WG2 resolutions and related documents >L2/98-085 >Resolutions, SC2/WG2 meeting Redmond, Mar.98 >SC2 N3060R >98-03-30 Need another Consent docket >L2/98-090 >Proposal to add 24 extended Bopomofo and 2 modifier letters for Minnan >and Hakka >TCA >SC2/WG2 N1713R >98-03-19 >L2/98-101 >Ad-hoc report on Burmese and Khmer >SC2/WG2 N1729 >98-03-18 >L2/98-100 >Ad-hoc report on ideographic variation indicator >SC2/WG2 N1728 >98-03-18 > Euro >L2/98-086 >Resolutions, SC2/WG3 meeting Redmond, Mar. 98 >SC2 N3072R >98-03-30 Action re Euro (Resolution M13.08) Miscellaneous documents >L2/98-106 >CJK Radical Supplement (IRG) >SC2/WG2 1732 >98-03-19 >L2/98-089 >Comments on proposal to add Latin characters to Latinized Taiwanese >languages >TCA >SC2/WG2 N1712R >98-03-18 What happened to the combining right dot above? Unicode position on this? >L2/98-093 >Proposal for additional mathematical and technical symbols - submitted >via AMS >STIPUB consortium >SC2/WG2 N1716 >98-03-13 New. Check for Ken's mail. >Asmus is preparing a revision for the UTC meeting >L2/98-099 >Support for Implementing Inline and Interlinear Annotations in East >Asian Typography >Freytag >SC2/WG2 N1727 >98-03-18 > For Information -- pay attention! Future WG2 work >L2/98-078 >Proposed modification of program of work of SC2 >SC2 N3062 >98-03-23 Projected progression of scripts. Includes some consent docket items. >L2/98-084 >Resolutions, SC2 meeting Redmond, March 98 >SC2 N3077 >98-03-30 10646 developments! Including Web publication 10646 2nd edition >L2/98-095 >Items under consideration for future additions and parts of ISO/IEC >10646 >SC2/WG2 N1721R >98-03-16 10646 Part 2 >L2/98-081 >Scope update for project JTC1.02.18.02 >ISO/IEC 10646 Part 2 >SC2/WG2 >SC2 N3058 >98-03-23 Important step. Bring it to people's attention. L2/98-094 Proposed text for ISO/IEC CD 10646-2 Suignard SC2/WG2 N1717 98-03-12 Mongolian >L2/98-088 >Mongolian encoding update >SC2/WG2 N1711 >98-02-15 >L2/98-104 >Comments on the Mongolian Encoding Proposal WG2 N1711 >Ken Whistler >SC2/WG2 N1734 >98-03-20 "Collections" >L2/98-073 >Re-visiting definitions of "collection" in Corrigendum 2 of ISO 10646 >Umamaheswaran >SC2/WG2 N1706 >98-03-08 >L2/98-105 >Request for collection identifier in ISO/IEC 10646 >UMA, Ksar >SC2/WG2 N1735 >98-03-18 >L2/98-098 >Report of the ad-hoc on collection identifiers for part 1 and 2 >SC2/WG2 N1726 >98-03-18 Miscellaneous >L2/98-097 >Formal criteria for coding precomposed characters >Freytag, Whistler >SC2/WG2 N1725 >98-03-17 >L2/98-096 >Sample of high quality printing of CJK Unified Ideographs extension A >IRG >SC2/WG2 N1723 >98-03-02 > >*** No further action needed. So not for agenda. >L2/98-072 >Use of collection identifiers for identifying subrepertoires of ISO >10646 >Umamaheswaran >SC2/WG2 N1705 >98-03-08 >L2/98-075 >Disposition of comments on 10646 Draft Technical Corrigendum #2 (blocks >and Collections) >Paterson >SC2 WG2 N1692R >98-03-19 >L2/98-080 >Swedish alphanumeric sorting >Statscontoret >92-10-01 Note: Useful input to Unicode Collation Algorithm. >This was on the agenda for February's UTC meeting, but if WG2 >took any action related to this, we would need to revisit it again. >*** >L2/98-083 >Resolutions from the IRG meeting in Ho Chi Minh >SC2/WG2 N1676 >97-12-18 >L2/98-092 >Finnish orthography and the characters S and Z WITH CARON >NB Finland >SC2/WG2 N1715 >98-03-16 Precomposed forms of these letters are already in the Latin Extended-A block. >L2/98-112 >Kangxi Radicals, Hangzhou Numerals (IRG) >SC2/WG2 N1629R >98-03-19 ***