NCITS L2/99-099
NCITS/L2 and Unicode Technical Committee - UTC
Document distribution on paper
March 10, 1999
You have been receiving distribution of paper documents from NCITS/L2 and the Unicode Technical Committee UTC.
In accordance with the policies of ISO/IEC JTC 1 and NCITS and following common practice, L2 and UTC have created a web site that contains most of the L2/UTC documents. As discussed in the last meeting, L2/UTC is discontinuing paper distribution to all those who can obtain the documents in electronic form. The URL for L2/UTC documents is: mailing is the last mailing of paper documents unless you have a requirement for paper copies of L2/UTC documents. In such case we request that you confirm this need NOT LATER THAN MAY 7, 1999 to one of the addresses below:
Methods of returning your request for paper distribution:
1. Return this letter to
2. Send E-mail to
Arnold.Winkler@unisys.com3. Fax this letter to
+1-610-695-5473Failure to respond by May 7, 1999 will result in the removal of your name from the paper document distribution list.
We hope that you will support our efforts, and the policies of ISO/IEC JTC 1, for less expensive and environmentally cleaner distribution of L2/UTC documents in electronic form through our web site.
Arnold F. Winkler
(L2 chair, UTC vice chair)