From: Hart, Edwin F. To: gkholman Cc: Griffee, Alan (AFII); 'Umamaheswaran, Dr. V. S. (Uma)'; 'Freytag, Asmus (Unicode)' Subject: Character/Glyph model Date: Monday, December 02, 1996 11:36 Dear Ken, Thanks for the very quick response! "Concerns" are welcome because they help us to make the document better. After I've read the document a few times, I find it difficult to identify where to make improvements. Concerning German quotes, your copy is correct: opening (left): baseline 99 closing (right): superscript 66 I know that this appears backwards (99 vs. 66) from English quotes but I am very sure that these are correct for German. My reasoning is that "baseline 99" is provided in the Microsoft Windows 3.1 code page. Since it is the only baseline quote (and I assume it is there for German), it therefore must be the left quote for German. I then took the mirror image (66) for the German superscript right quote. I'll check this again with one of the people direct from Germany. Concerning the other 2 glyphs, identifying the specific glyphs is a real help. I'll take a closer look at those tonight. Best regards, Ed Hart ---------- From: gkholman To: 'Hart, Edwin F.' Cc: ''; 'Uma'; '' Subject: RE: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N2746: Character/Gly Date: Monday, December 02, 1996 10:27 Hello Ed and Alan, >Last night I reviewed your comments and I have a problem. You said >that >there were "a number of incorrect glyphs in the examples in Annex B". >While >a few of the example glyphs lost details and suffered distortion when >we >reduced them to match the text, the glyphs appear to me to be correct. >If >you will identify specific glyphs, I will be better able to resolve >your >concerns. I apologize that my comments were interpreted as "concerns" as I was really pleased with the document and thought that these comments would only improve what is there. The copy I received from Standards Council of Canada for review does not have the correct glyphs printed in section B.3 for 2460 and 2780 (which I see now were printed twice; I thought that there were four problems), not because of any expertise on my part, but because they are rendered as empty rectangular boxes. > >Concerning the German quotation marks in section 6, I believe that they >are >correct as printed in the document. I checked with my friend from >Austria. > He said that the left quote is positioned at the baseline and the >right >quote is positioned the same as an right quote in English. He said >that he >never examined the "direction" (concave/convex) of the quotation marks. > I >used the characters from the Microsoft Windows 3.1 code page (in the >0x80 to >0x9F region). I believe that the "direction" of the right quote in >German >must mirror the "direction" of the left quote. Not being a German speaker, I must, of course, defer to those who know, but I was using symmetry and logic to assertain that the glyphs printed for my review were incorrect. The copy that I have shows a "baseline 99" to be the German opening quotation mark glyph and a "superscript 66" to be the closing quotation mark glyph. As what I see here does not match what you have described in the paragraph above as what you see, I can only assume that the copy printed for my review was not checked against the original for accuracy. I gather that what you see must be a "baseline 66" and a "superscript 99", which makes perfect sense, and would not have generated a comment on my part if that was what is in this copy before me. I think that this is evidence that you and I are reviewing different copies, so I must, of course, withdraw my editorial comments. As I said, I am very pleased with the document. I wonder now if there are other glyph problems in this copy which I am not qualified to detect. Thank you for following up. Sincerely ............... Ken p.s. Alan, would you please pass on my regards to Sharon. I remember well the evening we three shared dinner in an English pub deep in the country during the Exeter (?) trip in May 1994 (?). >-- >G. Ken Holman Tel: +1 613 596-CADE(2233) /\ /\ >Chief Technology Officer Fax: +1 613 596-5934 \/ \/ >Computer >Microstar Software Ltd. WATS: 1 800 267-9975 /\ /\ Aided >3775 Richmond Road Mail: \/ \/ >Document >Nepean Ontario Info: /\ /\ >Engineering >CANADA K2H-5B7 Web: \/ \/ >-- >1605 Mardick Court, Box 266 Phone: +1 613 489-2987 >Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0 E-mail: