[102210]THU 10/15/98 19:50 FROM BR.JMA "Joan Aliprand": DECEMBER UTC/L2 MEETINGS -- SCHEDULE CHANGE (please read this); 48 LINES (DELETE 12/15/98) UTC MEETING #78 and NCITS/L2 MEETING #175 Both the joint UTC/L2 meeting and the L2 Plenary meeting are going to have full agendas. The Annual Members' Meeting of the Unicode Consortium must also be held before the end of 1998. Therefore, Arnold and I find it necessary to begin the series of meetings on ++++> TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 <++++ THIS IS A CHANGE FROM THE PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED DATES. Novell, Inc. is hosting the meeting in San Jose. +++> Hotel information and driving directions will be available shortly. Meetings will be held as follows: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1: 10:30 am - 1 pm: Annual Members' Meeting of the Unicode Consortium (Representatives of Full Members and Unicode Officers) 2 PM - 6 PM: UTC/L2 joint meeting (Representatives of Full and Associate Unicode Members and/or L2 Members and Unicode Officers; observers welcome) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2: 9 AM - 5 PM: UTC/L2 joint meeting THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3: 9 AM - 5 PM: UTC/L2 joint meeting FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4: 9 AM - 4 PM: L2 Plenary (Representatives of L2 members; observers according to L2 rules) ON WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY, PLEASE BE PREPARED TO COME ONE HOUR EARLIER AND/OR STAY ONE HOUR LATER IF NECESSARY. -- Joan Aliprand Chair, Unicode Technical Committee Vice-Chair, NCITS/L2 To: UNICORE@UNICODE.ORG ---------------------------- Forwarded Copies --------------------------------- FORWARDED ON 10/15/98 19:55 FROM BR.JMA "Joan Aliprand": Calendar update Julia: Could you modify the calendar please. List the Annual Members' Meeting (date & time), UTC/L2 joint meeting (Dec. 1 starting at 2 PM through Dec. 3), L2 Plenary (Dec. 4) Thanks -- Joan To: JULIA@UNICODE.ORG