UTC #78 & NCITS Subgroup L2 #175 joint meeting
San Jose, CA -- December 1-3, 1998
Hosted by Novell, Inc.
This meeting will begin at 2 PM on Tuesday, December 1, and will continue until 5 PM on Thursday, December 3.
It will be preceded by the Annual Members' Meeting of the Unicode Consortium
(10:30 am - 1 pm). This meeting is for
representatives of Full Members and Unicode Officers only.
The L2 Plenary meeting will be held on Friday, December 4.
A. Administrative Issues
1. UTC membership roll call
a. Call for proxies
b. Roll call
2. Declaration of joint meeting
3. Registration of new documents
4. Approval of joint meeting agenda
Latest version of this document
5. Minutes and action items
a. Approval of minutes of Joint Meeting UTC #77 &
L2 #174 [L2/98-281]
b. Review of action items [L2/SD2]
6. Review of meeting calendar
Calendar posted at www.unicode.org/unicode/timesens/calendar.html
Note: IRG #12 will be held Dec. 7-11, 1998
B. Agenda Topics of Highest Priority
1. Consent docket for WG2 Actions from Meeting #35 (September 1998) [L2/98-389]
2. Prioritization of Scripts (McGowan)
3. Proposed Draft UTR #9: The Bidirectional Algorithm Reference Implementation
4. Draft UTR #11: East Asian Character Width (Freytag)
5. Draft UTR #13: Unicode Newline Guidelines (Davis)
6. Draft UTR #14: Line Breaking Properties (Freytag)
7. Proposed Draft UTR #16: UTF-8-EBCDIC (Umamaheswaran)
8. Criteria for Encoding Symbols (Freytag)
9. Unicode 3.0 Technical Issues
a. Allowing UCS-4 to be Unicode-conformant (Davis)
10. Defect report re FFFE and FFFF on planes other than BMP (Davis)
C. Agenda Topics of Highest Priority
1. Draft UTR #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm (Davis)
2. Draft UTR #15: Unicode Normalization Forms (Davis)
3. Proposed Draft UTR #18: Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines (Davis)
4. Errata to Unicode 2.0 and 2.1 (Standing Item) (Whistler)
5. Special Casing Properties (Davis)
email with subject: SpecialCasing
file, for UTC discussion
6. Remaining topics from Section B
D. Agenda Topics of Highest Priority
1. Math (Sargent)
2. Remaining topics from Section C
E. Medium Priority
1. Arabic script proposal (Davis & Mansour) [L2/98-274]
2. German penny symbol (Duensser/Whistler) [L2/98-309]
4. Reserving unassigned characters for 'invisibles' (Davis)
5. Terminal emulation control pictures (da Cruz) [L2/98-353 through 355]
6. Philippine Scripts (McGowan/Everson) [L2/98-397]
F. Closing
1. Review of recommendations to L2 and UTC motions
2. Review of action items from this meeting
3. UTC position on current ballots (Winkler)
4. Closing of joint meeting