D R A F T 1994-02-01 Title: Registry for conversions between ISO/IEC 10646 and other coded character sets Source: U.S.A. (ANSI) Status: Contribution Action: For consideration by SC 2/WG 2 Distribution: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 In the resolutions (WG2 N949R) from WG2 Meeting 24 held in November, 1993, the U.S. wants to express its support for needs described in resolution TKS - 2. TKS - 2 describes the need for an additional annex for ISO/IEC 10646-1: The working group recognizes the need for information about the source of characters in UCS (such as those described in document N 926 item 3), and cross reference tables between UCS characters and characters in other ISO or IEC standards (list in document N 926 item 1). All member bodies are invited to contribute input towards developing an informative Annex to ISO/IEC 10646-1 for consideration at the next SC 2/WG 2 meeting. However, the U.S. asks WG2 to consider expanding the scope of the ideas expressed in this resolution. The U.S. believes that an additional need is for implementers of 10646 to have available mappings between characters in 10646 and those in other coded-character sets including international and national standards, as well as industry coded-character-sets. Note that with some coded-character-sets several different mappings may be possible or desirable. Therefore the need is not only to define the mappings but also to uniquely identify each mapping. Furthermore, the U.S. believes that while including such information in an informative Annex to 10646-1 would be extremely valuable, it also would make an already long standard extremely burdensome to manage for ISO/IEC. In addition, it does not promise to be a timely mechanism for updating of this useful information, especially not in the case of industry coded- character-sets. While identifying the sources of characters in 10646 could still be done in an informative Annex, the U.S. recommends that the needs expressed here be implemented in a registry of conversions. Enclosed is a draft NP to meet this requirement. 1. Title International Standard for Registry of Conversions between ISO/IEC 10646 and Other Coded-Character Sets 2. Scope The work is to produce a new international standard for a registry of conversions between the characters in ISO/IEC 10646 and other coded-character-sets including international and national standards, and industry coded-character-sets. The registry will: 1. document the conversion and 2. provide a unique numeric and ASN.1 identifier for each registered conversion table 3. Purpose and Justification The purpose of the international standard is to define: 1. a registration authority for a registry of conversions between the characters in ISO/IEC 10646 and other coded-character-sets 2. procedures for registration 3. criteria for registration 4. specifics of a. the information to be provided for registration b. the information available from the registry The justification for this work is: 1. Implementers of ISO/IEC 10646 require conversion information for interoperability. 2. Providing an authorized ISO/IEC registry will encourage developers to use the conversion registry rather than developing their own conversions. a. Registration will increase interoperability. b. Registration will reduce duplication of effort by allowing a conversion to be defined once and then used by anyone. 3. Registration is faster than standardization. 4. For industry coded-character sets, registration of conversions is more appropriate than standardization. 4. Program of Work This project will develop a new international standard. 5. Relevant Documents to Be Considered ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993, Information technology – Universal multiple-octet coded character set (UCS) – Part 1: Architecture and basic multilingual plane. ISO 2375:1985, Data processing – Procedure for registration of escape sequences. ISO/IEC 10036:1993, Information technology – Font information interchange – Procedure for registration of glyph and glyph collection identifiers. ISO 8824:1990, Information technology – Open systems interconnection – Specification of abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1). ISO 8825:1990, Information technology – Open systems interconnection – Specification of basic encoding rules for abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1). ISO 9834:xxxx, Information technology – Open systems interconnection – Procedures for the operation of OSI registration authorities – general procedures. 6. Cooperation and Liaison Liaisons: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG3, ISO TC46/SC4/WG1, ECMA, Unicode 7. Preparatory Work Offered and Target Date(s) The U.S. has prepared a draft of the proposed standard. A CD will be ready for ballot within 6 months after approval of the project by JTC1. A DIS will be ready for ballot within 6 months after resolution of comments on the CD. A registration authority will be needed for this project. The U.S. is prepared to offer an editor for the project. The U.S. is prepared to offer a registration authority. The proposed standard has no known requirements for coding. The proposed international standard does not concern known patented items. 8. Assignment of Project It is proposed to assign this new item to JTC1/SC2/WG2. 3