From: Joan Aliprand To: hartef1 Subject: Outline of Agenda for Common Meeting Date: Thursday, October 12, 1995 17:37 From: Joan Aliprand Subject: Outline of Agenda for Common Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ed and Arnold: Here's an outline for the agenda of the joint meeting. Now we need to put together a list of topics to go inside the outline. -- Joan =========================================================================== Doc. #: UTCno-yy-number X3L2yy-number * This might be a case where a document gets both a UTC number and an X3L2 * number. X3L2 & Unicode Technical Committee Joint Meeting UTC Meeting #nn X3L2 Meeting #nn , (All Day) Hosted by , Agenda Joint Meeting Chair: Joan Aliprand (Chair, UTC) Joint Meeting Vice Chair: Ed Hart (Chair, X3L2) Secretary: TBD X3L2: Membership roster is X3L2/SD-1 The Unicode Consortium: Full (Corporate) Members: (Total number = , mm/dd/yy, to I. Administrative Issues (Chair) A. Roll Call 1. Call for UTC Proxies 2. Roll Call for UTC * Ed: I think this has to be here. It can be done before the meeting is to * be declared a joint meeting. X3L2 roll call will have been handled the * day before. There could be another one in the X3L2 Plenary at the end * -- that's up to you. B. Meeting Logistics (refreshments, copying, printing, restrooms, etc.) C. Consortium Business Status 1. HQ Activities -- report from Greenfield * This is a traditional item, and is usually short. I had been thinking * that we might replace it with written report to members. Let's leave it * for the time being. II. Joint UTC-X3L2 Meeting B. Declaration of Joint Meeting C. Roll Call (for X3L2) E. Document Registration 1. X3L2 Documents 2. UTC Documents 3. ISO Documents C. Review & Approve Agenda of Joint Meeting D. Approval of Minutes 1. UTC #nn-1 Minutes 2. X3L2 #nn-1 Minutes (if not yet approved) F. Calendar Review/Plan Future UTC & X3L2 Meetings: Includes X3L2, UTC, WG2, and IRG meetings II. Reports If HQ report to beginning, what would then go here? III. Old Business/Action Items A. From previous UTC meetings B. From previous X3L2 meetings IV. New Business A. X3L2 items of joint interest B. UTC items of joint interest V. Interaction with WG2 Please review WG2 mailings for items you would like the UTC to discuss. A. Report on WG2 meetings since the last UTC/X3L2 meeting B. Current ISO ballots (if any) C. Reports on ISO ballots D. Input for next WG2 Meeting Discussion of WG2 documents of interest to UTC/X3L2 E. Documents for Information (discuss only if requested) VI. Other Items VII. List of Resolutions/List of Action Items VIII. Closing ============================================================== Calendar of Meetings: Unicode Consortium Distribution List (DL's): Unicorp (Closed List) consists of Full (Corporate) Members Only. Directors (Closed List) consists of Directors from Unicode, Inc.'s Board Only. Officers (Closed List) consists of Officers of Unicode, Inc. only. Minutes (Closed List) consists of Full (Corporate), Associate, and Individual Members only. Unicode (Open) consists of anyone that has ever expressed an interest in the Unicode Standard. Unicore (Open) consists of Full (Corporate) members and selected experts only. (Open) If you wish a message forwarded to a closed list, please send it to "" with a reason why your message should be sent to this list. X3L2 list serv To: HART(HARTEF1@BISDPO1.BISDNET.JHUAPL.EDU), AW(WINKLER@PO3.BB.UNISYS.COM)