Recommendations of the UTC #77 /L2 #174 ad hoc joint meeting Redmond, WA - July 29-31, 1998
December 22, 1998
UTC support for Language Tagging in Plain Text
[#77-M1] Motion: The UTC is still in full support of Language Tagging in Plain Text, and are glad to see that the IETF is taking it onto the standards track.
11 for;  0 against;  3 abstentions (Compaq, NCR, Oracle)
Motion approved.

UnicodeData updates
[#77-M2] Motion: To approve document L2/98-250 with the changes identified during UTC discussion.
11 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions (Compaq, Oracle)
Motion approved.

Title case mapping
[#77-M3] Motion: That the UTC formally decide that the UnicodeData file shall not allow an uppercase value to be present without a titlecase value, and vice versa.  The UTC accepts the titlecase values for the six Greek symbols in document L2/98-263 and for the lunate sigma, with the titlecase values the same as the uppercase values for these characters.  In future, there must always be a title case value when an uppercase value is present.
11 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions (Compaq, Oracle)
Motion approved.

Additional mathematical characters
[#77-M4] Motion: The UTC opposes addition of these 6 characters because they are already present in the Unicode Standard and ISO/IEC 10646.  The UTC does not have sufficient evidence to support disunification, and it has not received a clear requirement to create compatibiltiy characters on the basis of transcoding.
9 for, 0 against, 4 abstentions (Compaq, Justsystem, Oracle, Sun)
Motion approved.

Tibetan extensions
[#77-M5] Motion: The UTC provisionally accepts the repertoire of new characters, code positions and names in document L2/98-218 as well as the glyph changes.
11 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions (Compaq, Oracle)
Motion approved.

[#77-M6] Motion: The UTC provisionally accepts the character repertoire, ordering and suggested names for Mongolian script in document L2/98-088, with the modifications outlined in document L2/98-268R.  The preferred location for the free variant selector characters is to be determined in the discussion on variant tagging later in the meeting.
9 for, 0 against, 4 abstentions (Compaq, Justsystem, Oracle, Sun)
Motion approved.

Variant tagging
[#77-M7] Motion: The UTC accepts, in principle, reservation of the first 4K code positions of Plane 14 to be earmarked for format tag characters.  This will be part of Version 3.0 of the Unicode Standard.  This action of the UTC is to be communicated to WG2 as an initial request for the roadmap.  The UTC will describe the expected behavior of this reserved block later.
10 for; 1 against, 2 abstentions (Compaq, Oracle)
Motion approved.

[#77-M8] Motion: The UTC agrees, in principle, reserve 512 values in this 4K area.  Specific ranges of 256 starting at U+E0400 are to be reserved for future allocation.  Of these, the first 256 positions are to be for glyph variant tag characters, and the second 256 positions are to be for user-defined glyph variant tag characters.
8 for, 1 against, 4 abstentions (Compaq, HP, NCR, Oracle)
Motion approved.

BiDi Algorithm: Paragraph T6
[#77-M9] Motion: To reverse the striking of paragraph T6.
11 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions (Compaq, Oracle)
Motion approved by 2/3 vote (required to override previous UTC decision to strike paragraph T6)

EBCDIC Friendly UTF-8
[#77-M10] Motion: The UTC adopts proposal L2/98-257 with the name changed to "UTF-8-EBCDIC."  It is  to be published on the Web as a Unicode Technical Report (using the next available number) for public comment.  The UTC has the expectation that UTF-8-EBCDIC will be incorporated into Version 3.0 of the Unicode Standard.  Dr. Umamaheswaran is instructed to take document L2/98-257 forward to WG2 as a joint L2/Unicode contribution, for information at this time.
Unanimous  (including 2 proxies per their instructions)

Approval of the Minutes
[#77-M11] Motion: To approve the Minutes of the UTC #76/L2 #173 joint meeting as amended.
6 for; 0 against, 5 abstentions (Apple, Compaq, HP, NCR, Oracle)
Motion approved.

Unicode Normalization
[#77-M12] Motion: To progress document L2/98-279 to Draft Unicode Technical Report incorporating the editorial changes recommended by the UTC.  The Draft UTR is to specify  a database based upon Version 2.1.  Work with WC3, to specify when they need this.   Plan a UTC meeting in September and convene or cancel this based on W3C needs.
10 for, 1 against, 2 abstentions (RLG, Compaq)

Corrected from 2 sources, December 22, 1998

Towards a model of character encoding
[#77-M13] Motion: To take document L2/98-269 as a basis and ask Ken Whistler, with the assistance of the Editorial Committee, to produce a final version.  To forward the final version to SC2 as a joint L2/Unicode contribution, and to also make it into a draft Unicode Technical Report to be posted for public comment.
11 for; 0 against; 2 abstentions (Compaq, Oracle)
Motion approved.

UTF-16 (including use of BOM)
[#77-M14] Motion: The UTC recommends the use of the term "UTF-16BE" for all instances of serialized UTF-16 data in big endian form, and use of the term "UTF-16LE" for all instances of serialized UTF-16 data in little endian form.  The term "UTF-16" is not to be used to refer to serialized byte forms.  The UTC will actively promote use of these terms by other agencies.
10 for; 1 against; 2 abstentions (Compaq, Oracle)
Motion approved by 2/3 vote (required to override previous UTC decision to register "UTF-16").

[#77-M15] Motion: The UTC explicitly does not take away the presently existing UTC definition of BOM.
Motion approved by consensus.

[#77-M16] Motion: The UTC recommends that the term "UTF-16" should not be used when referring to a byte-serialized form with a specific byte order.  The terms "UTF-16BE" or "UTF-16LE" should be used instead.
9 for; 1 against; 3 abstentions (Compaq, NCR, Oracle)
Motion approved