DATE: 1998-12-01
Expert contribution |
Proposal to encode additional mathematical and technical symbols in ISO/IEC 10646 |
Barbara Beeton and Patrick Ion |
Proposal |
-- |
Worldwide |
Paper |
32 |
A. Administrative
1. Title |
Proposal to encode additional mathematical and technical symbols in ISO/IEC 10646 |
2. Requester's name |
Barbara Beeton and Patrick Ion |
3. Requester type |
Expert request. |
4. Submission date |
1998-12-01 |
5. Requester’s reference |
Scientific and Technical Information Exchange (STIX) |
6a. Completion |
Feedback from the Unicode Technical Committee is expected to require some adjustments. |
6b. More information to be provided? |
If requested |
B. Technical -- General
1a. New script? Name? |
No. |
1b. Addition of characters to existing block? Name? |
No. |
2. Number of characters |
575 + 157 |
3. Proposed category |
? |
4. Proposed level of implementation and rationale |
Level 3, because of need for combining mechanisms and math variant tags. |
5a. Character names included in proposal? |
Yes for most characters |
5b. Character names in accordance with guidelines? |
Yes. |
5c. Character shapes reviewable? |
Yes. |
6a. Who will provide computerized font? |
To be determined (might be Microsoft) |
6b. Font currently available? |
Not a complete font |
6c. Font format? |
Type 1 (unless from Microsoft, in which case, TrueType) |
7a. Are references (to other character sets, dictionaries, descriptive texts, etc.) provided? |
Yes. |
7b. Are published examples (such as samples from newspapers, magazines, or other sources) of use of proposed characters attached? |
Not attached, but available. |
8. Does the proposal address other aspects of character data processing? |
No |
C. Technical -- Justification
1. Contact with the user community? |
Yes. Patrick Ion and Barbara Beeton. |
2. Information on the user community? |
Professional mathematicians, physicists, astronomers, engineers, and other scientific and technical researchers. |
3a. The context of use for the proposed characters? |
Used in publication of research mathematics and other hard sciences. |
3b. Reference |
4a. Proposed characters in current use? |
Yes. |
4b. Where? |
Worldwide, by scientific and technical publishers. |
5a. Characters should be encoded entirely in BMP? |
Yes. |
5b. Rationale |
Accurate publication of mathematical and scientific research on the Web is impossible without a comprehensive and accurate collection of symbols in common use. Allocation in the BMP is in accordance with the Roadmap. |
6. Should characters be kept in a continuous range? |
Not required |
7a. Can the characters be considered a presentation form of an existing character or character sequence? |
No. This is not a natural language, and small differences in symbol shapes or styles are often critical to convey accurate meaning of the mathematical concepts being written about. |
7b. Where? |
7c. Reference |
8a. Can any of the characters be considered to be similar (in appearance or function) to an existing character? |
Possibly, if a sufficient mechanism is provided to make the necessary distinctions between apparently similar symbols which have different meanings defined in the context where used. |
8b. Where? |
8c. Reference |
9a. Combining characters or use of composite sequences included? |
No; it will be proposed in a separate document. |
9b. List of composite sequences and their corresponding glyph images provided? |
Sequences are not included, but glyph images of components are included. |
10. Characters with any special properties such as control function, etc. included? |
No. |
D. SC2/WG2 Administrative
To be completed by SC2/WG2 |
1. Relevant SC 2/WG 2 document numbers: |
2. Status (list of meeting number and corresponding action or disposition) |
3. Additional contact to user communities, liaison organizations etc. |
4. Assigned category and assigned priority/time frame |
Other Comments |