Revised: 1995-July-26 Edwin Hart Estimated Yearly Time Commitment for Vice-Chairman of X3L2 3-6 days Distribute Documents (4 planned mailings per year (i.e., 2/meeting) plus others as needed (2-8 hours to ready distribution to mail, A4 paper to 8 1/2 x 11, all copies single-sided or double-sided for copying, print mailing labels, stuff envelopes, etc. Note: After the work is organized, a clerk or secretary could do the rest.) 2 days Maintain SD-3, Document Registry, periodically send to chair (1-2 hours/meeting plus 1 hour/month between) 2 days Process X3L2 Letter Ballots as required Prepare ballot, print labels, mail them, receive ballots, tally votes, document results/comments (3-4 hours/ballot package, 2-4 ballot packages/year) We try to include these with the meeting mailings. 1 day Maintain Standing Documents (4 hours per meeting) SD-1, Mailing List SD-4, X3L2 Summary SD-5, Members in Jeopardy/Attendance & Ballot Records 1 day SD-2, Action Items 1 day Training (Washington, DC & West Coast) Required once by X3 for the 3 year term of the office _________________________________________________________________ Totals: 10-13 days/year over regular member of X3L2 depending on activities.