Here is a list of deliverables we need to produce at our December meeting: 1. list of delegates to WG2 meeting in the spring. 2. recommended US position on the various SC2 ballots/X3L2 vote 3. recommendation on renewing, withdrawing, rewriting X3.32/X3L2 vote 4. character-glyph model a. project proposal/X3L2 vote b. proposed editor for character-glyph model c. list of areas where the character-glyph model needs attention d. X3L2 delegate(s) to X3V1 December meeting in LA 5. Unicode profile of 10646 a. project proposal/X3L2 vote b. proposed editor for standard profile 6. Project change requests a. adopt _appropriate_ ISO standards as ANSI/ISO standards (e.g., 6429, 2022) (I received some additional insight when I presented the annual report.) b. request to change projects (where we withdrew the standards) to liaison projects/X3L2 vote 7. Internationalization a. U.S. TAG to SC22/WG20 ad hoc meeting b. decision U.S. TAG to SC22/WG20 vs. to 10646 ordering effort? I'll be updating the first draft agenda to be sure that we have time to do these. Best regards, Ed