Subject: Mongolian: april 30 from China (L2/98-251)
Mongolian experts,
Below is feedback from China on WG2 N 1734 (Ken Whistler) with regard to
Chinese proposal on Mongolian WG2 N 1711 which was submitted at the recent WG2
meeting in Seattle. The document was submitted by Professor Choijinzhab on
behalf of China.
Please forward your feedback, with a copy to me, to Professor
Choijinzhab. I do
not have any problem in distributing any of the documents on Mongolian to
other experts that you are aware of but I kindly ask you to provide me with
their email.
Mike Ksar
SC2/WG2 Convener
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Subject: Mongolian
Author: Non-HP-qj (qj@nmg2.imu.edu.cn) at HP-PaloAlto,mimegw3
Date: 4/29/98 7:49 PM
International Organization for Standardization
Organizition Internationale de Normalisation
Title: Reply to "Proposal WG2 N1734" Raised at the
Seattle Meeting Regarding "Proposal WG 2 N1711"
Source: China
Date: April 30, 1998
Distribution: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2
At the WG2 meeting in Seattle in March, 1998, Mr. Ken Whistler made some comments and suggestions (N1734) concerning our Mongolian Encoding Proposal N1711. Later we had a special meeting in Hohhot, at which Mr. Whistler's proposal was discussed in detail. We would have submitted this reply of ours to WG2 after we re ached common understanding with Standardization Department of Mongolia, if bad communications had not kept us from receiving any feedback from them though we h ad informed them of our views on April 14. Our reply is as follows:
Mr. Whistler suggested to use NO-BREAK SPACE instead of MONGOLIAN SPACE and requested us to further justify why both MONGOLIAN SPACE and NO-BREAK SPACE are adopted. In the Mongolian Encoding System, there is need for a unique space called MONGOLIAN SPACE which differs both in form and function from common SPACE (U+0 020) and NO-BREAK SPACE. (U+00A0). Such a space has the following distinctive features:
As for NO-BREAK SPACE, it remains to be used in the encoding of Mongolian word in its original function. Thus, NO-BREAK SPACE indicates how a word is formed, i.e., how several morphemes of a word are separated by it. For example, the Mongolian word ARADCILAL (Democracy) consists of four morphemes ARA-D-CILA-L, which is written as ARA(NBS)D(NBS)CILA(NBS)L in the word formation column in a computer's dictionary or in the language data. The form and function of NO-BREAK SPACE used in such cases differ from those of MONGOLIAN SPACE:
In view of the above, our opinion is to preserve the MONGOLIAN SPACE ( ) as described N1711, a space which is different both from SPACE(U+0020) and NO-BR EAK SPACE(U+00A0). Reason for preserving it is that in Mongolian language, SPACE (U+0020) and NO-BREAK SPACE(U+00A0) and MONGOLIAN SPACE have their respective uses. For example, DARUG A NAR UN YARIY A (speeches of the leading officers) is to be stored as (SP)DARU(NBSP)G(MNJ)A(MSP)NAR(MSP)UN(SP)YARI(NBSP)Y(MNJ)A(SP).
We agree to Mr. Whistler's opinion, i. e., to include this symbol into U+2047 as a separate script. Such treatment is in accordance with 10646 as it is now.
U+203C has already a DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK (!!) in 10646 which is exactly the same in nature as MONGOLIAN COMBINATORY SYMBOL.
In the Mongolian encoding system, the POSITIONAL FORMAT CONTROL CHARACTER should be used in the following three cases:
Based on a comparison between the six designs of CONTROL CHARACTERS N1510,N15 15,N1638, N1691,N1711 and N1734 as well as their uses, we are inclined to hold t he following views:
In Proposal N1691, we have considered to use two FREE VARIANT SELECTOR CHARACTERS. The reason why we were inclined to give MONGOLIAN NIRUGU certain function of a CONTROL CHARACTER (i.e., to show one of the four medium forms of MLM.I with MONGOLIAN NIRUGU) and technically treat a few characters (e.g., to treat two of the four medium forms of the ML.QA as final forms) was altogether to remove the FREE VARIANT SELECTOR 3 which is so rarely used. However, in so doing, we gave MONGOLIAN NIRUGU a double function; technically treated certain characters in a way not in line with regular habits for Mongolian writing; such being the case, we began to prefer preserving FREE VARIANT SELECTOR 3. Statistics show that FRE E VARIANT SELECTOR 3 ought to be used for the medium form of ML.QA, medium form of ML.GA, medium form of MLM.I, medium form of MLM.KA and final form of MLA.A. T hat is why we preserved all three FREE VARIANT SELECTORS in Proposal N1711.
In view of the concrete condition of Mongolian texts, our conclusion is as follows:
Mr. Whistler says that technically a sequence like ML.NA+MVS+ML.A can be shown by means of the sequence ML.NA+NON-JOINER+ML.A+FVS2, to which we agree, for it is feasible to make the latter sequence function as a VOWEL SEPARATOR. Then a question arises: in his proposal to use ZERO WIDTH JOINER and ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER as POSITION CHARACTERS in Mongolian texts, Mr. Whistler says that "-iFf-" can be represented by "-bBNJJb-", we may then ask, if "-mFf-" should be represented by "-bBNJJb-"? If so, it seems that the sequence ML.NA+MVS+ML.A can also be represented by ML.NA+NJ+J+ML.A+FVS1. In such case, will the use of NON-JOINER become a use which is not unified ? No matter how NON-JOINER is treated, its use here involves one or two more characters than if we design a special character. Moreover, in normal writings, this MONGOLIAN VOWEL SELECTOR has a high frequency of appearance, thus, statistics show that it appears 12339 times, or 12.34%, in a text of 100,000 words. But where NON-JOINER is used, at least are required two diacritical marks, NON-JOINER and FVS2, which will naturally result in recording and storing twice as many DIACRITICAL MARKS. One DIACRITICAL MARK will suffice if we use the specially designed VOWEL SELECTOR.
This is a problem to be taken into proper consideration in dealing with DIACRITI CAL MARKS that appear so frequently in normal writings. In order to lessen recording and storing work, we insist that this special character be preserved. What is more, such treatment will also facilitate Mongolian-Latin transliteration, be cause in Mongolian studies we usually use a lower dash to represent such a sequence, e.g., N_A.
In view of the above, our opinion is:
In a Mongolian Todo text, this is the regular hyphen used at the beginning of the next line when a word is syllabicated with a few of its syllables removed there. For example, the word AYIMAGCILAL can be syllabicated like this:
"***** ********* ****** AYIMAG -CILAL ****** ****** *** ******"
Seeing the above, our opinion is: