Arnold having surfaced from his scads of e-mail, I was able to talk to him on Friday. He buys into the changes. He accepted that he and I and the Recording Secretary will have to find time before the end of the meeting to put together lists of the motions and the action items generated by the meeting for closing review. (Since he and I normally meet on the morning after a meeting to do the first pass on this, it's just a time-shift.) He liked the "before the meeting ends" sign-off very much, having once been on a committee where this was SOP, with photocopies of all motions given to attendees to take home. Arnold suggested that the mover of a motion be required to submit it (including any modifications) in writing to the Recording Secretary. Arnold though that Tex was a good candidate, and suggested Ed Hart as another candidate or alternate. SHARE will continue to send Ed to meetings. [Thank Arnold for this -- he jawboned a SHARE decision-maker.] I have since spoken with Tex. He was very willing, but on a trial basis (to see what it really entails). He has no problem with being funded to attend meetings. The impediments are: his current workload (two product rollouts looming) and inability to attend meetings because of other travel. Tex will be coming to the December meeting, so we agreed that he would be Recording Secretary for that meeting. He will edit the minutes on the flight back, and then will turn them over to Arnold/me to complete if necessary, because the product rollouts take over his life once he's back. I will talk to Ed about serving as alternate. -- Joan * Modification to the UTC Procedures needed -- since they are now joint meetings, L2 member representatives also have the right to participate in discussions. (Downside risk is that companies will join L2 and drop Unicode membership, but maybe SHARE, as a membership organization, gets less from Unicode membership than companies do.)