From: YAMAZAKI, Koiti [] Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 05:24 To: Everson, Michael Cc: KIMURA, Toshiko; YAMAZAKI, Koiti; Hart, Edwin F; Aliprand, Joan Subject: Comments on FDIS2375 Dear Mr. Everson, Japan is going to approve the FDIS2375. However, I have some editorial comments on it. Therefore I inform you them by personal e-mail. Comment-1, Clause 2, 1st paragraph Change this document for this International Standard. Comment-2, Clause 4.2, 1st paragraph Change the internet for the Internet. Comment-3, Clause 5, tail of the paragraph Clause 17.1.2, 2nd sentence Clause 18.4.1 Clause 18.4.2 Annex B.3 Change the register for the International Register. Comment-4, Clause 6.2.3, 2nd sentence Clause 6.2.4, 2nd sentence Change the register for this register. Comment-5, Clause 14.3 Change the International register for the International Register. Comment-6, Annex A.2.14 Change "Practices of the Registration Authority" for "Practice of the Registration Authority". Comment-7, Clause 6.2.4, 1st sentence Change a paper copy for a paper or electronic copy or a copy. Comment-8, Clause 14.2, 1st sentence Change make the mapping available in machine-readable form for make the mapping in machine-readable form available over the Internet. --end of comments-- Best regards, YAMAZAKI, Koiti CTI Co., Ltd. (Meieki-Minami Bldg. 6F) 3-16-6, Meieki-Minami, Nakamura-Ku Nagoya, 450-0003, JAPAN Phone +81-52-589-1211