From: Barbara Jarzyna [] Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 01:27 To: Subject: IUC25 in Washington, DC Tutorial A003 Dear Ed, On behalf of the Conference Board of the Twenty-fifth Internationalization and Unicode Conference, we are pleased to inform you that your submission, "Introduction to the Unicode Keyboard-Character-Glyph Model: What you need to know about processing and rendering multilingual text", has been accepted as a 90 minute tutorial presentation at our upcoming conference, conditional on your paper being acceptable, once reviewed by the Board. Your submission number for the tutorial is "a003". You will need this number when mailing in the electronic version of your paper. (see below). Planning a conference represents a significant commitment by the organizing committee towards sponsors, exhibitors, various suppliers, as well as to attendees, that the conference will provide the speakers as advertised, as well as produce a complete set of the conference proceedings. We therefore request that speakers be certain of their ability to provide the papers by the requested time, and that they have sufficient authorization from their employer, as is necessary, to assure that they will be able to attend. We request that you let us know that you can provide this assurance no later than WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2003. CONFERENCE PAPERS: We will require a camera ready copy of your paper on or before JANUARY 9, 2004. As the Conference requires a full paper review, this date is firm. No presentations will be allowed without the review process. The Conference Proceedings consists of the speakers' biographies, abstracts and a copy of the paper accompanying the talk, or, alternatively, a presentation consisting of slides together with 1/2 page of notes per slide. Presentations consisting of only slides will not be acceptable. CONFERENCE PAPER FORMAT AND GUIDELINES: To maintain consistency and quality, the Conference has guidelines for the format of papers. Please see the attached document "Guidelines for Unicode Conference Speakers". SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: We ask that you provide your paper in both electronic form and camera-ready form, by the due date of January 9. Please use one of the following formats for the electronic version of your paper: PDF, PowerPoint, or Word. Please use the submission number to name the electronic version of your paper. For example, if your submission is allocated the number 301, then the electronic version of your paper should be called 301.pdf or 301.ppt or 301.doc. Your submission number is provided in the first paragraph of this mail. When mailing in the electronic version of your paper, please place the submission number in the subject line of your mail. Please submit papers to: Twenty-fifth Internationalization and Unicode Conference c/o Global Meeting Services Inc. 8949 Lombard Place, #416 San Diego, CA 92122 USA Tel: +1-858-638-0206 Fax: +1-858-638-0504 E-Mail: COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: Most speakers prefer to use their own PC for display. However, if you will not be using your PC, or have special requirements, please inform Barbara Jarzyna at Global Meeting Services, Inc., and other arrangements will be made for you. SPEAKER REGISTRATION: The primary presenter of each paper will receive a reduced Conference registration fee and entry to the Exhibition area. If your paper has more than one presenter, the additional presenter(s) will be required to pay the advertised early-bird Member rate registration fee. The speaker fees are as follows: Tutorial day only: $250 Conference days only: $350 Tutorials and conference: $550 These fees are due by January 9, 2004. A speaker registration form will be sent to you separately. ACCOMMODATION AND TRAVEL: Accommodation and travel will be the responsibility of the presenter. CONFERENCE VENUE: The Conference will be held at the: Hilton Alexandria Mark Center 5000 Seminary Road Alexandria, VA 22311 Tel: (703) 845-1010 Fax: (703) 845-7662 HOTEL GUEST ROOM RATES: A guest room block has been set aside for the Conference. The Conference rates are: * $145.00 single or double occupancy per night * plus applicable taxes Hotel reservations should be made prior to March 8, 2004. Thereafter, this special rate will be offered on a space available basis only. More details to follow by mail. Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact Tel: +1-858-638-0206 Fax: +1-858-638-0504 Email: or: Thank you for your interest and support of our Conference and we look forward to seeing you in Washington, D.C. in March/April. Yours sincerely, Lisa Moore, IBM Corporation Co-Chair of Conference Board Twenty-fifth Internationalization and Unicode Conference Richard Ishida, W3C Co-Chair of Conference Board Twenty-fifth Internationalization and Unicode Conference