>From whistler@zarasun.Metaphor.COM Fri Mar 15 20:45:39 1991 Return-Path: From: whistler@zarasun.Metaphor.COM (Ken Whistler) To: unicore@Sun.COM Subject: Decisions made at the UTC Meeting #45 I tried to send this out this morning, but a critical machine was down. Here it is tonight, instead: =================== In lieu of complete minutes for the UTC #45 meeting of February 28/March 1 (I'm still trying!), here is the list of significant decisions which came out of the meeting as the result of formal votes and/or consensus decisions. 1. Diacritic Base Character Use mix of SPACE and/or NON-BREAK SPACE, as appropriate for an implementation. 2. Issues wrt Precomposed Forms Straw vote taken on various options. Decision: Specify standard order for visual appearance, and provide a standard index for all precomposed characters. Unicode text to be specified as neutral vis-a-vis preferences for use of composition vs. pre-composed forms. Detailed issues taken off-line for resolution by subcommittee. 3. Arabic names Alias those instances where separate words (rather than variant transcriptions) are involved. Motion to replace the colloquial names with Classical Arabic names failed. 4. Khmer, Burmese, Mongolian, Sinhalese, Ethiopian Officially removed. Added to wishlist for 2.0. Blocks and introductions already prepared to be included in informative appendix. 5. Conformance clause Adopt Becker wording, but accept further modifications as technical decisions affect conformance. More citations in order to clarify conformance, and add examples of conformance. (Consensus; not voted on.) 6. Issues Log To be included in the Unicode 2.0 process as a work item. 7. Bidi Closure deferred to March 26/27 meeting. Open issues to be decided by subcommittee and reported for vote at that meeting. 8. Vietnamese Add "unambiguous" Vietnamese tone marks to enable composition of Vietnamese and avoid problem of ambiguous diacritic handling. Details to be taken offline for resolution. (Probably outcome: add 3 diacritics.) 9. CJK Adopt Toronto recommendations (to add ~90 characters to Han unification). Align Unihan and GB13000 repertoire (add ~500 characters), subject to time constraints. Adopt same ordering as GB13000, with division into levels, subject to time constraints. Adopt May 7 as checkpoint for second and third items; if not met go with the status quo for Unihan. (Consensus) Do second and third items on the basis that they will produce an agreement with China. If not go back to the status quo. Add 6 Korean character, 4 Chinese characters from IBM repertoire, subject to mapping verification by Lee and Joe. List CJK standards for which Unicode provides roundtrip integrity. Remand all other technical CJK issues to subcommittee for decision, subject to ratification at next UTC. Appoint liaison to CJK-JRG/JISCI. 10. Subcommittees Move all Hebrew, Arabic, BIDI issues to bidi subcommittee. Other issues offloaded to subcommittees: Indic issues: Whistler, chair (AGIPU) Symbols: Freytag, chair Hangul: Davis, chair SEBKM: McGowan, chair (Sinhala, etc.) CJK: Collins, chair 11. Zapf Dingbats Zapf ITC Dingbats, Series 100 to be added. Details remanded to Symbols subcommittee. 12. Thai Reverse the interpretation of the left side "matra" vowels and the 5 TIS vowels which had been added by the AGIPU decisions in December. 13. Hangul Duplicate some set of non-spacing jamos for composition. Details remanded to subcommittee for resolution. 14. Diacritic subcommittee notes To be included in the minutes. 15. 10646 merger "The UTC of Unicode, Inc. is in favor of merging Unicode and ISO DIS 10646 so that one global code can be achieved."