Action Items of UTC and L2 as of UTC # 74
Please review your action items and report items as 'done' to info@uincode.org. If appropriate attach a brief statement of the result.
UTC #71 and L2 #168 (December 5-6, 1996, San Diego, CA)
UTC # | L2 # | Who | Action | Status |
71-08 | 168-07 | Adams Jenkins | re UTC#70-A32: Prepare document for next UTC meeting (fonts for public use) | in progress |
71-13 | 168-13 | Jenkins | Be contact point for Prof. Lancaster in respect to his collection of 15000 characters. | no contact |
71-15 | Jenkins | Draft letter from Consortium (for Davis to sign) to IRG re getting fonts for Vertical Extension characters. | ||
71-25 | 168-25 | Glenn Adams | Create a "Working Paper" section on the Web site. Install "compression" document on web site and create a section for comments | withdrawn |
71-29 | 168-29 | Uma, Ken, Jenkins | Draft UTC process flow additions to Thygessen document. |
UTC #72 and L2 #169 (May 29-30, 1997, Cupertino, CA)
UTC# | L2# | Who | Action | Status |
169-01 |
Jenkins | Convey to Mr. Zhong the UTCs interest in practical implementations of ideographic composition ("proof of concept") | open | |
72-06 | Jenkins | Add a pointer to the WG2 submission form N 1215 to the Unicode Web site | open | |
169-07 | Jenkins | Add "earmarked for encoding on Plane 1" to Etruscan proposal and all other proposals where missing | on web, open | |
72-08 | Jenkins | Provide properties and block descriptions for all script proposals accepted by UTC. | in progress | |
169-09 | Jenkins | Provide updated proposals for all scripts accepted by the UTC and L2 for submission to WG2 | open | |
72-10 | Aliprand/ Greenfield | Add requirement for character properties and block descriptions as part of a script or character proposal to UTC procedures | in progress | |
169-11 | Davis | Prepare proposal for new character MIDDLE DOT for submission by US International Liaison | ||
72-17 | Davis & Mansour | Prepare proposal on productive Arabic encoding using letter shape and dot components | in progress | |
72-23 | Aliprand | Send e-mail from David Tribble requesting additional non-characters to "unicore" | open | |
72-26 | Davis | Re Apostrophe proposal: Call out special issue in character properties database via *. Add text on usage. Drop elision from 02BC | open | |
72-27 | Davis | Re Bidi proposal: Withdraw section L3. Query vendors | open | |
72-28 | Davis | Re Bidi proposal: Bring back proposal re resolution of tables/text issue | open | |
72-31 | Editorial | Identify multiple ranges of ideographic numbers | open | |
72-33 | Editorial | Re UTF-8: Work on clarification of text for August meeting | ||
72-36 | Edberg | Revise proposal on Transcoding hint characters for August meeting | open | |
72-37 | Edberg | Publish draft on Unicode Web site | open | |
72-38 | Davis, Jenkins | Make space/width changes to Last resort Font. Then make it available on Unicode Web site | open | |
169-40 | All | Provide feedback on Western musical notation proposal to Rick McGowan | ||
72-41 | McGowan | Submit revised proposal on Western musical notation for August meeting | deferred to December | |
72-43 | McGowan | In revision, address issue of 2-D layout and compare with electrotechnical symbols | open | |
169-44 | All | Provide feedback on Syriac proposal to Rick McGowan | ||
72-51 | Aliprand | E-mail description of roles in Unicode delegation and caucus | open | |
72-53 | Davis | Revise description of Working Group procedures. Publish on Unicode Web site | ||
72-54 | Davis | Talk to Jenkins about Web space | open | |
169-56 | Adams | Post Character-glyph model document on Unicode Web site | Ed | |
72-57 | All | Documents must be received two weeks before the meeting or the item will not be put on the agenda | closed, Nov 19 !! | |
72-58 | Aliprand/ Greenfield | Revise UTC procedures document to document this decision (2 week rules) | in progress | |
169-59 | Jenkins | Consider ballots and comments in the WWW page design. Web should also have a list of open ballots and their closing dates. |
UTC #73 and L2 #170 (August 4-6, 1997, Palo Alto, CA)
UTC # | L2 # | Who | Action | Status |
73-1 | Aliprand | Check with companies that have not participated in meetings to find out why | ||
73-2 | McGowan | Ask Bruce Paterson to review Western Music Symbols proposal | done | |
73-3 | Winkler | Copy action items for the editorial committee onto a separate list | done | |
73-4 | Aliprand/Winkler | Include numbered action items in the meeting minutes | done | |
73-5 | Aliprand | Include "Property Related Errata" as standing item on agenda | done | |
73-6 | Freytag | Put sample implementation of compression algorithm on Unicode Web site | Done on server | |
73-7 | Jenkins | Tell Peter Edberg that revised transcoding proposal is wanted for December meeting | Done (he could not do) | |
73-8 | Aliprand | Put transcoding proposal on agenda for December meeting | done | |
73-9 | Winkler | Arnold to investigate alternative dates for December meeting | moot (dates kept) | |
73-10 | Moore | Determine availability of rooms for other dates in December | moot | |
73-11 | McGowan/Jenkins | Reserve room for UTC/L2 meeting on February 25-27 | No result | |
73-12 | Winkler | Reserve room for UTC/L2 meeting on April 20-22 | done | |
73-13 | Aliprand | Send out revised meeting dates | done | |
73-14 | All | Send comments on keyboard symbols to Freytag | No input | |
73-15 | Greenfield | Add Julie Allen to Roster (Unicode Office section) | done | |
73-16 | All | Send detailed technical comments on Byzantine Greek Music proposal to "unicore" no later than December UTC meeting | ||
73-17 | Whistler and Edberg | Write a UTR on character set identification and structure | Open | |
73-18 | Whistler and others | Prepare Internet draft for Plane 14 proposal (minus source set tagging and generic tagging) | Ken done, Glenn in progress | |
73-19 | Adams | Draft proposal incorporating Cowans proposal on generic tagging plus three-way split described by Adams | Withdrawn | |
73-20 | Ksar | Send dates for revision of ISO/IEC 10646 to "unicore" | Included in #74 Minutes |
73-21 | Freytag | Prepare complete proposal for keycap cartouche and screen cartouche (to support composable keyboard symbols) | Asmus needs a font. Michel to provide. | |
73-22 | Freytag | Prepare written proposal on in-line annotation characters for December meeting. Include discussion of existing mechanisms to support ruby, warichu, etc. | Open | |
73-23 | Adams | Contribute description of use of Plane 14 tagging for in line annotation | Withdrawn | |
73-24 | All | Send comments on in-line annotation to Freytag. Use "Ruby paper" as subject. | ||
73-25 | Jenkins | Negotiate with Michael Everson re joint proposal for Gothic | Done | |
73-26 | Jenkins | Prepare revised proposal for Gothic based on result of negotiations | Done | |
73-27 | Jenkins | Prepare revised proposal for Etruscan | Done | |
73-28 | Jenkins | Prepare proposal for Athenian acrophonics | ||
73-29 | McGowan | Prepare revised proposal for Khmer, incorporating revised summary form, justification for "holes" in encoding, list of character properties | Withdrawn | |
73-30 | Adams | Advise McGowan re editorial changes for acceptance by WG2 | Withdrawn | |
73-31 | McGowan | In Khmer proposal, replace "14" by "XX | Withdrawn | |
73-32 | McGowan | Secure a copy of the font mentioned in the summary form for the Consortium and store it on the internal side of the Unicode FTP site | Withdrawn | |
73-33 | McGowan | In Khmer proposal, strip out annotations in names | Withdrawn | |
73-34 | Adams/McGowan | Create Khmer proposal (as close to pDAM text as possible) for submission to WG2 | Withdrawn | |
73-35 | McGowan (for Living Scripts WG) | Work with Everson to complete proposal for Thaana, with target to return it to UTC in December | ||
73-36 | McGowan | Contact Mr. Manaku for input on the Thaana proposal | Reassign to Eberton | |
73-37 | McGowan | Send C source code for last known working BiDi reference application to Lloyd Honomichl | Done | |
73-38 | Honomichl | Create Java applet as reference implementation of BiDi algorithm (to be made available on the Unicode Web site). Include errata from Unicode Web site. Target date: Sept. 1 | Done | |
73-39 | Bishop | Revise BiDi Property Change proposal, including "figure space" as common separator. Send to "unicore" list, and post on Web site (include Arabic text examples as GIFs in Web version) | Done | |
73-40 | Bishop | Schedule special meeting on BiDi. Post invitation on "unicore" list. Suggested date: just after IUC | Done | |
73-41 | Freytag | Publish Compression Algorithm as UTR | Done | |
73-42 | Jenkins and others | Prepare UTC version of Plane 1 roadmap | Done | |
73-43 | Jenkins | Invite Everson to participate in roadmap work | Done (Everson said yes) | |
73-44 | Jenkins | Provide infrastructure for Plane 1 roadmap work: Web space, e-mail discussion list | Done | |
73-45 | Jenkins | Post explicit instructions for uploading documents to Web site | Open | |
73-46 | All | Provide input on Banjeom character proposal (L2/97-149) to Adams before December meeting | Withdrawn No UTC opinion |
73-47 | Adams | Prepare recommendation on Banjeom character proposal for December meeting | Withdrawn No UTC opinion |
73-48 | Adams | Consult Lee Collins re Banjeom characters | Withdrawn No UTC opinion |
73-49 | Aliprand | Include Banjeom character proposal on agenda for December meeting | Withdrawn No UTC opinion |
73-50 | All | Send comments on two Latin characters [L2/97-164] to Adams | done | |
73-51 | Goldsmith | Register "UTF-16" as designation for the Unicode Standard, Version 2.0 | ||
73-52 | Goldsmith | Register "UNICODE UTF-16" as alias for "UTF-16" | ||
73-53 | Goldsmith | Register "UNICODE UTF-8" as alias for "UTF-8" | ||
73-54 | Goldsmith | Withdraw registration for
"UNICODE-1-1" Goldsmith wrote Dec. 4: The IANA Charset registration process is still in the Internet Draft stage. My understanding is that until it is finalized, the IAB would rather just register critical character sets like UTF-8. I have been waiting for the process to be finalized. If someone wants to take it up with the IETF about how critical UTF-16 or UTF-7 is, and they convince IANA to accept the registration, then I'll be happy to take care of the procedural aspects like writing up the registrations. Probably good people to contact for starters would be Ned Freed <ned.freed@innosoft.com> and Jon Postel <Postel@ISI.EDU>, the authors of the draft (draft-freed-charset-reg-04.txt). |
73-55 | Editorial | For Version 3.0, treat UTF-8 as true part of Unicode. Document UTF-16 on similar level | accepted | |
73-56 | Adams | Respond to Wolfs mail on SGML base set with proposal from Paterson re collection 300 | done | |
73-57 | Whistler | Ask Jenkins to allocate "UTC private" section of FTP site to support work on default ordering of Unicode characters | Done | |
73-58 | Whistler | Make work on default ordering available for UTC comment | Open | |
73-59 | Winkler | Invite Alain LaBonté to special meeting on default ordering to be held on afternoon of Friday, December 5 | Done | |
73-60 | Winkler | Talk to LaBonté to postpone next phase of 14561 in order to incorporate common understanding | Done, not successful | |
73-61 | Whistler | Provide work-to-date document to Winkler for WG20 meeting (November 16-20 in Cairo) | done | |
170-62 | Winkler/Aliprand | Add item to L2 agenda: to take US position to make output of UTC working group on default ordering as US contribution to WG20 | done | |
73-63 | Officers | Investigate establishing the Unicode Consortium as PAS | ||
170-64 | Winkler | On behalf of WG20, reply to letter from Unicode Consortium (dated January 22) re WG20 request to use Unicode properties. In particular, clarify mutual understanding of "verbatim" | ||
73-65 | Winkler | Send information about PAS application procedures to Freytag and Aliprand (for Unicode Officers) | done | |
73-66 | Aliprand | As UTC Chair, write to Chairs of SC2, SC18 and SC20 re Cultural Workshop. Mention Unicode Consortiums relationship/involvement with all groups; stress that we are representing large companies which are active implementers of standards from all the SCs. Express preference for British Columbia as site; SC2 as organizer. Copy to NCTIS | superseded by events | |
170-67 | Winkler/Aliprand | Include discussion of recommendation for comparable letter from L2 Chair on agenda of L2 meeting (L2 is TAG for two of the SCs, and worked with SC18 on the character-glyph model) | superseded by events | |
73-68 | Adams | Send copy of document on characters and character sets to Umamaheswaran | Done | |
73-69 | Umamaheswaran | Gather information on characters and character sets to formulate response | withdrawn | |
73-70 | Aliprand | Include formulation of UTC positions for IRG December meeting on agenda for December meeting | done | |
73-71 | All Corporate Member representatives | Seek suitable candidates for Board election in December | done | |
73-72 | Bishop | Prepare complete proposal for Burmese for December meeting | Open | |
73-73 | McGowan | Send all information on Burmese to Bishop | Open | |
73-74 | Whistler | Notify IETF participants in Plane 14 ad hoc meeting about outcome of this meeting; send them revised Plane 14 proposal. | Done | |
73-75 | Adams | Make revised Plane 14 proposal into Internet Draft, with UTC and IETF representatives as co-authors. Arrange with Chris Newman for reformatting | In progress | |
73-76 | Adams | Make revised Plane 14 proposal into joint Unicode/IETF proposal to WG2 | See preceding | |
170-77 | Aliprand/Winkler | Review SC2 resolutions and include them on the December L2 meeting agenda (see M07.28 as an example). | Not done |
UTC #74 and L2 #171 (December 3-5, 1997, Mountain View, CA)
UTC # | L2 # | Who | Action | Status |
74-1 | Aliprand | Place L2/97-262 on Agenda for Next Meeting | ||
74-2 | Aliprand | Send Mark Davis L2/97-167. | ||
74-3 | Suignard | Send font for Cartouche symbols to Freytag (to allow him to complete AI #73-21) | ||
Jenkins | Add acceptance of cartouche characters to Unicode Web site | |||
74-4 | Aliprand/ Winkler | At February meeting, verify availability of quorum for April meeting. | ||
74-5 | Editorial Committee | Re decomposition: revise text & tables, as necessary to make it clear that canonical equivalence means true equivalence | ||
74-6 | Whistler | Fix BNF error in Plane 14 language tagging proposal. | ||
Whistler | Make in Plane 14 language tagging proposal into Unicode Technical Report #7. | |||
74-7 | Whistler | Send UTR #7 to Mike Ksar for distribution with the December WG2 mailing, with cover memo "For consideration by WG2". | ||
74-8 | Suignard | Prepare a draft CD based on UTR #7 for WG2 discussion. | ||
74-9 | Suignard | Prepare application to SC2 for NP subdivision, to allow Plane 14 use in ISO/IEC 10646. | ||
74-10 | Moore | Draft Unicode Technical Report #8 (Version 2.1) using L2/97-253 as a basis | ||
74-11 | Aliprand/ Winkler |
Put UTR #8 on agenda for February UTC/L2 joint meeting. | ||
74-12 | Jenkins | Revise entry for U+02DF, MODIFIER LETTER MIDDLE DOT, to show that it has been removed | ||
74-13 | Moore | Revise properties for U+00B7, to add use as extender (in addition to punctuation), | ||
74-14 | Moore | Distribute revised properties for U+00B7 by e-mail to "unicore" | ||
74-15 | Kobayashi/ Hiura |
Do revision of Variant Tagging proposal. | ||
74-16 | McGowan | Work with Perry Roland on revision of Western
Music Symbols proposal a)Incorporate changes requested as
condition of acceptance (BiDi aspects, etc.), |
74-17 | Jenkins | Add acceptance of characters proposed by Music Library Association to Unicode Web site | ||
74-18 | Suignard | Prepare request to WG2 to refrain from encoding the two characters in CJK Vertical Extension-A that are already encoded in the R-zone (as CJK compatibility characters) | ||
74-19 | Suignard | Prepare request to WG2 to clarify the text of ISO/IEC 10646 to indicate that R-zone characters have equal status with all other characters. | ||
74-20 | Suignard | Prepare request to WG2 that the two CJK characters in the R-zone that are also in CJK Vertical Extension-A be documented using the same format as for URO characters | ||
74-21 | Unicode Editorial Committee | Document the two CJK compatibility that are also in CJK Vertical Extension-A using the same format as for URO characters | ||
74-22 | Davis | Publish BiDi property changes as shown in Table 1 of L2/97-248R on the Unicode Web site | ||
74-23 | Bishop | Coordinate change in lead for Khmer and Burmese with Adams. | ||
74-24 | McGowan | Add Khmer list people to Unicore DL as needed | ||
74-25 | McGowan | Send latest copies of proposal for Khmer to Bishop | ||
74-26 | McGowan | Send latest copies of proposal for Burmese to Bishop | Done by Jenkins (Collins proposal posted) | |
74-27 | Bishop | Request management approval to work on Khmer and Burmese. | ||
74-28 | Jenkins | Obtain glyphs for IBM characters in CJK compatibility block from | ||
74-29 | Suignard | Prepare proposal to WG2 for the addition of the mirrored characters in L2/97-250 to 10646. | ||
74-30 | Davis | Prepare corrigenda to BIDI algorithm based on L2/97-257. | ||
74-31 | Bishop | Prepare introductory text of UTR #9 (BiDi Reference Algorithm) and template by January 31, 1998. | ||
74-32 | Freytag | Assist Bishop in preparation of UTR #9 (BiDi Reference Algorithm) | ||
74-33 | Bishop Freytag | Send UTR #9 draft to Winkler for distribution by January 31, 1998. | ||
74-34 | Aliprand/ Winkler |
Put UTR #9 on agenda for February UTC/L2 joint meeting. | ||
168- | To be assigned | Write contribution to SC22 recommending that the APIs in FCD 14651 be made a separate work item | ||
74-35 | UTC Members | When L2 does this, contract national body members to solicit support for the recommendation that the APIs in FCD 14651 be made a separate work item. | ||
74-36 | Davis | Send numeric version of keys for 14651 based on earlier CD to LaBonté. | ||
74-37 | LaBonté | Provide update with FCD changes to Whistler. | ||
74-38 | Umamaheswaran | Check with Austin-IBM to see if they can generate set of numeric keys. | ||
74-39 | Davis | Draw up, with Whistler and LaBonté: 1) new draft of algorithm that takes into account Canonical equivalence. 2) Look into conformance implications and draft additional text, if necessary. By January 31, 1998 for review at Feb UTC. |
74-40 | Aliprand/ Winkler |
Put revision of international sorting algorithm on agenda for February UTC/L2 joint meeting. | ||
74-41 | Whistler | Look at miscellaneous symbols to do first cut re their sorting | ||
74-42 | Jenkins | Talk with Mr. Zhong regarding Hiuras status as an observer at the IRG meeting 10 | ||
74-43 | Aliprand | Notify Hiura of UTC decision re observer status. | Done |
Februray 16, 1998 version