more 2375 issues plus suggested text for Internet location of Registry From: Hart, Edwin F. To: 'Aliprand, Joan (home)'; 'Aliprand, Joan'; 'Everson, Michael' Cc: Subject: more 2375 issues plus suggested text for Internet location of Registry Sent: 8/24/00 11:53 AM Importance: Normal 1. The RA may not apply the current procedure to SC 2 standards. How many times have you seen an explicit request for comments for registration of a draft SC 2 standard? Do we need to specify a shortcut or fast path for SC 2 standards? 2. The note on the RA web page seems to indicate that the RA reserves a registration number upon receipt of a registration application. However, 2375: 1985 said that the RA cannot reserve escape sequences but must allocate them in order upon completion of the registration process. I’ve asked Kimura-San for clarification. New clause for body? XX. Internet web site for the Registration Authority and ISO/IEC 2375 Registry xx.1 The web site for the Registration Authority is located at: [to be provided by ISO prior to publication] xx.2 The web site shall contain: - the 2375 Register - the document “Practices of the ISO/IEC 2375 Registration Authority” - the application for registration Ed Edwin F. Hart The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel, MD 20723-6099 +1-443-778-6926 (Baltimore) +1-240-228-6926 (DC Area) +1-443-778-1093 (fax, Baltimore) +1-240-228-1093 (fax, DC area)