SC22/WG20 N637
Title: WG20 liaison report
Date: 1999-01-13
Source: WG15 liaison to WG20, Keld Simonsen
Action: for information
This is an update on what is going on in WG20 - internationalization, of relevance to WG15. Please refer to the WG20 web page, for further information.1. The TR "Framework for Internationalization" is still in the process of being published as a TR by ITTF. This is essentially building on the C and POSIX models on i18n.
2. The TR "Guidelines for the design of programming languages" is in the process of being published by ITTF. An amendment to this TR correcting the list of alfabetic and digit characters of IS 10646 is being proposed in SC22.
3. The standard on international string ordering and comparison, 14651 is out for 2nd FCD ballot ending 1999-04-08. It uses enhanced locale syntax.
4. The standard on cultural data specification, 14652 is out for 2nd FCD ballot ending 1998-94-26. This specifies enhanced locale and charmap formats, and a standard locale covering IS 10646.
5. A second draft has been prepared on the new project 15435 on i18n APIs, which gives access to the information encoded with IS 14652.
6. A registry standard that includes POSIX locales and charmaps, plus repertoiremaps to be used therewith, has been approved as an international standard, ISO/IEC 15897 - "Registration procedures for cultural conventions". It also includes narrative descriptions of locales, and a specific section for POSIX national profiles. This is the result of a fasttrack on CEN ENV 12005:1996.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG15 E____
Title: WG14 liaison report
Date: 1999-01-13
Source: WG15 liaison to WG14, Keld Simonsen
Action: for information
The C programming language group is revising the C standard, IS 9899. The new revision has been out for FCD ballot in SC22 N2794, and disposition of comments (in N2872) will be prepared in February 1998. One part of this is alignment with POSIX especially in the area of internationalization. There is also another liaison statement in e1328 from WG14 to WG15 recommending that use in POSIX work of the C standard should be done in the way of a normative reference, not by ad verbatim copying of the text of the C standard.