From: pduran To: Edwin F. Hart Subject: braille dot patterns Date: Tuesday, March 05, 1996 10:48PM here is the print to braille character map. Note that the braille cell is a 3x2 matrix of dots. The dots in the left column are numbered 1 to 3 from top to bottom, and the dots in the right column are numbered from 4 to 6 from top to bottom. ASCII Braille Dots (space) (no dots) a 1 b 1-2 c 1-4 d 1-4-5 e 1-5 f 1-2-4 g 1-2-4-5 h 1-2-5 i 2-4 j 2-4-5 k 1-3 l 1-2-3 m 1-3-4 n 1-3-4-5 o 1-3-5 p 1-2-3-4 q 1-2-3-4-5 r 1-2-3-5 s 2-3-4 t 2-3-4-5 u 1-3-6 v 1-2-3-6 w 2-4-5-6 x 1-3-4-6 y 1-3-4-5-6 z 1-3-5-6 & 1-2-3-4-6 = 1-2-3-4-5-6 ( 1-2-3-5-6 ! 2-3-4-6 ) 2-3-4-5-6 * 1-6 < 1-2-6 % 1-4-6 ? 1-4-5-6 : 1-5-6 $ 1-2-4-6 ] 1-2-4-5-6 \ 1-2-5-6 [ 2-4-6 1 2 2 2-3 3 2-5 4 2-5-6 5 2-6 6 2-3-5 7 2-3-5-6 8 2-3-6 9 3-5 0 3-5-6 / 3-4 + 3-4-6 # 3-4-5-6 > 3-4-5 ' 3 - 3-6 @ 4 ^ 4-5 _ 4-5-6 " 5 ; 5-6 . 4-6 , 6 Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 10:48:13 -0500 (EST) From: Peter Duran Subject: braille dot patterns To: "Edwin F. Hart"