ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N2746
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 18 N____
18 August, 1996
August 1996 working draft of TR 15285, "An operational model
for characters and glyphs"
Edwin Hart and Alan Griffee (acting editors)
Contribution by the acting editors
For review and comments by 30 November, 1996
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2, SC 2 liaisons, and SC 18
The editors ask that the National Bodies and liaison organizations carefully review the enclosed revision of the working draft and submit comments to the co-editors before 30 November, 1996. Prompt feedback will enable preparation of a new draft of higher quality for submission to WG 2 for approval for PDTR processing at the January WG 2 Meeting in Singapore.
The enclosed August 1996, working draft is a revision of the document that was distributed with the JTC 1 ballot for approval of the NP. The revision includes
We believe that the changes will resolve the Japanese concerns. We also believe that we will be able to accommodate the Danish concerns.
Here is information for the acting editors:
Edwin Hart:
+1 301 953 6926 (phone)
+1 301 953 1093 (facsimile)
Alan Griffee:
+1 303 924 7670 (phone)
+1 303 451 5475 (facsimile)
[revised 1996-Oct-07]
To download a copy of the August 1996 version of the document,
"An operational model for characters and glyphs"
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