Recommendations of the UTC #75 /L2 #172 ad hoc joint meeting Cupertino, CA – February 25-27, 1998 February 27, 1998 For use of Unicode member companies only: do not distribute Approval of agenda of meeting Moved by McGowan, seconded by Umamaheswaran [#75-M1] Motion: To approve the agenda as amended. Unanimous UTR #7 (Verison 2.1) to be published Moved by Freytag, seconded by Ksar [#75-M2] Motion: Resolved that the technical content of UTR #8: The Unicode Standard, Version 2.1 is complete, and publication should proceed. All further changes should be placed in a “holding bucket” for review. 10 for: 0 against: 0 abstention; 1 absent (Unisys) Moved by Freytag, seconded by Whistler [#75-M3] Motion: That the UTC accept document L2/98-038, UTR #8: The Unicode Standard, Version 2.1, with the recommended modifications. Unanimous Fixes to UnicodeData file Moved by ???, seconded by ??? [#75-M4] Motion: To accept the proposed changes to the UnicodeData file in document 98-060. 11 for, 0 against, 0 abstentions Motion approved with required 2/3 majority (10 of 15 members) Justification for Corrigenda Moved by Freytag, seconded by Davis [#75-M5] Motion: When there is a change in properties approved by the required 2/3 super majority, the justification for making the change must be included. Errata and corrigenda will be published as a numbered collection to facilitate reference. Unanimous Transcoding proposal Moved by Freytag, seconded by Roberts [#75-M6] Motion: That the UTC is not yet ready to accept this proposal, and will revisit it at a future meeting. The author should take the following actions in preparing the revision: (1) provide a list of characters that cannot currently be transcoded for evaluaton; (2) narrow the proposal by removing the options; (3) give details about the registration procedure if this is needed; (4) define the known classes of transcoding problems. 10 for,1 against, 0 abstention Criteria for disunification Document 98-042, Formal Criteria for Disunification, was accepted by consensus. Moved by Umamaheswaran, seconded by Freytag [#75-M7] Motion: That the Unicode Consortium submit this document to WG2 as input to the ISO/IEC 10646 procedures document. Unanimous Property assignments for quotation characters Moved by Davis; seconded by Sargent [#75-M8] Motion: That the UTC adopt document 98-053, Analysis and Proposed Changes in General Category Property Assignments for Quotation Characters, as amended with the comments from the discussion. 10 for, 1 against, 0 abstention Motion approved with required 2/3 majority (10 of 15 members) UTR #10 (Unicode Collation Algorithm) Moved by Davis, seconded by McGowan [#75-M9] Motion: The UTC directs the authors to incorporate feedback into document 98-065, Unicode Collation Algorithm, draft dated 98.02.25, to post it for public review, and to solicit public feedback. 10 for, 0 against, 1 abstention (Novell) RFC 2244: ACAP Moved by McGowan, seconded by ??? [#75-M10] Motion: The UTC believes that the statement in section 9 of document RFC 2244: ACAP 6 Application Configuration Access Protocol (reprinted in meeting document 98-063), RFC 2244: ACAP – Application Configuration Access Protocol, that “no clear consensus on a single method is apparent at this stage” is incorrect. Furthermore, the Multi-Lingual String Format violates UTF-8.9 Unanimous Western music proposal Moved by McGowan, seconded by Umamaheswaran [#75-M11] Motion: To made the editorial changes noted at this meeting to document 98-045, Proposal for Encoding Western Music Symbols in ISO/IEC 10646, and to then submit the proposal to WG2 as a contribution to ISO/IEC 10646. Unanimous Enclosing triangle Moved by McGowan, seconded by Carroll [#75-M12] Motion: That the UTC accepts document 98-056, Proposed Triangular Overlay Character. To submit the proposal to WG2 as a contribution to ISO/IEC 10646. Unanimous KIP currency sign Moved by Umamaheswaran, seconded by Roberts [#75-M13] Motion: That the UTC accepts document 98-061, KIP Sign – Laotian Currency Sign. To submit the proposal to WG2 as a contribution to ISO/IEC 10646. Approved by consensus. H, h with caron Moved by McGowan, seconded by Honomichl [#75-M14] Motion: To disapprove the addition of the two characters in document 98-062, Proposal to add 2 Latin characters to ISO/IEC 10646, to the Unicode Standard because they can both be encoded using the combining caron on a base letter. 5 for, 6 against, 0 abstention Motion failed Moved by Moore, seconded by ??? (Freytag?) [#75-M15] Motion: To accept the two characters in document 98-062, Proposal to add 2 Latin characters to ISO/IEC 10646, for addition to the Unicode Standard. 6 for, 5 against, 0 abstention Motion carried Bangla Moved by Freytag, seconded by Winkler [#75-M16] Motion: That the Unicode Consortium submit a response to SC2/WG2 N1634, Incorporation of Bangla (Bangladesh) coded character set in 10646, considering as input for the response the points raised by Michael Everson in his draft response (document 98-056) plus the comments on it from Asmus Freytag. Unanimous Approval of minutes Moved by Moore, seconded by Winkler [#75-M17] Motion: To approve the Minutes of UTC#74/L2#171 joint meeting (document 98-039) as amended. Unanimous BiDi corrigenda and UTR #7 (Verison 2.1) Moved by Moore, seconded by Roberts [#75-M18] Motion: That the corrigendum to the BiDi algorithm dealing with exceeding the stack limit not be included in Version 2.1 because the text specifying the corrigendum has not been reviewed by the UTC. Unanimous Syriac proposal Moved by Sargent, seconded by Ksar [#75-M19] Motion: That the UTC accepts, in principle, the proposal for Syriac script specified in document 98-050, Proposal to encode Syriac in ISO/IEC 10646, together with the errata and action item working documents. To submit a revised proposal, incorporating the errata and action items, to WG2 as a contribution to ISO/IEC 10646. Unanimous Last resort font Moved by ??? (Freytag?), seconded by McGowan [#75-M20] Motion: To publish Unicode Technical Report #12 documenting the last resort font as accepted by the UTC previously. “Last Resort Font” will be the preliminary title for UTR #12, but the title may be modified before publication. Unanimous 31