UTC # 76/L2 #173-- Action items - April 1998
NOTE: updated April 29, 1998
Action Items
Following are the Action Items from the UTC #76/L2 #173 April 20-22 meetings in Pennsylvania, please review your action items and report status of items to info@uincode.org. If appropriate, attach a brief statement of the status results.
UTC #76 and L2 #1723 (April 20-22, 1998 Tredyffin,Pennsylvania)
L2 #
Aliprand/Winkler Put these topics on agenda of July UTC/L2 joint meeting.
- TC 46 mapping project
- revision draft of Formal criteria on disunification
- revision of Formal criteria for coding precomposed characters
- revision of Support for implementing interlinear annotations (draft UTR)
- C1 use
- revision of Newline Guidelines (draft UTR)
- revision of Line breaking properties (draft UTR)
- proposal on math symbols
- revision of East Asian width property (draft UTR)
- revised UTC procedures
- proposal on variant tagging
- variation marks for Mongolian and general extension
- presentation on glyphs and font issues (Carroll)
L2 representatives: Provide feedback to Barry by May 5 at latest on potentially problematic mappings for non-alphabetic characters in these standards:
- ISO 5426-2: Extension of the Latin alphabet ... Part 2: Latin characters used in minor languages and obsolete typography;
- ISO 10585: Armenian alphabet ...
- ISO 10754: Extension of the Cyrillic alphabet ... for non-Slavic languages
Aliprand Put Anthony Brickell in touch with Bruce Paterson. 173-4
Barry Obtain LC copy of the CHASE report on mapping of UNIMARC character sets to Unicode/ISO 10646. 173-5
Barry Give Arnold Winkler the name of the Iranian representative on TC 46/SC 4/WG 1 so he can ask her for feedback on FCD 14651 in relation to sorting for Farsi (Persian). 76-6
Freytag Update L2/98-152 Formal criteria on disunification, assign new L2 number, post on the Unicode Web site and notify Umamaheswaran when done. 76-7
Umamaheswaran Work with Freytag to prepare revision draft of L2/98-152, Formal criteria on disunification for July UTC meeting, including expansion of text re costs. 76-8
Freytag Arrange with Mike Ksar to post soft-copy of L2/98-097 Formal criteria for coding precomposed characters on the Unicode Web site. If soft-copy is not available, scan L2/98-097. Notify Umamaheswaran when soft-copy is available. 76-9
Umamaheswaran Work with Freytag to prepare revision draft of L2/98-097, Formal criteria for coding precomposed characters for July UTC meeting, including rewording of first negative point. 76-10
Freytag Test disunification of combining characters using umlaut/diaeresis as a test case. 76-11
Sargent Send examples of coded math text and the renderings of the text to Freytag. Renderings to be supplied as GIFs. 76-12
Freytag Revise document L2/98-099 Support for implementing interlinear annotations on the basis of input received at this meeting. Publish it as a draft Unicode Technical Report on the Unicode Web site. Solicit public comment. 76-13
Davis Edit paragraph T6 of the updated text of the BiDi algorithm as recommended in document L2/98-149.. 76-14
Sargent Provide text on how CR/LF is used in DOS/Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX to Mark Davis for Newline Guidelines (draft UTR) 76-15
Umamaheswaran Work with Mark Davis to add EBCDIC use of NL to Newline Guidelines (draft UTR) 76-16
Umamaheswaran Provide comments on different practices in applications on the same platform with respect to CR/LF to Mark Davis for Newline Guidelines (draft UTR) 76-17
Davis Revise Newline Guidelines incorporating feedback from Umamaheswaran, Sargent and any other post-meeting comments for July UTC meeting 76-18
Whistler Work with Everson and Bauhan to facilitate acquisition of necessary Unicode information about Burmese script. 76-19
Suignard Use image of ideographic variation mark from GBK font when preparing US comments on the coming PDAM for the ideographic variation mark. 76-20
Whistler Compile property assignments for the characters accepted at this meeting. 173-21
McGowan Supply True Type font for Western musical symbols to Suignard (for use in 10646 editorial work). 173-22
Whistler Cross-check Runes in AMD 19 against FPDAM version. 76-23
Suignard Supply write-up on use of NBSP in HTML to Freytag for revision of Line breaking properties (draft UTR) 76-24
All members Provide additional feedback on document L2/98-151 Line breaking properties to Freytag. To be used in next revision, must reach Freytag before May 8, 76-25
Freytag Revise document L2/98-151 Line breaking properties incorporating comments from this meeting and any others received later to create a draft Unicode Technical Report. Post on Web site for public review. 76-26
Sargent & Carroll Work with submitters of L2/98-093 with the target of submitting a proposal on math symbols at the July UTC. 76-27
Freytag Revise document L2/98-155 East Asian width property incorporating comments from this meeting and any others received later to create a draft Unicode Technical Report. Post on Web site for public review, with the intent to Technical Report at the July UTC meeting 76-28
Aliprand Contact Jenkins about Action Items 72-08, 169-09. 76-29
Aliprand Distribute revised UTC procedures at July UTC meeting. 76-30
Aliprand Contact Goldsmith re IANA charset registration. 76-31
Editorial Review errata re Japanese quote characters. 76-32
Ksar Consider UTC request that enclosing triangle proposal be on agenda for WG2 meeting in September. 76-33
Oesterle Add WG3 and possible special meeting of SC2 to September 1988 calendar. 76-34
Aliprand Send soft-copy of Paul Nelsons Syriac properties file to Whistler and Umamaheswaran. 76-35
Editorial Review Syriac shaping proposal. 76-36
Sargent (lead) Prepare discussion paper on architectural alternatives to designate variations, laying out pros and cons. Consider previous related proposals (variant tagging; transcoding). To be available at least 2 weeks (preferably 1 month) before July UTC. Co-authors: Hiura, Umamaheswaran, Carroll. 76-37
Winkler Send L2 reference number for August 1997 proposal on variant characters from Sun & Justsystem to "unicore" 76-38
Carroll Prepare overview of glyphs and font issues for presentation at July UTC meeting. 76-39
Hiura Provide information on bounding of Han, and when it will be publishable. 76-40
Ng Contact John Jenkins before IRG meeting to find out what he needs re CJK fonts 76-41
Ng Coordinate with alternate representatives (Hiura, Kung) to ensure that the delegation expresses a consistent position. 76-42
Ng Prepare report on IRG meeting #11 highlighting items of significance to the Unicode Consortium 76-43
Winkler Send Hart an updated list of L2 members for revision of the X3L2 distribution list 76-44
All Send ideas about UTC/L2 section of Unicode Web site to Freytag 76-45
Sargent Investigate whether Microsoft corporate rate will be available to UTC/L2 attendees in July 76-46
Sargent Send hotel recommendations for July meeting to Julia Oesterle 173-47
Winkler Check with SC2 re requirements for a formal response to request for comments on a working draft.