UTC # L2 # Who Action Status 76-1 Aliprand/Winkler Put these topics on agenda of July UTC/L2 joint meeting. ? TC 46 mapping project ? revision draft of Formal criteria on disunification ? revision of Formal criteria for coding precomposed characters ? revision of Support for implementing interlinear annotations (draft UTR) ? C1 use ? revision of Newline Guidelines (draft UTR) ? revision of Line breaking properties (draft UTR) ? proposal on math symbols ? revision of East Asian width property (draft UTR) ? revised UTC procedures ? proposal on variant tagging ? variation marks for Mongolian and general extension ? presentation on glyphs and font issues (Carroll) 173-2 L2 representatives: Provide feedback to Barry by May 5 at latest on potentially problematic mappings for non-alphabetic characters in these standards: ? ISO 5426-2: Extension of the Latin alphabet ... Part 2: Latin characters used in minor languages and obsolete typography; ? ISO 10585: Armenian alphabet ... ? ISO 10754: Extension of the Cyrillic alphabet ... for non-Slavic languages 173-3 Aliprand Put Anthony Brickell in touch with Bruce Paterson. 173-4 Barry Obtain LC copy of the CHASE report on mapping of UNIMARC character sets to Unicode/ISO 10646. 173-5 Barry Give Arnold Winkler the name of the Iranian representative on TC 46/SC 4/WG 1 so he can ask her for feedback on FCD 14651 in relation to sorting for Farsi (Persian). 76-6 Freytag Update L2/98-152 Formal criteria on disunification, assign new L2 number, post on the Unicode Web site and notify Umamaheswaran when done. 76-7 Umamaheswaran Work with Freytag to prepare revision draft of L2/98-152, Formal criteria on disunification for July UTC meeting, including expansion of text re costs. 76-8 Freytag Arrange with Mike Ksar to post soft-copy of L2/98-097 Formal criteria for coding precomposed characters on the Unicode Web site. If soft-copy is not available, scan L2/98-097. Notify Umamaheswaran when soft-copy is available. 76-9 Umamaheswaran Work with Freytag to prepare revision draft of L2/98-097, Formal criteria for coding precomposed characters for July UTC meeting, including rewording of first negative point. 76-10 Freytag Test disunification of combining characters using umlaut/diaeresis as a test case. 76-11 Sargent Send examples of coded math text and the renderings of the text to Freytag. Renderings to be supplied as GIFs. 76-12 Freytag Revise document L2/98-099 Support for implementing interlinear annotations … on the basis of input received at this meeting. Publish it as a draft Unicode Technical Report on the Unicode Web site. Solicit public comment. 76-13 Davis Edit paragraph T6 of the updated text of the BiDi algorithm as recommended in document L2/98-149.. 76-14 Sargent Provide text on how CR/LF is used in DOS/Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX to Mark Davis for Newline Guidelines (draft UTR) 76-15 Umamaheswaran Work with Mark Davis to add EBCDIC use of NL to Newline Guidelines (draft UTR) Umamaheswaran Provide comments on different practices in applications on the same platform with respect to CR/LF to Mark Davis for Newline Guidelines (draft UTR) 76-16 Davis Revise Newline Guidelines incorporating feedback from Umamaheswaran, Sargent and any other post-meeting comments for July UTC meeting 76-17 Whistler Work with Everson and Bauhan to facilitate acquisition of necessary Unicode information about Burmese script. 76-18 Suignard Use image of ideographic variation mark from GBK font when preparing US comments on the coming PDAM for the ideographic variation mark. 76-19 Whistler Compile property assignments for the characters accepted at this meeting. 173-20 McGowan Supply True Type font for Western musical symbols to Suignard (for use in 10646 editorial work). 173-21 Whistler Cross-check Runes in AMD 19 against FPDAM version. 76-22 Suignard Supply write-up on use of NBSP in HTML to Freytag for revision of Line breaking properties (draft UTR) 76-23 All members Provide additional feedback on document L2/98-151 Line breaking properties to Freytag. To be used in next revision, must reach Freytag before May 8, 76-24 Freytag Revise document L2/98-151 Line breaking properties incorporating comments from this meeting and any others received later to create a draft Unicode Technical Report. Post on Web site for public review. 76-25 Sargent & Carroll Work with submitters of L2/98-093 with the target of submitting a proposal on math symbols at the July UTC. 76-26 Freytag Revise document L2/98-155 East Asian width property incorporating comments from this meeting and any others received later to create a draft Unicode Technical Report. Post on Web site for public review, with the intent to Technical Report at the July UTC meeting 76-27 Aliprand Contact Jenkins about Action Items 72-08, 169-09. 76-28 Aliprand Distribute revised UTC procedures at July UTC meeting. 76-29 Aliprand Contact Goldsmith re IANA charset registration. 76-30 Editorial Review errata re Japanese quote characters. 76-31 Ksar Consider UTC request that enclosing triangle proposal be on agenda for WG2 meeting in September. 76-32 Oesterle Add WG3 and possible special meeting of SC2 to September 1988 calendar. 76-33 Aliprand Send soft-copy of Paul Nelson’s Syriac properties file to Whistler and Umamaheswaran. 76-34 Editorial Review Syriac shaping proposal. 76-35 Sargent (lead) Prepare discussion paper on architectural alternatives to designate variations, laying out pros and cons. Consider previous related proposals (variant tagging; transcoding). To be available at least 2 weeks (preferably 1 month) before July UTC. Co-authors: Hiura, Umamaheswaran, Carroll. 76-36 Winkler Send L2 reference number for August 1997 proposal on variant characters from Sun & Justsystem to “unicore” 76-37 Carroll Prepare overview of glyphs and font issues for presentation at July UTC meeting. 76-38 Hiura Provide information on bounding of Han, and when it will be publishable. 76-39 Ng Contact John Jenkins before IRG meeting to find out what he needs re CJK fonts 76-40 Ng Coordinate with alternate representatives (Hiura, Kung) to ensure that the delegation expresses a consistent position. 76-41 Ng Prepare report on IRG meeting #11 highlighting items of significance to the Unicode Consortium 76-42 Winkler Send Hart an updated list of L2 members for revision of the X3L2 distribution list 76-43 All Send ideas about UTC/L2 section of Unicode Web site to Freytag 76-44 Sargent Investigate whether Microsoft corporate rate will be available to UTC/L2 attendees in July 76-45 Sargent Send hotel recommendations for July meeting to Julia Oesterle 173-46 Winkler Check with SC2 re requirements for a formal response to request for comments on a working draft.