Session Submission Form for Mailing/Faxing

DECUS Symposium Sessions are shorter presentations which expose attendees
to new technologies, provide updated information, communicate skills, and/or
create opportunities for advocacy.

Presentation Title: 
International Multilingual Code, Introduction to Unicode and ISO 10646

Short Title: (30 characters or less) Unicode Multilingual Code

Submitter Information:

  Submitter Name: Edwin Hart
         Company: Applied Physics Laboratory
         Address: 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD  20723-6099
           Phone: (301) 953-6926
Internet Address:

Speaker Information:

    Speaker Name: Edwin Hart
         Company: Applied Physics Laboratory
         Address: 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD  20723-6099
           Phone: (301) 953-6926
Internet Address:

What Track Most Closely Defines The Content Of Your Session?

__ Multiprotocol, Multimedia Networks
__ Client/Server Applications Development
__ PC Networking and Services
XX Electronic Commerce
__ Security
__ Information Modeling and Knowledge Representation
__ Databases and Data Management
__ E-Mail and Groupware
__ Languages and Tools
__ Networks and Internet
__ OpenVMS
__ Microsoft Windows and Windows NT
__ Alpha AXP RISC, Architecture, Storage and Peripherals

Submissions Also Focus on: (optional)
__ Professional Development
__ Technology and the Government

Description Of Content:

XX Introduction to Skill Area - For Those Entering a Profession or Changing 
   a Technology Base
__ Intermediate - Assume a General Knowledge of the Topic and Familiarity 
   with Basic Terms and Procedures
__ Advanced - For Experienced Professionals in Application Development and 
   System Management - Those Working on Large and Complex Systems

Please Provide Audiovisual (A/V) Equipment Requirements:

XX Overhead Projector
XX Screen
XX Other Color LCD Panel desirable__________________________________


_X_ Presentation ___ Tutorial ___ Working Group
___  Case Study  ___ Clinic Panel 

Time Required: 

___ 25 Minutes
_X_ 50 Minutes
___ 1 Hour, 20 Minutes 

Symposium Sessions will be presented Monday, May 8 - 
Thursday, May 11. 

Which day(s) will the Speaker NOT be available: 

___ Monday ___ Tuesday ___ Wednesday ___ Thursday

Audiotaping: Submitter is responsible for obtaining permission to audiotape
session for the speaker. 

Should this session be audiotaped? Yes _X_ No ___

Do you have any specific instructions for scheduling this Session? If so,
please explain:
Since I'll likely be commuting to DECUS, I would prefer that the session 
not be the first one in the morning and not be an evening session.
Has this Session been presented at a DECUS U.S. Chapter Event
Before? Yes _X_ No ___  If Yes, When?  and under what code ? 

    This will be a revision of a session I gave at DECUS in May, 1992 in Atlanta, 
    at session LT039.

Please submit the following for each Session: 

	- A Session Abstract (up to 60 words)

Digital and other vendors are using the Unicode implementation of
the ISO/IEC 10646 multilingual code to develop globalized
applications.  What are the implications?  What are the
characteristics of this code?  Will it replace ASCII or Latin-1? 
What products use Unicode?  When will they be available?  How can
you ensure products will interoperate using Unicode or coexist
with other products?

	- Speaker Credentials (up to 60 words) 

Mr. Hart is the chairman of the US Character Sets and Codes
(X3L2) technical standards committee.  He has been participating
in the development of the ISO/IEC 10646 standard since 1990.

Mr. Hart has worked in the Computing Systems Group of the Applied
Physics Laboratory since 1973.  He graduated from Johns Hopkins
University (BES EE 1968, MS Computer Science 1980) and Columbia
University (MS EE 1969).

DECUS Commercialism Policy:

The Seminar MUST NOT include:
	- Sales Material
	- Vendor's Comparisons of Competitors' Prices, Products or Services
	- Product or Service Endorsements
	- Open Invitations to Vendor Suites

Speakers MUST NOT hand out:

	- Published Newsletters, Magazines or Promotional Advertising
	- Unsolicited Business Cards
	- Price Lists

Seminar Materials may contain appropriate reference to:

	- Price and Delivery Information to Assist the Attendee in 
	  Formulating a Techncial Option
	- Non-DECUS Activities Providing Further Information
	- Decision Support Information

To All Speakers:

Under the present speaker pricing structure session speakers can register
at the discounted rates of:

	4 days - $520
	3 days - $345
	2 days - $170
	1 day  - $0

I have read the DECUS Commercialism Policy Statement and agree to abide
by these guidelines.

Signature:  Edwin Hart   _____________________

Symposium Session Submission Deadline:

All Session Submissions must be received in the DECUS office by
Midnight PST, Sunday, January 8, 1995. 

Mail/FAX completed Session Submission Form to:

DECUS, U.S. Chapter
Attn: Session Submissions
334 South Street
Shrewsbury, MA 01545-4195

Phone: 800-DECUS55
FAX: 508-841-3357
TTY: 508-841-2222