
3A8 ??? ???
3A9 ??? ???
3AA ??? ???
3AB ??? ???
3AC ??? ???
3AD ??? ???
3AE ??? ???
3AF ??? ???
3B0 ??? ???
3B1 ??? ???
3B2 ??? ???
3B3 ??? ???
3B4 ??? ???
3B5 ??? ???
3B6 ??? ???
3B7 ??? ???
3B8 ??? ???
3B9 ??? ???
3BA ??? ???
3BB ??? ???
3BC ??? ???
3BD ??? ???
3BE ??? ???
3BF ??? ???
3C0 ??? ???
3C1 ??? ???
3C2 ??? ???
3C3 ??? ???
3C4 ??? ???
3C5 ??? ???
3C6 ??? ???
3C7 ??? ???
3C8 ??? ???
3C9 ??? ???
3CA ??? ???
3CB ??? ???
3CC ??? ???
3CD ??? ???
3CE ??? ???
3CF ??? ???
3D0 ??? ???
3D1 ??? ???
3D2 ??? ???
3D3 ??? ???
3D4 ??? ???
3D5 ??? ???
3D6 ??? ???
3D7 ??? ???
3D8 ??? ???
3D9 ??? ???
3DA ??? ???
3DB ??? ???
3DC ??? ???
3DD ??? ???
3DE ??? ???
3DF ??? ???
3E0 ??? ???
3E1 ??? ???
3E2 ??? ???
3E3 ??? ???
3E4 ??? ???
3E5 ??? ???
3E6 ??? ???
3E7 ??? ???
3E8 ??? ???
3E9 ??? ???
3EA ??? ???
3EB ??? ???
3EC ??? ???
3ED ??? ???
3EE ??? ???
3EF ??? ???
3F0 ??? ???
3F1 ??? ???
3F2 ??? ???
3F3 ??? ???
3F4 ??? ???
3F5 ??? ???
3F6 ??? ???
3F7 ??? ???
3F8 ??? ???
3F9 ??? ???
3FA ??? ???
3FB ??? ???
3FC ??? ???
3FD ??? ???
3FE ??? ???
3FF ??? ???

Roadmap to the SSP

The following table comprises a proportional map of Plane 14, the SSP (Supplementary Special-purpose Plane).
Plane 14 is tentatively mapped out to the following zones:
000E0000-000E007F Tag characters
000E0080-000E00FF unassigned
000E0100-000E01EF Variation Selectors
000E01F0-000EFFFD unassigned

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
E00 Tag characters ???
E01 Variation Selectors Supplement ???
E02 ??? ???
E03 ??? ???
E04 ??? ???
E05 ??? ???
E06 ??? ???
E07 ??? ???
E08 ??? ???
E09 ??? ???
E0A ??? ???
E0B ??? ???
E0C ??? ???
E0D ??? ???
E0E ??? ???
E0F ??? ???
E10 ??? ???
E11 ??? ???
E12 ??? ???
E13 ??? ???
E14 ??? ???
E15 ??? ???
E16 ??? ???
E17 ??? ???
E18 ??? ???
E19 ??? ???
E1A ??? ???
E1B ??? ???
E1C ??? ???
E1D ??? ???
E1E ??? ???
E1F ??? ???
E20 ??? ???
E21 ??? ???
E22 ??? ???
E23 ??? ???
E24 ??? ???
E25 ??? ???
E26 ??? ???
E27 ??? ???
E28 ??? ???
E29 ??? ???
E2A ??? ???
E2B ??? ???
E2C ??? ???
E2D ??? ???
E2E ??? ???
E2F ??? ???
E30 ??? ???
E31 ??? ???
E32 ??? ???
E33 ??? ???
E34 ??? ???
E35 ??? ???
E36 ??? ???
E37 ??? ???
E38 ??? ???
E39 ??? ???
E3A ??? ???
E3B ??? ???
E3C ??? ???
E3D ??? ???
E3E ??? ???
E3F ??? ???
E40 ??? ???
E41 ??? ???
E42 ??? ???
E43 ??? ???
E44 ??? ???
E45 ??? ???
E46 ??? ???
E47 ??? ???
E48 ??? ???
E49 ??? ???
E4A ??? ???
E4B ??? ???
E4C ??? ???
E4D ??? ???
E4E ??? ???
E4F ??? ???
E50 ??? ???
E51 ??? ???
E52 ??? ???
E53 ??? ???
E54 ??? ???
E55 ??? ???
E56 ??? ???
E57 ??? ???
E58 ??? ???
E59 ??? ???
E5A ??? ???
E5B ??? ???
E5C ??? ???
E5D ??? ???
E5E ??? ???
E5F ??? ???
E60 ??? ???
E61 ??? ???
E62 ??? ???
E63 ??? ???
E64 ??? ???
E65 ??? ???
E66 ??? ???
E67 ??? ???
E68 ??? ???
E69 ??? ???
E6A ??? ???
E6B ??? ???
E6C ??? ???
E6D ??? ???
E6E ??? ???
E6F ??? ???
E70 ??? ???
E71 ??? ???
E72 ??? ???
E73 ??? ???
E74 ??? ???
E75 ??? ???
E76 ??? ???
E77 ??? ???
E78 ??? ???
E79 ??? ???
E7A ??? ???
E7B ??? ???
E7C ??? ???
E7D ??? ???
E7E ??? ???
E7F ??? ???
E80 ??? ???
E81 ??? ???
E82 ??? ???
E83 ??? ???
E84 ??? ???
E85 ??? ???
E86 ??? ???
E87 ??? ???
E88 ??? ???
E89 ??? ???
E8A ??? ???
E8B ??? ???
E8C ??? ???
E8D ??? ???
E8E ??? ???
E8F ??? ???
E90 ??? ???
E91 ??? ???
E92 ??? ???
E93 ??? ???
E94 ??? ???
E95 ??? ???
E96 ??? ???
E97 ??? ???
E98 ??? ???
E99 ??? ???
E9A ??? ???
E9B ??? ???
E9C ??? ???
E9D ??? ???
E9E ??? ???
E9F ??? ???
EA0 ??? ???
EA1 ??? ???
EA2 ??? ???
EA3 ??? ???
EA4 ??? ???
EA5 ??? ???
EA6 ??? ???
EA7 ??? ???
EA8 ??? ???
EA9 ??? ???
EAA ??? ???
EAB ??? ???
EAC ??? ???
EAD ??? ???
EAE ??? ???
EAF ??? ???
EB0 ??? ???
EB1 ??? ???
EB2 ??? ???
EB3 ??? ???
EB4 ??? ???
EB5 ??? ???
EB6 ??? ???
EB7 ??? ???
EB8 ??? ???
EB9 ??? ???
EBA ??? ???
EBB ??? ???
EBC ??? ???
EBD ??? ???
EBE ??? ???
EBF ??? ???
EC0 ??? ???
EC1 ??? ???
EC2 ??? ???
EC3 ??? ???
EC4 ??? ???
EC5 ??? ???
EC6 ??? ???
EC7 ??? ???
EC8 ??? ???
EC9 ??? ???
ECA ??? ???
ECB ??? ???
ECC ??? ???
ECD ??? ???
ECE ??? ???
ECF ??? ???
ED0 ??? ???
ED1 ??? ???
ED2 ??? ???
ED3 ??? ???
ED4 ??? ???
ED5 ??? ???
ED6 ??? ???
ED7 ??? ???
ED8 ??? ???
ED9 ??? ???
EDA ??? ???
EDB ??? ???
EDC ??? ???
EDD ??? ???
EDE ??? ???
EDF ??? ???
EE0 ??? ???
EE1 ??? ???
EE2 ??? ???
EE3 ??? ???
EE4 ??? ???
EE5 ??? ???
EE6 ??? ???
EE7 ??? ???
EE8 ??? ???
EE9 ??? ???
EEA ??? ???
EEB ??? ???
EEC ??? ???
EED ??? ???
EEE ??? ???
EEF ??? ???
EF0 ??? ???
EF1 ??? ???
EF2 ??? ???
EF3 ??? ???
EF4 ??? ???
EF5 ??? ???
EF6 ??? ???
EF7 ??? ???
EF8 ??? ???
EF9 ??? ???
EFA ??? ???
EFB ??? ???
EFC ??? ???
EFD ??? ???
EFE ??? ???
EFF ??? ???

History of Changes

Changes in this document N3929 from document N3807 of 2010-04-07

- BMP row 08 columns A to F - status changed from proposed to accepted with an updated reference document for Arabic Extended-A.
- SMP row 104: (new) Veqilharxhi is assigned to last five columns.
- SMP row 105: Elbasan is moved up to first 3 columns (reduced from earlier 4); it is followed by 4 columns for Old Udi (moved down from previous version); 'Thakukye' is removed from the roadmap; (new) Thodri is assigned columns 08 to 0B, followed by 2 columns for Iberian (moved down); leaving last two columns in the row unallocated.
- SMP row 106, 107: status for Linear A is changed to Accepted.
- SMP row 110: status of Brahmi is changed to Allocated (tentatively pointing to Unicode 6.0 prepublication charts at ftp site).
- SMP row 116: Satavahana moved to SMP row 11A; (new) Sindhi is allocated first 6 column; status of Takri is changed to Accepted.
- SMP row 118: Pau Cin Hau allocated to the 4 vacant columns 04 to 07.
- SMP row 11A: Satavahan is moved down from row SMP row 116 to SMP row 11A columns 08 to 0D.
- SMP rows 11D to 11F: Anatolian Hieroglyphs is moved up from SMP rows 124, 125 and 126
- SMP rows 124 to 12D: Moved out Anatolian Hieroglyphs from 124 to 126 to SMP rows 11D to 11F; Rongorongo is moved out to SMP rows 1CA to 1CD; the vacated rows are assigned (the Anatolian Hieroglyphs renamed into two groups) Early Dynastic Cuneiform in row 125 and Proto-Cuneiform in rows 126 to 12D.
- SMP rows 16F: Status of Miao is changed to Accepted, increasing to 10 columns (from previous 9).
- SMP rows 1B5 to 1BB: moved up Proto-Elamite from SMP rows 1CE and 1CF, and expanded to 7 rows (from previous 2).
- SMP row 1BC: added reference for Duployan Shorthand.
- SMP rows 1CB to 1CD: Rongorongo is moved down from SMP rows 12A to 12D.
- SMP rows 1CE and 1CF: Proto-elamite is moved out to 1B5 to 1BB (expanding to 7 rows), vacating these two rows.
- SMP rows 1E8 and 1E9: Mende is expanded from 13 columns in 1E8 to full row 1E8 and first 2 cols in row 1E9.
- SMP rows 1EE and 1EF: Status of Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols is changed to proposed with a reference document; it is assigned only one row 1EE and the vacated row 1EF is assigned to (new) Siyaq Numerals.
- SMP rows 1F3 to 1F5: the script names are changed from Miscellaneous Pictographic Symbols to Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs.
- There are no changes in SIP, TIP or SSP roadmaps from the previous snapshot.

Changes in document N3807 of 2010-04-07 from document N3652R of 2009-11-25

- BMP row 08 columns A to F - status changed to proposed from tentative with a referenced document for Arabic Extended-A.
- SMP range '0001B600-0001BFFF unassigned' is split into '0001B600-0001BBFF unassigned' and '0001BBC0-0001BFFF Shorthands'.
- SMP row 102 previously empty columns E and F are now designated for Coptic Numbers.
- SMP Rows 106 and 107 - changed status of Linear A from tentative to proposed expanding by adding two additional columns 8 and 9 in row 107, with a new referenced document, moving Cypro-Minoan to columns E and F at the end of the row.
- SMP row 108 - changed status of Palmyrene from tentative to proposed with a new referenced document. Moved N. Arabic to row 10A renaming it as O.N.Arabian, vacating two columns E and F.
- SMP row 10A - moved N.Arabic renaming it O.N.Arabian from row 108 columns E and F to columns 8 and 9 moving down Balti by two columns using up two vacant columns B and C.
- SMP row 10E - moved out Persian Siyaq Numerals from columns 8 to F to row 1ED vacating 8 cols.
- SMP row 10F - moved down Arabic Math Alpha symbols from columns 0 to F to row 1EE and 1EF expanding by another row; moved up Elymaic from row 1E8 to column 8.
- SMP row 16C - 'Chinook' has been renamed/replaced with 'Duployan Shorthand' and moved to row 1BC; moved Mende to row 1E8; designated new Kpelle to columns 0 to 7 with a proposed referenced document.
- SMP row 16D - moved down Shorthands to row 1BE; designated Loma to columns 0 to C with a referenced proposal document.
- SMP row 16F - updated proposal document for Miao, reducing the number of designated columns to 13 from 16.
- SMP row 1B0 - renamed Historic Kana to Kana Supplement.
- SMP row 1BC - allocated Duployan Shorthand to 11 columns (is marked as proposed; the proposal exists only as an L2 document, which cannot be accessed without a password).
- SMP Rows 1BD to 1BF - moved down Shorthands from row 16D, expanding it to three rows.
- SMP row 1E8 - moved up Elymaic to row 10F; moved down Mende from row 16C to columns 0 to 9, expanding by one col; change status from tentative to proposed with a referenced document.
- SMP row 1ED - moved down Persian Siyaq Numerals from row 10E to columns 8 to F.
- SMP Rows 1EE and 1EF - moved down Arabic Math Alpha Symbols from row 10F; designated two rows 1EE and 1EF.
- There are no changes in SIP, TIP or SSP roadmaps from the previous snapshot.

Changes in document N3652R of 2009-11-25 from document N3608 of 2009-04-09

(Note: This snapshot reflects the roadmaps posted soon after the Unicode Standard 5.2 was released.)
- BMP row 08: Changed status of Samaritan to Published.
- BMP row 08: Changed status of Canadian Syllabics Extended to Published.
- BMP row 1A: Changed status of Tai Tham to Published. Moved Pahawh Hmong to SMP.row 16B.
- BMP row 1C: Sundanese additions in column C are now accepted for encoding. Changed status of Vedic Extensions to Published.
- BMP row A4: Changed status of Lisu to Published.
- BMP row A6: Changed status of Bamum to Published.
- BMP row A8: Changed status of Common Indic Number Forms and Devanagari Extended to Published.
- BMP row A9: Changed status of Hangul Jamo Extended-A and Javanese to Published.
- BMP row AA: Changed status of Myanmar Extended-A and Tai Viet to Published.
- BMP row AB: Varang Kshiti has been renamed Warang Citi with an updated reference. Changed status of Meetei-Mayek to Published.
- BMP row D7: Changed status of Hangul Jamo Extended-B to Published.
- BMP row 1A: Pahawh Hmong is moved from columns C to F, to SMP row 16B.
- BMP row AB: columns 0 to 2, status of Ethiopic Ext-A is changed to Accepted with a reference document.
- SMP range '0001E000-0001EFFF unassigned' - is now split into '0001E000-0001E7FF unassigned' and '0001E800-0001EFFF RTL scripts' (shown with a different shading).
- SMP range '0001F300-0001FFFD unassigned'- is now split into '0001F300-0001F7FF Pictographic sets' and '0001F800-0001FFFD unassigned'.
- SMP row 108: Changed status of Imperial Aramaic to Published.
- SMP row 109: Meroitic is split into Meroitic Hieroglyphs that is now accepted for encoding in columns 8 and 9 with an updated reference, and Meroitic Cursive script that is now accepted for encoding in columns A to F; shifting Elymaic from columns E and F, to SMP Row 1E8 columns 0 and 1.
- SMP row 10A: Changed status of South Arabian to Published with modified name of Old South Arabian.
- SMP row 10B: Changed status of Avestan, Parthian and Inscriptional Pahlavi to Published.
- SMP row 10C: Changed status of Old Turkic to Published. Columns 5 to 7 allocated to Yezidi - moved up 3 columns from row 10E. Columns 8 to F assigned to Hungarian Runic with a new reference, renamed from Old Hungarian in columns 9 to F.
- SMP row 10E: columns 0 to 5 allocated to Sogdian (new entry); Yezidi was moved up to Row 10C. Changed status of Rumi Symbols to Published.
- SMP row 110: Changed status of Sorang Sompeng to accepted with an updated reference. Changed status of Kaithi to Published.
- SMP row 111: Changed status of Chakma to accepted with updated reference. Changed status of Sharada to accepted.
- SMP row 112: Moved up Khojki to columns 0 to 4 with a new status of 'accepted' and new reference; moved down Soyombo and Ahom within the row and leaving columns 5 to 7 unallocated.
- SMP - rows 130 to 134: Changed status of EgyptianHieroglyphs to Published.
- SMP - rows 168 to 169 columns 0 to 3: Old Bamum has been accepted as Bamum Supplement with a new reference document.
- SMP - rows 16A: Mende has been vacated from 16A and moved to Row 16C columns 4 to F. Mro (new) is assigned columns 4 to 6 in row 16A, leaving columns 7 unassigned. Bassa has been moved up from row 16B to columns 8 to A leaving columns B to F unassigned.
- SMP row 16B: Bassa is moved to SMP Row 16A. Pahawh Hmong (moved from BMP row 1A) is assigned to columns 0 to 7 with a new proposal document.
- SMP row 16C: Mende is assigned columns 4 to F, moved from row 16A.
- SMP row 187-188: Tangut Ideographs have been accepted for encoding extending into this entire row 187, and into first 5 columns of Row 188, and leaving columns 5 to F unassigned.
- SMP row 189-18C: Tangut Radicals are moved down by 1 row from rows 188 to 18B.
- SMP row 18D: This row is now vacated moving down Jurchen to later rows starting at row 190..
- SMP row 18E and row 18F (first 8 columns): Khitan Small Script is moved up here from rows 191 and 192 first 8 columns moving down Jurchen to later rows.
- SMP - rows 190 to row 195 (first 6 columns): Jurchen ideographs is renamed Jurchen and are now assigned these rows and columns moving down from rows 188 to 18B.
- SMP row 195 - columns 6 to 9 are now assigned Jurchen Radicals (new), leaving the remaining columns unassigned.
- SMP row s 196-1A6 and row 1A7 columns 0 to 7: 18 and a half rows of Khitan ideographs are shifted by half a row, down from rows 192 (last 8 columns) and rows 193 through 1A4.
- SMP - rows 1E8 to 1EF: this range of rows is now reserved for allocating to right to left scripts. Elymaic is moved from SMP Row 109 to SMP row 1E8 columns 0 and 1.
- SMP row 1F0: Fixed error (in the snapshot document only) in URL for the chart for Domino Tiles. Playing Cards (new) have been accepted for encoding in columns A to F.
- SMP rows 1F1: Changed status of Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement to Published.
- SMP rows 1F2; Changed status of Enclosed Ideographic Supplement to Published.
- SMP row s 1F3-1F5: Miscellaneous Pictographic Symbols (new) have been accepted for encoding in these rows .
- SMP row 1F6: Emoticons (new) has been allocated to columns 0 to 4; Transport and Map Symbols have been accepted for encoding in columns 8 to F; remaining columns are unassigned.
- SMP row 1F7: Alchemical Symbols have been accepted for encoding in columns 0 to 7, leaving last 8 columns unassigned.
- SIP: Rows 2A7 to 2B7: Status of CJK Extension C is changed to Allocated.
- SIP: The range 0002B800-0002F7FF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D is split into 0002B740-0002B91F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D and 0002B920-0002F7FF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
Note: In the changes from document N3608 from N3518 identified in the section below the entry for "Moved Arabic Pedagogical set from row 08 columns 6 and 7 to SMP row 110 columns D to F." is incorrect. Pedagogical symbols were accepted for encoding in Arabic Presentation Forms A block at meeting 53. In any case, SMP row 110 could not have been allocated to an right-to-left script.
- There were no changes to TIP or SSP roadmaps.

Changes in document N3608 of 2009-04-09 from document N3518 of 2008-10-06

- BMP - Moved Arabic Pedagogical set from row 08 columns 6 and 7 to SMP row 110 columns D to F.
- BMP row 18, columns B to F; changed status of Canadian Syllabics Ext. A renaming the block and merging with Canadian Syll Ext. B from BMP row A9 columns E and F to 'accepted'.
- BMP row 19, columns C to F; changed status of Batak to accepted.
- BMP row 1C; designated col. D to Sundanese additions.
- BMP row A9; freed up columns E and F designated for Canadian Syllabics Ext. B, since it is now merged with Canadian Syllabics. Ext. in BMP row 18.
- BMP row AB; inserted Ethiopic Ext A in columns 0 to 2, shifting Varang Kshiti to columns 3 to 6, leaving col. 7 unallocated; moved Sorang Sampeng from BMP columns 4 to 6 to SMP row 110 columns D to F.
- SMP; range 0001E000-0001FFFD is revised designating 0001F000-0001F0FF for Game symbols and 0001F100-0001F2FF for Alphanumeric and ideographic sets, leaving the rest unassigned.
- SMP row 109; updated reference for Meroitic.
- SMP row 10A; updated reference for Manichaean.
- SMP row 10D; moved Byblos down by 1 column to columns 8 to F.
- SMP row 10E; added a reference for Yezidi; updated reference for Rumi Symbols.
- SMP row 110; changed status of Brahmi to 'accepted'. Designated Sorang Sampeng to columns D to F, moved from BMP row 08 cells 4 to 6.
- SMP row 111; reduced the number of columns for Chakma by 1, deallocating col. 5.
- SMP row 168 to 16A; changed status of Old Bamum to 'proposed' with reference document, designating additional col F in row 169 and first four columns in row 16B; moved Mende in row 16A down by 4 columns
- SMP row 187; Removed Tangut Radicals from row 187 columns 8 to F.
- SMP row 188 to 18B; Extended the range designated for Tangut Radicals by a row 18B. Changed status to 'proposed' with a reference document.
- SMP row 18B to 193; moved Jurchen ideographs, Khitan small scripts and Khitan Ideographs down by one row to end at row 1A4 (one less row for Khitan Ideographs).
- SMP row 1B0 is now designated to Historic Kana. Nüshu script is moved down by a row to 1B1 and 1B2 with its status reversed to Proposed.
- SMP rows 1F1; allocated to Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement that has been accepted.
- SMP rows 1F2; allocated to Enclosed Ideographic Supplement that has been accepted.
- SIP; Adjusted the range of rows 2A6 to 2B7 previously allocated to CJK Extension C; columns E and F in row 2A6 and columns 4 to F in row 2B7 are now unassigned, CJK Ext. C is in the range of rows 2A7 to 2B7 (columns 0 to 3), reflecting the assigned code positions.
- SIP - corrected the error in the snapshot for row 2B8 - should be designated for CJK Ext. D instead of to CJK Ext. C.
- The TIP allocations are revised -- designating 'Oracle Bone Script' in rows 300 to 317, 'Bronze Script' in rows 320 to 32F, and 'Small Seal Script' in rows 340 to 368. This revision divides 'Old Hanzi' into its component collections that are under consideration in IRG.

Changes in document N3518 of 2008-10-06 from document N3398 of 2008-04-05

- Added a note indicating the synchronization of charts between the next editions of Unicode and 10646 including the new multiple-column format for CJK.
- Plane 3 is named Tertiary Ideographic Plane for allocating additional Ideographic scripts. Tentative allocations are given for Old Hanzi in rows 00 to 17 and Oracle Bone Characters in rows 20 to 27.
- BMP row 08 - columns 08 to 0F are reorganized with Arabic Pedagogical Characters in columns 08 and 09 with N3460 as reference document, and moving Arabic Extended A to remaining six columns, removing unallocated columns.
- BMP row 18 - columns 0B to 0F - allocated to proposed Canadian Syllabics. Ext-B with a reference to document N3437, changed from Canadian Syllabics Ext-A which is now in Row A9.
- BMP row 1C - columns 08 to 0C - vacated; Meetei Mayek moved to row AB.updated reference to document N3470 for Meetei Mayek.
- BMP row A9 - columns 0E and 0F - allocated to Canadian Syllabics Ext-A moved from row 18 with status updated to 'accepted' and new reference document N3427.
- BMP row AA - columns 06 and 07 - Myanmar Ext is now 'accepted' with reference document N3423; columns 0E and 0F allocated to 'accepted' Meetei Mayek extension with reference to document N3478, removing Canadian Syllabics Ext. C.
- BMP row AB - moved out Grantha to SMP row 113; updated reference for Sorang Sompeng to document N3410; allocated columns 09 to 0B to Beria; allocated columns 0C to 0F to 'accepted' (renamed from Meitei Mayek) Meetei Mayek script with reference to document N3470, moving from row 1C.
- SMP row 10A - swapped S. Arabian and Balti two columns each; status of Old South Arabian is now 'accepted'.
- SMP rows 10C and 10D - Moved Old Hungarian to columns 09 to 0F; shifting Uighur to row 10D columns 00 to 05, and moving Byblos in row 10D to columns 08 to 0E.
- SMP row 110 - Brahmi is extended through to col 07 with new reference document N3490.
- SMP row 111 - Chakma has a proposal document N3428; Sharada has a proposal document N3245.
- SMP rows 112 to 11A - rearranged with different script allocations from previous roadmap. Grantha is moved from BMP;
- SMP row 124 columns 08 to 0F through to row 12A columns 00 to 07 - swapped Archaic Cuneiform Extensions with Anatolian Hieroglyphs.
- SMP row 16F is now Miao (replacing Pollard Phonetic) with proposal reference document N3335.
- SMP row 181 col 00 through to row 18F col 0F - Tangut has been extended to row 187 col. 01; Tangut Radicals allocated to row 187 col. 08 to end of row 18A; moving down Jurchen ideographs to rows 18B col. 00 through to end of row 18F.
- SMP row 1A4 Khitan Ideograph extended by 1 row to 1A4.
- SMP rows 1AA through to 1AF - Naxi Tomba has a proposal in document N3425.
- SMP row 1B0 col. 00 to 1B1 col. 08 - Nüshu is now accepted with proposal in document N3287; leaving row 1B1 columns 09 to 0F to end of row 1B2 unallocated.
There are no changes to SIP or SSP roadmaps.

Changes document N3398 of 2008-04-05 from document N3306 of 2007-08-29

-BMP Row 08: Samaritan - updated reference; Mandaic - updated reference.
- BMP Row 18: Canadian Syllabics Ext -A designated in columns E and F.
- BMP Row 1A: 'Lanna' script has been renamed 'Tai Tham' with an updated reference.
- BMP Row 1B: Batak - updated reference. Sundanese is now 'allocated' with updated reference.
- BMP Row 1C: Lepcha and Ol Chiki are now 'allocated' with updated references; Meetei Mayek - updated reference; Vedic Extensions - status changed to 'accepted' with updated reference.
- BMP Row 2D: Cyrillic Extended A is now 'allocated' with updated reference.
- BMP Row A4: Lisu script is accepted for encoding in columns D to F with updated reference.
- BMP Rows A5 and A6: Vai script is now 'allocated' with updated reference.
- BMP Row A6: Cyrillic Extended B is now 'allocated' with updated reference.
- BMP Row A8: Saurashtra is now 'allocated' with updated reference; Indic Numbers - status changed to 'accepted' with updated reference; Devanagari Extension - status changed to 'accepted' with updated reference.
- BMP Row A9: Kayah Li and Rejang are now 'allocated' with updated reference; Javanese - status changed to 'accepted' with updated reference with a reduced allocation to 6 columns; designated Canadian Syllabics Extension B in the freed up columns E and F.
- BMP Row AA: Cham is now 'allocated' with updated reference; Canadian Syllabics Extension C is designated in previously unassigned columns E and F.
- BMP Row AB: Varang Kshiti, Sorang Sompeng - updated reference; Grantha is assigned to columns 8 to F (moved from SMP Row 113) displacing Chakma, which is moved to SMP Row 111.
- SMP Row 100: Linear B Syllabary allocation is corrected to first 8 columns from previous six columns.
- SMP Row 101: Ancient Symbols and Phaistos Disc are now 'allocated' with updated reference.
- SMP Row 102: Lycian and Carian are now 'allocated' with updated reference.
- SMP Row 103: Shavian Quick script is designated in previously unallocated columns E and F.
- SMP Row 108: Imperial Aramaic - updated reference.
- SMP Row 109: Lydian is now 'allocated' with updated reference.
- SMP Row 10A: S. Arabian - status is changed to 'accepted' with updated reference; Manichaean - updated reference.
- SMP Row 10B: Updated references for Avestan, Parthian, Pahlavi, Psalter Pahlavi and Book Pahlavi scripts.
- SMP Row 10C: Old Turkic - updated reference.
- SMP Row 10E: Rumi Symbols - status is changed to 'accepted' with updated reference.
- SMP Row 110: Kaithi script - status is changed to 'accepted' with updated reference.
- SMP Row 111: Sharada script - status is changed to tentative. Chakma is moved from BMP Row AB into columns 0 to 6; columns 7 and 8 are unallocated - displacing Soyombo and Ahom scripts which are moved to Row 113.
- SMP Row 113: Designated Soyombo in columns 0 to 3 and Ahom in columns 4 to 7 displacing 8 columns of Grantha which is moved to BMP Row AB.
- SMP Row 1F0: Mahjong and Domino tiles are now 'allocated' with updated reference.

- No changes in SIP or SSP.

Changes in document N3306 of 2007-08-29 from document N3228 of 2007-04-18

- Blocks and unassigned ranges in rows 05-08 and FB-FE in the BMP, and rows 108-10F in the SMP that are designated for RTL scripts are now shown in Yellow background colour.
- BMP Row 08: Increased the number of columns designated for Samaritan from 3 to 4, moving Mandaic down one column.
- BMP Rows 1A and 1B: Swapped 4 columns for Pahawh Hmong with 4 columns for Batak in BMP Row 1B.
- BMP Row 1C: Designated 3 remaining empty columns to Vedic Extensions with a reference to the latest proposal document.
- BMP Row A6: Increased the number of columns for Vai script from 3 to 4; increased the number of columns for Cyrillic Extended B from 4 to 6, shifting Bamum down 2 columns.; there are no more unallocated columns in this row.
- BMP Row A8: moved out Hangul Ext B from col. 3 to BMP row D7; replaced it with Indic Numbers; removed Cyrillic Ext-C from columns E and F and merging it with expanded Cyrillic Ext-B in BMP row A6; designated the vacated columns E and F for Devanagari Extension.
- BMP Row A9: Hangul Ext A is accepted for encoding in vacant columns 6 and 7, moved from BMP row D7.
- BMP Row AA: Myanmar Ext A are designated in vacant columns 6 and 7;
- BMP Row D7: Hangul Jamo Ext. B is accepted for encoding in last 5 columns displacing Hangul Jamo Ext. A to BMP row .A9.
- SMP Row 105: Moved out Pollard Phonetic to SMP row 16F reversing its status to 'tentative'; designated Old Udi in columns 0 to 5, vacated columns 6 and 7; moved down the others currently in this row.
- SMP Row 108: Renamed Aramaic to Imperial Aramaic in columns 4 and 5 changing its status to 'accepted'.
- SMP Row 10A: Moved Manichaean to columns 0C to 0F (one extra column); moved Yezidi to Row 10E, columns 00 to 02; columns 0A and 0B are now unallocated.
- SMP Row 10B: Updated reference to Parthian, Insc. Pahlavi and Psalt. Pahlavi and Book Pahlavi proposals; changed status of Parthian and Inscr. Pahlavi to 'accepted'.
- SMP Row 10C: Orkhon is renamed Old Turkic in columns 0 to 3.
- SMP Row 10E: Moved Rumi Symbols to columns 6 and 7 leaving columns 0 to 5 unallocated. Moved Yezidi from Row 10A to columns 0 to 2.
- SMP Row 118: Leke script is designated in vacant columns 8 to C.
- SMP Rows 128-12A: Updated reference to Anatolian Hieroglyphs script.
- SMP Row 12B: Indus script is moved to SMP Rows 12E and 12F; Rongorongo script is moved up by one row starting in this row.
- SMP Rows 130-137: Updated reference to initial set of Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
- SMP Row 1F0: Updated references to Mahjong and Domino tiles.
There were no changes in SIP or SSP.

Changes in N3228 of 2007-04-18 from document N3149 of 2006-09-14

-Updated all the hyper links for 'allocated' scripts from WG 2 document N2229 to appropriate chart pages on Unicode site.
- BMP, Row 08; Moved out 6 columns of Avestan and Pahlavi to SMP Row 10B, split into Avestan and different types of Pahlavi; Moved up Samaritan into columns 0-2, Mandaic to columns 3-4, and designated 4 columns 8-B for Arabic Extended-A, leaving the remaining columns unallocated.
- BMP, Row 1A; Lanna is now accepted for encoding.
- BMP, Row 1C; Meetei Mayek (renamed from Meithei/Manipuri) is now accepted for encoding in 5 columns freeing up one column as unallocated.
- BMP, Row 1D; Phonetic Extensions (12 columns.) is updated reflecting allocation of 8 columns for Phonetic Extensions and 4 columns for Phonetic Extensions Supplement.
- BMP, Row 2D; Cyrillic Ext-A characters are accepted for encoding in two previously empty columns E-F.
- BMP, Row A4; Hangul Jamo Ext-B is moved to Row A8.
- BMP, Row A4; Corrected number of columns for Yi Radicals from 3 to 4.
- BMP, Row A6; Cyrillic Ext.-B is accepted for encoding in previously unassigned columns 4 through 7; Bamum script is accepted for encoding in columns 8 through D; Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Supplement is deleted.
- BMP, Row A8; Hangul Jamo Ext-B is moved down from BMP Row A4 and designated in previously empty col. 3; Cyrillic Ext-C is accepted for encoding in columns E and F.
- BMP, Row AA; status of Cham script in columns, 0-6 is changed to 'accepted'; columns 8-D; Viet Thai is renamed Tày Viêt or Tai Viet.
- BMP, Row FD; columns D and E, are now shown as (non-characters).

Note: The SMP has gone through a major rearrangement.. most of which are captured in the following lines:
- SMP, zone designations before the SMP table are changed and reorganized; all the shaded areas in SMP are now unshaded.
- SMP,Row 101; Ancient Symbols is accepted in columns 8-B.
- SMP Rows 108-10F; Rearranged several scripts
- SMP, Proto-Elamite is moved from Rows 10C-10D to 1CD-1CE.
- SMP, Row 10E; Persian Siyaq Numerals designated in columns 8-F.
- SMP, Row 10F; Designated the row for Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols.
- SMP, Row 110; Brahmi and Kaithi swapped within the row.
- SMP, Rows 111 and 112 - swapped Sharada and Turkestani designations.
- SMP, Row 114; Moved Modi script to Row 117; Maithili script designated in columns 8-D.
- SMP, Row 117; Woleai moved to Row 16B.
- SMP, Row 118-119; Bamum moved to Row 168-169 and renamed as Old Bamum; one part moved to BMP Row A6 as Bamum.
- SMP, Row 118; Newari script is reinstated in first 6 columns.
- SMP, Row 11A; Mende script is moved to Row 16A.
- SMP, Row 11B; Bassa script is moved to Row 16B.
- SMP, Row 11D; Chinook is moved to Row 16C.
- SMP, Row 11E; Shorthands is moved to Row 16D.
- SMP, Row 128; Hittite Hieroglyphs / Luvian is removed from the roadmap.
- SMP Rows 128, 129 and 12A (5 columns); Designated for Anatolian Hieroglyphs; moving down Indus from Row 129 and 12A (first 9 columns).
- SMP Rows 12B to 12E; Moved Rongorongo to Rows 12C to 12E.
- SMP Row 130; Tengwar and Cirth moved down to Row 160.
- SMP Row 132-136; Blissymbols and Blissymbols Extensions moved down to 162-166.
- SMP Rows 131-153; Designated for Egyptian Hieroglyphs,and extended sets, moving these up from Rows 140 to 163.
- SMP Rows 154-158; Moved up Maya Hieroglyphs from Rows 164-168.
- SMP Rows 15C-15F; Moved up Aztec Pictograms from rows 16C-16F.
- SMP Rows 168-169; Moved Bamum from SMP rows 118-119 and renamed Old Bamum.
- SMP Rows 170 to 1A7 are reorganized as follows:
Moved Tangut Ideographs into rows 177 to 180 and Col. 0 of row 181 with a status of 'accepted'; columns 1 to F of row 181 are unallocated; rows 182 to 18F are designated for Jurchen Ideographs, moving these from SMP rows 170 to 175; rows 188 to 18F are now unallocated and marked as half-row zones; rows 190 to 1A3 are reorganized by moving up Khitan (renamed from Kitan); rows 1A4 to 1A7 are unallocated.
SMP Rows 1B0 to 1B3: hanged status of Nüshu to 'proposed'.
SMP Rows 1B4 to 1B5: removed Nüshu designated in these rows.
- SMP, rows 1C0 to 1CA (first 8 columns) are designated for Micmac hieroglyphs.

-SIP, Rows 2A6, last two columns are marked unassigned.
-SIP, Rows 2A7 to 2B8 (first eight columns); assigned to CJK Ext C (renamed from Ext C1), leaving last eight columns of row 2B8 as unassigned.
-SIP, Rows 2B9 to 2F7; designated for CJK Ext D (renamed from CJK Ext. C2).

- No changes in SSP.

Changes document N3149 of 2006-09-14 from document N3005 of 2006-04-12

- BMP Row 18 - Cham script is moved from the 5 columns 0B to 0F to row AA 6 columns 00 to 05.
- BMP Row 1A - 'Lanna' is renamed from 'Lanna (old Tai Lue)' and is provisionally allocated two more columns; Lanna and Batak scripts are reshuffled within the row.
- BMP Row 1B - status of Sundanese is changed to 'accepted'.
- BMP Row A4 - last three unused columns 0D-0F are designated for Hangul Jamo Ext-B.
- BMP Row A6 Vai script is assigned additional column 02.
- BMP Row A9 - changed status of Kayah Li to 'accepted' with updated WG 2 document reference to N3038; changed status of Rejang to 'accepted'
- BMP Row AA - Cham script is moved down from row 18 into columns 00 to 05, displacing Varang Kshiti and Sorang Sompeng to BMP row AB.
- BMP Row AB - Varang Kshiti and Sorang Sompeng are moved from row AA to columns 00 to 03 and 04 to 07 respectively; Newari script is removed from the roadmap.
- BMP Row D7 - last unused columns 0B to 0F are designated for Hangul Jamo Ext-A.
- SMP Ranges: Row 101 columns D to F that were designated to Ancient numeric systems are now designated to Alphabetic and syllabic LTR scripts.
- SMP Row 101 - Phaistos Disc characters assigned with status of 'accepted' in columns D to F.
- SMP Row 102 - Changed status of Lycian and Carian to 'accepted'.
- SMP Row 108 - Changed status of Lydian to 'accepted'.
-SIP - Range 0002A6E0-0002F7FF CJK Ext. C1 is split into two -- CJK Ext. C1 allocation ends at 0002B8FF, and 0002B900-0002F7FF is allocated CJK Ext. C2.
In addition to the above the following scripts / blocks are marked in this document with their latest status as 'published' in Amendment 2 of 10646 and Unicode 5.0. The reference to charts on Unicode site will be added once they have been published. Till then a link is provided to the FDAM2 charts that were prepared for WG 2.

Changes in document N3005 of 2006-04-12 from document N2986 of 2005-09-05

- BMP - Row 1B - Updated status of Sundanese with updated reference document.
- BMP - Row A9 - 3 columns of Kayah Li moved from row AB, with updated status and reference document; 3 columns of Rejang moved from SMP row 112 with updated status and reference document.Moved 6 columns of Chakma to row AB; moved up the two empty columns to before Javanese.
- BMP - Row AA - Swap 6 columns of Newari with Viet Thai from row AB; 3 columns of Kayah Li moved to row A9.
- BMP - Row AB - 6 columns of Chakma moved down from row A9; 6 columns of Viet Thai swapped with 6 columns of Newari in row AA.
- SMP - Previously unallocated range 00010200-000102FF is now designated for Alphabetic and syllabic LTR scripts.
- SMP- Row 102 - 2 columns of Lycian and 3 columns of Carian moved up from 103, both with updated refs.;
- SMP - Row 103 - 3 columns for Old Permic are moved from row 104 into vacated 3 columns of Carian; 2 columns vacated by moving Lycian are left unassigned.
- SMP - Row 104 - 2 columns of Iberian moved down to row 105; these plus 3 vacated by Carian are left unassigned.
- SMP - Row 105 - 2 empty columns are now designated for Iberian moved from row 104, filling row 105.
- SMP - Row 108 - 4 Meroitic columns are moved out to row 109; 2 Lydian columns with an updated reference document from row 109 and 2 Balti columns moved up from within row 108 are designated into these 4 columns; Old Hungarian is moved up 2 columns and N.Arabic is moved into last 2 columns from row 109.
- SMP - Row 109 - 2 columns of Lydian and 2 columns of N.Arabic moved up to row 108; 6 columns are designated for Meroitic moved down from row 108 using 2 additional columns.
- SMP - Row 110 - 5 columns of Kaithi with updated reference document moved up from row 117; moved 4 columns of Pyu to row 114.
- SMP - Row 112 - moved 3 columns of Rejang to row A9 in BMP; slotted in 6 columns for Sharada (ref to UTC document; await WG 2 doc number);
- SMP - Row 114 - 4 columns designated for Pyu moved from row 110; moved Landa out to row 117;
- SMP - Row 117 - Kaithi moved up to row 110; 6 columns designated for Landa moved down from row 114.

Changes in N2986 of 2005-09-05 from document N2894 of 2005-01-04

- Added plane number prefix 1, 2 or E, to row numbers in SMP, SIP and SSP tables.
- BMP - Row 13, columns 08 and 09 - Ethiopic Supplement is now published.
- BMP - Row 19, columns 08 to 0D - New Tai Lue is now published.
- BMP - Row 1A, columns 1 and 2 - Buginese is now published.
- BMP - Row 1B, columns 00 to 07 assigned to Balinese accepted for encoding; Sundanese moved to columns 08 to 0B and Pahawh Hmong (from row AB) to columns 0C to 0F.
- BMP - Row 1C Kayah Li (columns 0D-0F) is moved to BMP row AB; Lepcha is accepted for encoding in columns 00 to 03 (moved from columns 08-0B); Meithei/Manipuri moved to columns 08-0D; columns 0E and 0F are unallocated; Ol Chiki is accepted for encoding in columns 04 to 07 (moved from BMP row 2D)
- BMP - Row 1D, columns 0C to 0F, Combining Diacritics Supplement is now published.
- BMP - Row 27, Dingbats (columns 00 to 0B), Misc. Maths A (columns 0C to 0E) and Arrows (column 0F) are now published.
- BMP - Row 2C, Glagolitic is published in columns 00 to 06; Latin Extension C is accepted for columns 07 and 08; Coptic is published in columns 09 to 0F.
- BMP - Row 2D, Georgian Supplement (columns 00 and 02), Tifinagh (columns 03 to 07), Ethiopic Extended (columns 08 to 0D) are now published; columns 0E and 0F are unassigned.
- BMP - Row 2E, Supplemental Punctions are published in columns 00 to 07.
- BMP - Row 31, corrected name of block in column 09 to Kbn (Kanbun) from M; CJK Strokes (changed from CJK Basic Strokes) is published in columns 0C to 0E.
- BMP - Row 4D, columns 0C to 0F, added link to published table for Yijing Hexagrams.
- BMP - Removed Yi Extensions vacating columns 0C to 0F in row A4, columns 00 to FF in rows A5 and A6.
- BMP - Row A5 columns 00 to 0F and row A6 columns 00 and 01 are assigned Vai script.
- BMP - Row A6, columns 06 to 0F is designated for Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics supplement, leaving columns 02 to 05 unassigned.
- BMP - Row A7; Modifier Tone marks are published in columns 00 and 01; Latin Extension D is accepted in columns 02 to 0F; Pollard Phonetic is moved to SMP row 05; Grantha is moved to SMP row 13.
- BMP - Row A8; Syloti Nagri is published in columns 00 to 02; Phags-Pa is assigned columns 04 to 07; Saurashtra (moved from BMP row AB) is assigned columns 08 to 0F; column 03 is unassigned; Newari is moved to BMP row AA, columns 08 to 0D.
- BMP - Row A9; Javanese is designated columns 00 to 07; Chakma is moved to columns 08 to 0D, leaving columns 0E and 0F unassigned.
- BMP - Row AA, Siddham is moved to SIP row 13, replaced by Newari from BMP row A8.
- BMP - Row AB, Saurashtra is moved to BMP row A8; Viet Thai (moved from BMP row 1B) is slotted in columns 00 to 05; Kayah Li (moved from BMP row 1C) is designated columns 08 to 0A.
- SMP - Row 02, columns 04 to 08, Ancient Greek Numbers, is now published.
- SMP - Row 03, columns 05 to 07, Carian (moved from SMP row 0B) replaces Old Permic (moved to SMP row 04); Lycian (moved from SMP row 05) is slotted in previously unallocated columns 0E and 0F. Old Persian in columns 0A to 0D is now published.
- SMP - Row 04; Old Permic (moved from SMP row 03) is slotted in previously unallocated columns 0B to 0D; Iberian (moved from SMP row 05) is slotted in previously unallocated columns 0E and 0F.
- SMP - Row 05; Pollard Phonetic (moved from BMP row A7) is slotted in columns 00 to 05, replacing Lycian (moved to SMP row 03) and Iberian (moved to SMP row 04).
- SMP - Row 08; Old Hungarian (moved from BMP row 2C) is slotted in columns 0D to 0F replacing Yezidi (moved to row 09).
- SMP - Row 09; Lydian moved to columns 02-03 from SMP row 0B columns 02-03; S. Arabian moved to row 0B columns 02-03 shifting N. Arabic, Palmyrene and Nabataean to the left by two columns.; Yezidi moved from SMP row 08 to previously unallocated columns 0A-0C.
- SMP - Row 0A; Kharoshthi in columns 00 to 05 is now published.
- SMP - Row 0B;Aramaic moved (from SMP row 09) to columns 00-01 displacing Lydian (moved to SMP row 09); S. Arabian moved (from SMP row 08) to columns 02-03 displacing Carian (moved to SMP row 03).
- SMP - Row 12; Tulu designated in columns 00 to 05 displacing Kaithi (moved to SMP row 17).
- SMP - Row 13; Grantha moved (from BMP row A7) into columns 00 to 07; Siddham moved (from BMP row AA) to columns 08 to 0F.
- SMP - Row 14; Landa, Modi, Chalukya, Chola, Satavahana and Takri moved down one row (from SMP row 13).
- SMP - Row 17; Kaithi moved (from row 12) to columns 00 to 05; Woleai is designated in columns 08 to 0E.
- SMP - Row 18-1A; Bamum, Mende and Bassa moved up from SMP rows 19-1B; Vai has moved from SMP row 18 to BMP row A5.
- SMP - Rows 20-24; Cuneiform and Cuneiform Numerals have now been accepted for encoding.
- SMP - Row D2; Ancient Greek Music Notation in columns 00 to 04 are now published.
- SMP - Row D3; Counting Rod Numerals have been accepted in columns 07 and 08.
-SIP - columns 0E and 0F in row A6, and all columns in rows A7 to F7 changed from Unallocated to Tentative allocation for CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C1.

Changes in document N2894 of 2005-01-04 from document N2805 of 2004-06-14

- BMP Row 07 Update status of N'Ko script to 'accepted'. Reference updated to N2833.
- BMP Row 08 Moved Tifinagh to row 2D, moved Samaritan up within the row.
- BMP Row 13 Rename Ethiopic Extension to Ethiopic Supplement; status updated to 'accepted'; reference updated to N2814.
- BMP Row 19 Renamed Tai Lue in columns 8 to D to New Tai Lue.
- BMP Row 1A Rename Old Xishuangbanna Dai to Old Tai Lue.
- BMP Row 21 Coptic - reference updated to N2744.
- BMP Row 2C Expanded Coptic for one more column, shifting Old Hungarian and removing empty column at the end.
- BMP Row 2D Moved Tifinagh from row 08, moving Ol Chiki to end of row. Changed status of Ethiopic Extended to Accepted.
- BMP Row 2F Moved Strokes (1 col) out to row 31.
- BMP Row 31 Allocated 3 empty columns to Basic Strokes.
- BMP Row A7 Created new 2-column Modifier Tone Letters block with N2713 as reference.
- SMP Row 05 Reshuffled scripts within the row.
- SMP Rows 08 to 0B Reshuffled scripts within these four rows. Updated status of Phoenician in row 09 to 'accepted' and fixed its reference to N2796.pdf.
- SMP Rows 20 to 24 Update status of Cuneiform blocks to 'accepted'.
- SMP Rows 32 to 35 Updated hot links for Blissymbols.
- SMP Row D2 Abbreviated name of Ancient Greek Musical Notation.

Changes in document N2805 of 2004-06-14 from document N2662 of 2003-10-17

- BMP - Row 07 columns 05 to 07 Arabic Extension has changed name to Arabic Supplement and its status has changed to Accepted (for PDAM1 to 10646-2003).
- BMP - Row 08 - moved up Tifinagh after moving Aramaic to SMP.
- BMP - Row 1A columns 01 to 02 Buginese changed status to 'accepted'; freed up column 3 for future allocation.
- BMP - Moved 2 columns for Aramaic from BMP row 08 to SMP row 08 displacing Balti.
- BMP - Row 1D - Extended Phonetic Extensions by 4 more columns
- BMP - Row 1D - removed Alphabetic Extensions and allocated last four columns to Combining Diactrics Supplement with hot link for document from which characters have been accepted for this block.
- BMP - Row 2C - Changed status of Glagolitic and Coptic to Accepted.
- BMP - Row 2C - Renamed Hungarian Runic to Old Hungarian in columns 0D to 0F.
- BMP - Row 2D - Changed status of Georgian Supplement to Accepted.
- BMP - Row 2E - Changed status of Supplemental Punctuation to Accepted.
- BMP - Row A9 - swapped Pahawh Hmong with hPhags-pa in row AB.
- BMP - Row A9 - Swapped Varang Kshiti and Sorang Sng. with Newari with row AA.
- BMP - Row A8 - Changed status of Syloti Nagri and Phags-pa to Accepted. Changed SILOTI to SYLOTI.
- SMP - Row 01 - Ancient Greek Numbers have been Accepted.
- SMP - Row 03 - Old Persian has been Accepted.
- SMP - Moved 2 columns for Phoenician from row 09 to row 08.
- SMP - Moved 4 columns for Meroitic from row 08 to row 09.
- SMP - Moved 2 columns for Balti from row 08 to row 09.
- SMP - Moved up 3 columns for Yezidi in row 09.
- SMP - Moved 4 columns for Orkhon from row 09 to row 0A.
- SMP - Moved 7 columns for Byblos from row 0A to row 0E.
- SMP - Row 0A - Kharoshthi has been Accepted.
- SMP - Changed the name " ... Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform ..." to " ... Cuneiform ...".
- SMP - Rows 20 to 23 - Allocated 4 rows to Cuneiforms with status of under consideration.
- SMP - Row 24 - Allocated first half to Cuneiform Numbers vacating Archaic Cuneiform Extensions with status of under consideration.
- SMP - Row D2 - Ancient (changed from Archaic) Greek Musical Notation has been Accepted.

Changes in document N2662 of 2003-10-17 from document N2559 of 2002-12-06

- Updated the status of all scripts that have been published in Unicode V4.0, and in ISO/IEC 10646 or their amendments, or included in the FDAMs under ballot in JTC1, as of (pre-meeting M44 of WG 2) 2003-10-20. Links have been updated to point to the relevant charts at the Unicode web site.

Several of the proposals have been accepted by UTC prior to WG 2 M44 - their status in this document is marked as - under consideration - "(Text between parentheses)" instead of - accepted for inclusion - "(Bold text between parentheses)". Their status may change after WG 2 meeting M44. See pipeline.html for a list of these characters or scripts.
- Updated links to latest proposal documents for several scripts.
- Several minor editorial changes to the text have been made.
- The online contact form is pointed to as the feedback mechanism for comments on this document.
- BMP - Added C0 and C1 entries in row 00 (* these are not in the roadmaps on Unicode web site).
- BMP - added Arabic Extension in row 07.
- BMP - moved Phoenician from BMP row 08 to SMP row 09.
- BMP - moved Pollard to BMP row A7 from SMP row 04
- BMP- several non-standardized scripts have been moved around.
- SMP - several non-standardized scripts have been moved around.
- SMP - Added Archaic Greek Musical Notation to row D2.
- SMP - Added Anicent Greek Numbers to row 01.
-SIP - Added NOTE about possible use of Plane 3 for allocating additional Han Ideographs should the need arise.
-SIP - Adjusted the end of range for CJK Extension B to reflect standardized columns in row A6.
- SSP - Row 01 - "Variation Selectors"renamed "Variation Selectors Supplement" and Range adjusted to show standardized columns.

Changes in N2559 of 2002-12-06 from document N2461 of 2002-05-14

- Rows 07 and 08 in BMP: Shuffled around Madaic, N'Ko and merged Avestan and Pahlavi.
- Rows 19 and 1A in BMP: Shuffled Tai Lue and Viet Thai; added more Khmer in empty columns in 1A.
- Row 1D in BMP: Renamed UPA Extensions to Phonetic Extensions and extended into empty columns in left half; used up empty columns in right half for Alphabetic Extensions.
- Row 03 in SMP: Updated doclink and renamed Old Persian.
- Row 04 in SMP: Updated doclink for Osmanya.
- Row 06 in SMP: Added doclink for Bassa.
- Row 0B in SMP: Added Manichaean to left half moving Orkhon and Yezidi to right half.
- Row 12 in SMP: Added doclink for Rejang.
- Row 2F in SMP: Added missing doclink for Indus; row 2E had the link.
- Row D3 in SMP: Updated doclink and status for renamed Tai Xuan Jing Symbols.

Changes in N2461 of 2002-05-14 from document N2409 of 2001-10-27

- Row 1D in the BMP -- removed Latin Extension C and added UPA Extensions.
- Row AB in the BMP -- added Saurashtra and moved down the rest within that row.
- Changed allocations for scripts in rows 05 and 06 in the SMP.
- Moved Proto-Elamite from row 0B to row 0D in the SMP.
- Mende added to row 1B in the SMP.
- Nüshu added to rows B0--B5 in the SMP.
- Removed Variation Selectors from E0100-E010F in SSP.
- Updated the links to scripts that are under consideration or moved from exploratory to under consideration.
- Updated the links and presentation in the tables for scripts that were added in Amd 1 to 10646-1: 2001
- Expanded the width of the tables to 100 percent of page width.
- Added references to specific versions of roadmap documents on Unicode web site used for this snapshot.